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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 533 Too Much Mana
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Chapter 533 Too Much Mana

?[Hemera & Talila's POV]

The two elves sprinted across the battlefield and soon found another tunnel they ran down while the creepy creatures chased after them.

Hemera turned around and started casting one of the new spells she had learned while studying in Archer's library. ''Sunfire Birds.''

Talila saw bright orange birds suddenly appear around Hemera and shoot off toward the creatures rushing down the tunnel.

'They are beautiful.' The mixed elf thought to herself as she watched her aunt's spell.

When they connected with the creatures, it caused explosions that shook the tunnel, which gave the two women time to get further ahead of the beasts.

Hemera started sprinting, followed by Talila, who had her bow ready but only now realized she wouldn't need it.

The two ran for an hour until they came to a fairly decent-sized chamber, and when they stopped, Talila turned around and aimed her bow back the way they came.

She fired dozens of mana arrows into the tunnel they had just exited, causing it to collapse and block the creature's path.

After they let out a sigh of relief and surveyed the chamber, finding only one other tunnel, they proceeded to walk down it.

As they did that, the darkness took over, but both could see thanks to being elves. Talila turned to the sun elf and inquired, 'Auntie, do you believe we'll encounter Archer soon?'

Hemera nodded with a sweet smile as she answered. ''Of course. It shouldn't be long now.''

But when she did that, she thought, 'I hope it's not too long now.'

Just as Talila was about to start talking again, she was interrupted by a scuttling noise interrupted them.

The two women stopped walking as it got closer. Straining their ears, Hemera heard something whooshing toward them.

Reacting swiftly, she pushed Talila to the side as a webbing shot between them. The sudden attack stunned both women.

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They stood frozen as the source of the scuttling noise became obvious as large spiders, their eight legs skittering menacingly toward them.

Without hesitation, Hemera cast her Sunfire Bird spell againl, and bright orange sun beasts shot toward the approaching arachnids.

Explosions from the impact echoed in the tunnel. Talila swiftly drew her bow and began firing a barrage of mana arrows into the oncoming spiders.

Each arrow, powered by her mana, found its mark, halting the advance of the monstrous creatures.

The chamber filled with the sounds of spells colliding with chitinous exoskeletons and the echoes of mana arrows piercing the air.

The combined efforts of Hemera's Sunfire Birds and Talila's marksmanship created a temporary barrier, holding the spiders at bay.

However, the resilience of the spiders became evident as they regrouped and continued their relentless approach.

They were prepared for the next wave of the eerie spiders. As the large beasts advanced, Hemera's frustration reached a boiling point.

A surge of anger coursed through her, igniting a fiery determination within. Talila, standing beside her, witnessed a remarkable transformation in her aunt.

Her yellow eyes, usually warm and kind, blazed with an intense, radiant fury. A luminous glow emanated from her eyes, casting an ethereal light around her.

The air crackled with the manifestation of her potent emotions. Hemera looked at Talila and warned her. ''Stay behind me, girl.''

The mixed elf nodded as she stepped back, and Hemera looked at the incoming beasts before casting her best spell. ''Solstice's fury.'' ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ɴoᴠel ꜰɪre.nᴇt

A blinding burst of radiant energy erupted from her fingertips, forming a radiant sphere of sunlight.

The power of a thousand suns concentrated into a single point, casting away the shadows and enveloping the tunnel in the bright light.

Hemera held the miniature sun surged forth, hurtling toward the oncoming spiders. The light unveiled every detail of their chitinous bodies upon impact with the beasts.

The sudden eruption of daylight blinded the spiders. They hissed and recoiled from the searing brilliance.

Solstice's Fury washed over them like wildfire. Once shrouded in darkness, the tunnel was now lit up like daytime.

The spiders, exposed to the full force of Hemera's attack, hissed and writhed in pain as their exoskeletons sizzled and crackled under the solar assault.

Talila shielded her eyes from the intense light, marveling at the incredible power unleashed by her aunt. She knew Hemera was powerful but had never seen her full strength.

The chamber echoed with the otherworldly sounds of the beasts screeching and the crackling of the flames devouring them alive, causing their bodies to drop to the ground.

As the wave subsided, some spiders lay in smoldering heaps, their once-menacing forms reduced to ashes.

Now devoid of the beasts, the tunnel returned to a semblance of calm, though still bathed in the lingering glow of Hemera's unleashed fury.

Hemera drained from the exertion and stumbled backward, her yellow eyes gradually returning to their usual warm glow.

The brilliance of the tunnel dimmed, leaving behind an aftermath of destruction that her spell unleashed.

Talila approached her aunt with a mixture of awe and concern. "That... that was incredible, Auntie. Are you alright?"

Hemera nodded, showing her tiredness. "I'll be okay, Talila. But we have to keep going. Archer is waiting."

They moved ahead, leaving behind the bright tunnel and the leftover spider corpses. The two women walked down the tunnel, their steps echoing in the dark passageway.

As they pressed on, the air grew cooler, and a veil of mist wrapped around them, imparting an eerie quality to their surroundings.

The twisted trees are like ghostly tendrils. A shiver ran down Talila's spine, and she instinctively readied her bow, senses on high alert.

Hemera scanned the surroundings with keen, elven eyes but found nothing amiss. The mist played tricks on the shadows, creating illusions that danced at the edge of perception.

Despite the lack of a tangible threat, an unsettling feeling settled over them, a whisper of ancient secrets lingering in the air.

Talila's fingers tightened around her bowstring as the two elves ventured deeper into the mist-laden forest, where the unknown awaited them.

The jungle canopy above them rustled with unseen movements as Hemera and Talila cautiously treaded through the thick foliage.

Heavy jungle air and distant sounds of unseen creatures created an eerie atmosphere.

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Suddenly, without warning, Talila's instincts kicked in. Her senses detected a subtle disturbance, and in a swift motion, she drew her bow.

Before Hemera could react, a flurry of mana arrows soared into the dense canopy, and the two heard thumps as the arrows connected with an unseen foe.

Each arrow found its mark precisely, piercing the heads of creepy black-skinned humanoids lurking among the branches.

When the arrows struck, small explosions erupted, causing them to tumble down. Hemera and Talila exchanged a glance.

They studied the creature and noticed that it had sharp claws. Hemera got closer and saw sharp teeth which was covered in fresh blood.

She wondered where they came from but didn't think about it for long before returning to their journey. The two were on edge as they continued through the dense forest.

After that, neither of them sensed anything else. As they walked, Hemera stumbled, prompting Talila to glance at her with concern. "Are you okay?"

The sun elf nodded. "I'm just tired, Tali. I used up too much mana and need to rest."

Talila smiled and gently placed her arm around Hemera's waist to lend support as they continued through the forest.

A dark veil shrouded the forest. However, the darkness didn't hinder Hemera and Talila, as they could see like it was daytime.

After a while, they stumbled upon a hidden cave concealed beneath the roots of a massive tree that stood on the edge of a small clearing.

They approached the entrance, and Talila scanned the inside. She noticed it was empty and the perfect place to spend the night.

With a nod between them, they entered the cave, leaving the forest behind. Feeling a sense of urgency, Hemera quickly set traps around the cave entrance.

Twigs, leaves, and other things were strategically placed to alert them of any approaching danger.

Talila watched with curiosity, her eyes scanning the perimeter for potential threats. Once the traps were in place, Hemera and Talila settled inside the cave.

Hemera skillfully started a fire using dried leaves and twigs, illuminating the cave's interior with a warm glow.

The dancing flames cast shadows on the cave walls, creating a comforting atmosphere. Talila was nervous and kept looking around like something was watching them.

But Hemera told her she couldn't sense anything. The aunt and niece sat around the fire while getting to know each other even more.

Soon after that, the two elves were tired and settled down. Just as they began to sleep, the night was shattered by an unexpected disturbance.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]