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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 547 Surface Dweller
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Chapter 547 Surface Dweller

?Archer, Nala, and Llyniel were relaxing inside the tent, which was small outside but felt like a small apartment inside. He found it in one of the royal treasuries and decided to keep it.

While he was relaxing, Llyniel was cooking. The lioness was working out, and Archer was watching her, thinking, 'So dedicated to her training.'

He turned to the window that gave him a view of the outside and saw the lake and jungle surrounding it.

Afterward, the wood elf brought a plate of meat and greens, which smelled delicious, and Archer started eating.

Nala stopped working out and wiped herself down before approaching the kitchen. She grabbed a plate of food before getting comfortable next to Archer.

Llyniel got herself some before sitting on the other side of him. After that, the three started eating, while the fire started soon after entering the tent.

The three enjoyed the elf's food and complimented her, which caused her to smile before going red.

When the two saw this, they laughed but found it adorable. After Archer finished eating, he grabbed Llyniel by the waist and pulled her closer.

Archer was about to kiss the little elf, but a sudden dread washed over him. His eyes widened in shock, causing him to grab both girls and throw them across the tent.

Nala and Llyniel were caught off guard, but a spear ripped through the fabric and slammed into Archer's chest.

His scales managed to soften the blow, but it still hurt, and he was sent crashing through the forest and crashed into a group of boulders.

While this was happening, the two girls jumped up in shock and looked around to spot their attacker.

They spotted two people standing there. Nala narrowed her eyes and growled, causing Llyniel to look in the stranger's direction. It was a man and a woman. The source of this ᴄontent ɪs N(o)vᴇl(ꜰ)ire.nᴇt

The girls noticed that the couple's skin had a profound tint of dark grey, and their creepy black eyes were like a black hole.

Although they bore a resemblance to elves, a distinct otherness set them apart. Their hair was pitch black and tied into a ponytail.

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They had normal humanoid hands until a shadow washed over them, replacing them with bone-chilling claws.

But that's when four talon-like appendages appeared from their backs. They looked like spider legs tipped with sharp barbs.

Llyniel, sensitive to the flow of mana, sensed the energy emanating from them, but it was unlike anything she had encountered.

It carried an unsettling, heavy, and stifling darkness, yet the two seemed to embody it with a disturbing naturalness.

The wood elf thought to herself in horror. 'They are evil. Their mana radiates dark energy. Was it this race that took down the ancient elf empires?'

The two looked at the girls with malicious smiles before the man spoke. ''Look at what we have here, my wife. A demi-human and elf from above. They are strong, and the lion has the boy's mana running through her, strengthening her entire body.''

''Yes, husband. I can use the elf to turn her into a Nightstalker commander with the amount of mana she processes.'' The woman spoke coyly as she held her husband's arm.

When the two girls heard them talk, they were shocked, which showed on their faces and caused the couple to laugh.

Nala sized up to the two and realized they couldn't fight them. They had to wait for Archer's return to escape to the domain.

The woman stepped forward with a malicious gleam as she explained how they knew the Surface Dwellers language. ''We captured some human and elf traders. The commander promised to set them free if they taught us their language, and when they did, they were killed. Used in my husband's games.''

Nala's ears twitched, and her tail stood straight as she took out her sword and cast enhancement on herself.

'We can't win. They are too strong, but hopefully we can escape.' Nala thought to herself.

She was Master Rank and would put up a fight as Llyniel covered her. Nala turned to the elf and spoke in a concerned voice. ''Cover me. We need to hold on until Archer returns.''

Just after speaking, an earth-shattering roar was heard, which alarmed the couple. The husband turned to his wife and said. ''The boy's coming. I'll deal with him. You capture your subjects.''

The woman nodded before the husband vanished. Nala saw her black eyes turn to them, which made the two step back.

She didn't wait and shot forward with such speed that it caught the woman off guard before the lioness's sword swung at her neck.

When the mysterious woman saw this, she smiled before grabbing the blade with her claws, which shocked Nala.

She quickly counterattacked and punched the lioness in the stomach. The lion girl flew off the ground, but Llyniel quickly caught her and gently dropped her.

The wood elf quickly healed Nala, who rushed forward again but tried to attack the woman from another direction.

Llyniel started firing Earth Blasts at the enemy. Thanks to being in a jungle, her spells were powerful, and her spider leg talons quickly blocked the spells.

But that's when Nala appeared behind her. She lunged forward and went to stab the woman, but her arachnid-like appendages batted away the sword.

Nala was taken by surprise, but it was too late to dodge as a talent stabbed into her shoulder, causing the lion girl to scream out.

When Llyniel saw this, she panicked and started casting even stronger nature spells, but the woman blocked them easily.

The elf was surprised as the woman vanished, still holding a screaming Nala, and appeared behind her.

Llyniel turned around and raised her right arm, but the woman smiled, and her mouth morphed into one like a shark.

Nala screamed out even though she was in pain. ''Llyn! Watch out!''

But her warning came too late, as the woman bit into her arm, which caused Llyniel's eyes to widen in shock.

The woman quickly shook her head and ripped the girl's arm off with savage intensity. The elf screamed in pain but raised her left hand and cast her best spell. ''Wildfire.''

A wild and powerful fire burst from her hand, washing over the woman, who flinched in pain but quickly slapped the spell away.

When she did that, the woman kicked Llyniel in the chest, which sent the girl flying and crashing through trees and bushes.

Nala managed to free herself and took out her spare sword. She started to attack the unknown woman, who was now angry.

She dodged the lioness's attack and grabbed her by the face. The woman slammed Nala into the ground with a loud crash.

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But she didn't stop there as she sliced off Nala's right arm, which caused the girl to bite her lips in pain.

The woman threw the lioness off to the side as she felt another spell flying at her, but she batted it away with ease and turned her attention to the source.

Llyniel was barely standing as she was covered in blood, but her brown eyes glowed fiery as she cast spells.

All sorts of nature spells flew at the woman, who was getting annoyed but vanished from where she stood.

The woman reappeared behind Llyniel and slapped her so hard Nala heard it. The surprise attack sent the elf flying and crashing near the lioness.

Nala looked around and noticed the sound of a fierce battle not far from them that lit up the jungle.

Every beast nearby fled deeper into the trees, escaping the fights and their destructive aftermath.

When Nala looked at Llyniel, she was unconscious and badly injured. Blood was pouring out of the stump, and she was covered in cuts and bruises.

The lioness caught the sinister undertones in the woman's chuckle and turned toward the evil figure looming nearby.

Nala locked eyes with her tormentor, prompting the woman to cease her advance and speak with a chilling confidence.

The woman spoke with a grin. "You witness, little Surface Dweller, the fate that awaits you. Your essence will fuel our experiments until your very spirit shatters, leaving you a hollow shell of your former self. Once that transformation is complete, I shall turn you into a plaything for our expriements, birthing lion-like monstrosities that will serve as instruments of terror in our war on the surface."

After speaking, the woman continued walking forward, but her words caused panic to shoot through Nala, who jumped up with the last bit of her strength.

Nala took out her last sword and rushed forward, but the woman chuckled. She dodged every attack and used her claws to slice off her left arm, which dropped to the ground with a thud.

Then, with a swift kick, the woman sent Nala flying, but not before slicing off her left leg, causing the lioness to scream in pain.

She wanted to torture her for fun and was enjoying the one-

sided fight.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]