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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 537 I Will Make Love To Him
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Chapter 537 I Will Make Love To Him

?Teuila snapped back in embarrassment when she heard the dragon girl comment. "Shut up, Sera. Why are you bringing up such lewd stuff in a place like this? We're walking through a creepy forest, and you want to talk about sex!"

The dragon girl giggled before revealing her plan. ''Well, when we finally meet with sweetheart, I will make love to him.''

Upon hearing her friend's comment, Teuila sighed, yet a spark was kindled in her mind, leading her to want to make love to him.

She shook her head and concentrated on their surroundings, but hours passed. A weird light appeared above them, which spooked them.

Upon realizing it replicated sunlight, a sense of relief washed over them. They pressed on for another day, only to find the light vanished again.

This time, they found themselves outside an abandoned town, a familiar scene they were used to.

Undeterred, they entered. As they strolled through the silent streets, Sera suddenly halted, causing Teuila to inquire, "What's up? Do you sense something?"

Sera nodded, her eyes scanning their surroundings, and she picked up two familiar scents that brought satisfaction.

She turned to the ocean princess and revealed. "Two of the girls are here, but for some reason, they are at the edge of town."

Teuila smiled before they continued their walk through the town. The fading fake sunlight cast long shadows over the streets.

As darkness slowly overtook the town, a creepy hush settled, and the girls began to hear faint whispers around them.

The unsettling sound of claws hitting wood pierced the silence, sending shivers down their spines.

Teuila's grip on her sword tightened, and Sera's eyes scanned the surroundings, her senses on high alert and claws ready.

Whispers seemed to follow them, and when either one tried to focus on them, they faded only to appear elsewhere.

Teuila glanced at Sera, who was looking around, sniffing the air, and recoiled. ''Ewww, that smells nasty, just like a goblin nest.''

The once silent ghost town now buzzed with unseen whispers. Moving through the winding streets, the two followed the dim light filtering from the buildings.

As they reached the outskirts, the whispers grew more distinct, forming unintelligible words that hung in the air.

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Teuila heard claws persistently echoing, intertwined with occasional rustlings in the shadows.

An unshakable tension enveloped them as a sudden dread intensified upon sighting their foreboding destination.

That's when they saw a solitary house on the edge of town surrounded by darkness, but a faint light held it at bay.

Sera watched this and was about to enter the open area, but Teuila stopped and told her to be quiet.

They saw someone rushing toward the house but didn't knock on the door and did something to the ground for a few minutes.

After completing its task, the figure swiftly returned to town. Then, the two witnessed a horrifying scene: humanoid creatures leaped off the roofs and charged toward the house.

Teuila spoke with concern, "They are attacking the house. We have to stop them."

Sera nodded, took a deep breath, and unleashed an earth-shaking roar that shook the town's foundations.

Her powerful roar brought the attacking creatures to an abrupt halt.

[Nefertiti & Hecate's POV]

The two girls lounged in the living room, having just awakened from a nap. Kelia busied herself brewing tea and chatting with them.

However, intending to get a good night's sleep, Kelia eventually excused herself and left the duo to their own devices.

Seated comfortably, Hecate turned towards Nefertiti and inquired, "How was your time at the academy in Zenia?"

"It's alright. They offer some intriguing courses, although I'm familiar with most of them. That's why I chose to come to the College of Magic," Nefertiti responded, briefly lifting her eyes from her book before diving back into its pages. Thɪs chapter is updated by ɴovelꜰɪre.ɴet

Hecate started reading again and used her moon magic to scan the outside. She didn't feel any of the creatures.

But that's when she got a weird feeling but couldn't figure it out until her magic picked up something outside.

She stood up and approached the nearest window to look out. When she did that, she saw rows and rows of red eyes appearing in the town.

Hecate spoke neutrally, but it caught the succubus off guard. ''They will attack tonight. For some reason, they are gathering in the town.''

The pink-haired girl got distracted and put the book down to join Hecate at the window.?They stared out the window at the eerie sight of rows of red eyes in the town below.

Nefertiti joined her and asked with concern in her voice. "What's going on, Hecate? Why are there so many red eyes?"

Hecate nodded, her expression thoughtful as she answered. "Something feels different tonight. I can't put my finger on it."

"Different? How so?"

The elf explained as she kept her eyes on the creatures. "It's hard to explain. My moon magic usually helps me sense their presence clearly, but tonight, there's an extra layer of something. It's almost as if... they're not just mindless creatures."

Nefertiti furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

''It feels like there's a powerful being controlling them somehow, but that's just a theory. '' Hecate answered.

The two girls continued to watch the creatures, but something caught their eyes when they saw a figure running toward the town.

When Nefertiti saw this, she got a bad feeling, and it came true as the creatures rushed toward the house.

Hecate panicked before speaking. ''The enchantment was broken. They are starting their attack.''

The two girls got ready to fight when Kelia rushed into the room with a look of fear. ''Our protection has been cut off. They are coming!''

Just as the first wave of creatures closed in on the house, a thunderous roar echoed. It was so powerful that it shook the entire house, causing the creatures to halt.

The ground beneath them trembled from the sheer force of the sound. Hecate and Nefertiti exchanged relieved smiles, recognizing the distinct roar.

However, the succubus quickly clarified, "It's not Archer. That's Sera."

As the echoes of the roar faded away, the ominous whispers outside were replaced by a momentary silence.

The creatures, now hesitant and disoriented, seemed uncertain about their next move. But the two girls smiled as they rushed outside.

Despite Kelia's attempts to intervene, Hecate's intimidating red eyes halted her resistance.

As they stepped outside, a formidable horde of creatures loomed before them. With a mischievous grin, Nefertiti began conjuring her arcane magic.

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A massive serpent, forged from beautiful purple flames, materialized at her command, and she set it on a course to engage the creatures.

The fiery serpent surged forward, colliding with the bewildered monsters. Hecate, captivated by the spectacle, started casting her spell.

She closed her eyes momentarily and reopened them to reveal an intense pitch-black gaze that freaked Nefertiti out when she saw them.

At Hecate's command, the mysterious entities charged into the fray. The shadows surged forward like a dark tide, resembling Archer's Dragon-kin warriors.

They collided with the creature's frontlines, and a fierce battle ensued. The black humanoids fought against the shadowy onslaught, creating a chaotic and intense confrontation.

While this was happening, Kelia ran up to them and spoke in a panic. ''The stronger ones will arrive soon. We must repair the enchantment and get your friends in the house.''

Hecate nodded before replying after firing a Moon Blast at a group of creatures who tried to sneak up on them.

Suddenly, a large explosion was heard, causing the three to turn around and see a blast of water that annihilated any creatures it touched like a bomb.

Nefertiti looked at Sera, approaching them in her dragon form, while Teuila fired spells off her back that hit the horde.

As the red dragon drew near, they saw Teuila leap off its back, descending gracefully toward the horde.

During her descent, Teuila began casting a spell, her hands emanating a vibrant blue glow.

With precision, she pointed at the creatures below. The trio on the ground saw a torrent of water cascading with such force that they felt it from where they were.

It cut through the creatures like a knife through butter and wiped out most of them, leaving Sera to clear the rest by stomping on them.

Nefertiti stared in awe at the unfolding scene as the powerful spell worked its magic against the enemy.

Teuila, approaching the ground, cast a spell to ensure a safe landing. Shortly after, Sera, not far behind, transformed back into her human form as she descended.

The redhead landed with a thug and a big smile on her face. She sprinted toward the two girls and lunged at them.

She hugged Nefertiti, which caught her off guard, but quickly pushed the dragon girl off her with a small smile.

This didn't deter Sera, as she had done the same to Hecate; this time, the elf reciprocatedthe hug with one of her own.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]