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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 549 What Battle Witches Can Do
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Chapter 549 What Battle Witches Can Do

?[The girl's POV]

[Before they all were sent back to the domain]

Hemera cast her healing magic over the fallen wood elf and lion girl. The wounds started to heal and close, which caused the bleeding to stop.

The sun elf thought to herself. 'I hope they are okay. I can only do so much and need someone who knows better healing spells.'

Nefertiti and Hecate joined in by giving the sun elf their mana, which allowed her to cast the spell.

As they were tending to the two girls, Teuila shouted to everyone. ''Enemies incoming! Get ready to fight.''

Hemera told Nefertiti and Hecate to help hold off the creatures, which they agreed to. The two rushed over to Teuila and Talila, who were ready to fight.

The house and protective enchantment lie in a mess and wouldn't offer them any protection to the incoming onslaught.

Sera and Nefertiti got ready as the humanoid creatures charged toward them. Talila started letting arrows loose that flew into the horde.

The mixed elf hit headshots, causing many of the humanoids to drop to the ground, only to get trampled by the others who were still charging.

When the others saw this, Teuila started casting Deep Sea Blasts, annihilating the creatures by tearing them apart.

Sera grinned as she transformed into her dragon form and charged at the creatures. She tore through their ranks using her claws, tail, and teeth.

She used her tail like a whip without thought, sending the humanoids flying into the distance.

As Sera did this, she internally thought. 'Now I can let go and kill these things without getting held back.'

Once the dragon girl did this, she saw several large creatures resembling mutated trolls approaching her.

With a deep breath, she fired a stream of bright red fire. The burning hot flames splashed over the mutated trolls, causing them to turn to ash.

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The redhead kept attacking the creatures. As Nefertiti saw this, she grinned before casting Arcane Storm.

She stood tall, her pink eyes blazed with arcane power. As the horde of creatures approached, she raised her arms to the sky, gathering energy from the ethereal realms. Googlᴇ search ɴoᴠel ꜰɪre.nᴇt

Dark storm clouds swirled above, crackling with raw power. Purple lightning arced across the sky, heralding the impending onslaught.

With a commanding gesture, she released the pent-up energy. A torrent of arcane storm erupted, raining down bolts of purple lightning upon the approaching creatures.

The air crackled with magical intensity as the bolts struck their targets, causing explosions of dark energy that tore through the horde.

The creatures, caught in the arcane maelstrom, convulsed as the relentless lightning surged through them. Limbs were torn asunder, and eerie, otherworldly cries filled the air.

Nefertiti's control over the storm was perfect, each bolt finding its mark with deadly precision.

Meanwhile, Hecate, standing beside Nefertiti, chanted incantations under her breath. The glow of the moon above intensified as she drew upon its power.

She launched Moon Blasts at the remaining creatures, and each blast a radiant burst of lunar energy.

The combined assault of Nefertiti's storm and Hecate's moon explosions caused widespread devastation and ripped through the Swarms ranks.

It turned the battlefield into a chaotic dance of arcane magic that tore through the relentless horde.

As the last echoes of the arcane storm faded away and the final moonlit blast subsided, the immediate threat had been quelled.

Nefertiti, her form still radiating residual arcane energy, surveyed the battlefield. Smoke and ashes lingered where the creatures once stood.

Hecate, standing beside her, nodded in acknowledgment of their successful defense. Teuila, Talila, and Sera approached, having dealt with their share of enemies.

Teuila clapped Nefertiti on the back, a grin spreading across her face. "That storm of yours is a real game-changer. Remind me never to get on your bad side."

The pink-haired girl giggled before giving them a smirk, but a wave of roars was heard just as they relaxed.

Everyone looked at the town, overrun by wolf beasts rushing at them. They saw the townspeople getting torn apart and dragged off while kicking and screaming into the dark.

Sera quickly jumped in front of the group and let out a roar before a stream of violet fire shot out of her mouth and washed over the beasts.

Her dragon fire didn't stop the horde as the beasts rushed toward Sera and lunged at her, but the redhead reacted and bit the wolf in half.

However, the onslaught of beasts became overwhelming, and Sera found it challenging to sustain her defense. Without hesitation, the other girls quickly came to her aid.

Teuila leaped onto the dragon girl's back, slashing at the wolves swiftly and precisely, sending them tumbling through the air.

Meanwhile, Talila positioned herself at the rear, skillfully shooting arrows into the approaching horde, causing explosive chaos upon impact.

Yet, their help came too late, for the wolves intensified their assault. Suddenly, a cascade of pink flames engulfed the surroundings, forming an impenetrable barrier against the horde.

As this extraordinary display unfolded, a mighty impact shook the ground close to them, sending the beasts flying.

Intrigued, the girls turned their attention to the source, only to be greeted by a burst of laughter that echoed through the air.

All eyes rose to witness the arrival of a woman with flowing blonde hair adorned with beautiful, smooth brown skin and captivating violet eyes that radiated an otherworldly glow.

The mana around her came alive as she spoke in an exotic accent. ''Cousins, wipe them out and show them what Battle Witches can do.''

During the chaos, the witches sprang into action, each unleashing her unique brand of magic power.

Valencia, the close combat witch, became a whirlwind of destruction. With swift, calculated movements, she stormed into the heart of the wolf horde.

Her limbs crackled with witch magic, delivering punches and kicks with unparalleled precision.

Wolves were sent flying, and the impact sound drowned out their howls. Meanwhile, Scarlett, the mischievous witch, reveled in her chaotic craft.

With a maniacal cackle, she summoned a legion of pink elementals that materialized out of nowhere in vibrant colors.

These ethereal creatures danced through the battlefield, leaving trails of magical fire in their wake.

The wolves, surrounded by the inferno, succumbed to the searing heat, their fur igniting as they whimpered and fell.

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Above the battle, Amaryllis hovered like a specter. Her eyes locked onto the person who was behind this attack.

She descended into the midst of the battle, her presence commanding attention. In a sudden twist, she vanished from sight, leaving the leader bewildered.

Before he could react, she materialized right in front of the Terravian. Her voice dripped with calmness and menace as she uttered, "You targeted my dragon. Now die."

Amaryllis cast a powerful hex with a flick of her wrist, and a surge of dark energy surged into a lethal force.

The leader succumbed to the relentless force of the spell, collapsing to the ground instantly. Each witch, immersed in her distinctive combat style, operated in perfect harmony.

The once tumultuous battlefield now bore the mark of their arcane mastery asthe pink elementals continued their dance of destruction.

Valencia weaved through the chaos, and Amaryllis asserted her dominance with a single, fatal incantation.

The remaining wolves scattered their ranks broken as the witches stood resolute against the remains of the once- threatening horde.

When the wolf horde vanished, calm settled over the battlefield. The air was thick with the lingering scent of charred fur and the aftermath of spells.

Everyone was catching their breath and exchanging glances of relief. However, the tranquility was abruptly shattered as the ground beneath them began to tremble.

The collective gaze of the group turned towards the source of the disturbance, revealing a menacing sight – mutated troll-like beasts charging toward them.

Valencia, the close combat witch, couldn't contain her amusement. With a hearty laugh, she surged forward, her movements a blur of calculated grace.

The first mutated troll came into her sights, its twisted features contorted in a snarl. Closing the gap with incredible speed, she jumped into the air, her fist charged with magic.

Valencia's laughter resonated as she delivered a powerful punch, connecting with the troll's face. The force of the blow sent shockwaves through the creature's form.

The airborne troll crashed into the others. This created a domino effect of chaos as they collided and stumbled over one another.

Meanwhile, Scarlett, the mischievous witch, reveled in the opportunity to showcase her magical prowess.

With a flick of her wrist and a mischievous grin, she conjured a large pink dragon made of vibrant energy.

It roared to life, ethereal scales gleaming with mana. Scarlett directed the creature with playful gestures, and it surged forward, rushing over the approaching trolls.

The trolls, caught in the radiant embrace of the pink dragon, roared in agony as the magical energy seared through their mutated forms.

The dragon left a trail of enchanting sparkles in its wake, engulfing the trolls in a dazzling display of magical power.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]