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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 531 Mist
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Chapter 531 Mist

Mana swirled around Archer's hand as a violet light shone. When the Sovereign Mage saw this, it sped up and sprinted at him.

The girls managed to get further away as it arrived before him, grabbed his arm, and went to pull.

When Archer saw this, he panicked, but it was already too late as the Terravian ripped his left arm from the socket, causing him to let out a scream full of pain.

He felt the bones pop and skin rip with incredible force, leaving behind a stump as the blood rushed like a tsunami.

Archer looked at the humanoid with fuzzy eyes as the pain overwhelmed him, but he let out a stream of dragon fire that washed over it.

He cleared some space and used his right hand to cast the spell. When the Terravian realized what had happened, it quickly launched multiple creepy projectiles at him.

But Archer cast the spell dozens of times, striking his enemy and the tunnel walls as blood poured out of his stump.

Striking with force, it triggered a colossal explosion reverberating through the tunnel, shattering the silence with a thunderous roar.

In his severely injured state, Archer cast Azur Cannon, which shook the tunnel's very foundations.

Archer, Nala, and Llyniel were caught in the fiery storm. Their bodies were lifted off the ground and sent hurtling down the tunnel.

The force of the explosion propelled them forward, an unrelenting torrent of mana behind them.

Debris and rocks tumbled from the collapsing tunnel, adding to the chaos. The once-sturdy walls crumbled, creating a perilous cascade that threatened to bury everything in its path.

The Sovereign mage was caught at the center of the explosion and faced the full brunt of its power.

That's when the tunnel collapsed, sealing the Terravian within the rubble. Stones and dust filled the air, obscuring the once-menacing figure from sight.

Archer and the two girls were flying down the tunnel, but he managed to cast Cosmic Shield around the two girls.

He knew Zahara was safe as she was with Llyniel wrapped around her neck. They soon slowed down as he crashed into another wall.

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As he touched down on the ground, he glanced upward, only to find the shield hurtling toward him.

The impact was imminent, but he managed to raise his mangled arm in a useless attempt to block it.

When the shield hit him, it knocked Archer out as the girls were thrown all over the place and didn't notice they hit him.

They stopped, and the shield vanished, causing them to land on the ground with a thud. Nala looked up as she rubbed her head.

She noticed they were in another empty chamber without a pool of water. The lion girl looked for Llyniel and spotted her sitting up, rubbing her back.

Nala stood up and stretched as she looked around for Archer, but her eyes widened in panic when she spotted him.

lightsnοvεl He was lying motionless against the wall, covered in blood, with his head hung low. Her steps quickened, heart pounding in her ears as she reached his side.

The sight before her sent shivers down her spine. Archer lay there, seemingly lifeless, with six weird projectiles stuck in his battered body.

His right arm hung limply, and to her horror, the left one was missing. Blood and dirt coated his once pristine white scales.

Nala's eyes widened in shock, fear coursing through her veins as she witnessed the once mighty white dragon brought down because he protected them.

"No, no, no," she muttered, her voice a desperate plea as she knelt beside him.

The mana that once radiated from him seemed diminished, leaving a void of power and vulnerability.

Gulping back her rising panic, Nala took in the gravity of the situation. Her trembling hands hovered over him, hesitating before reaching for the strange projectiles lodged in his body.

Upon touching the projectiles, Llyniel's voice reached her from behind. "They are mana-canceling weapons designed to suppress mana for a specific duration of time."

Nala turned to the elf with narrowed eyes and asked. ''How do you know that?''

The wooid elf smiled as she responded. ''Well, I can sense them stopping Archer's mana from reacting. But it should stop soon so he can heal, but until then, we should secure the chamber.''

When the lion girl heard this, she nodded and asked as she stood up. ''Can you block those tunnels? We'll be done for if any more of those creatures appear.''

Llyniel walked over to the first tunnel and cast her earth magic to block the entrance using the same stone as the walls.

She did the same with the second and walked back over to Nala, crouching next to the unconscious Archer.

When she arrived in front of the two, Llyniel created a stone bed they could put him on. After doing that, she spoke to Nala. ''Put him on the bed. We need to get the mana poison out of him.''

The lion girl nodded before picking up the lifeless Archer and placing him on the bed. Once she did that, Llyniel grabbed the first Projectile and pulled it out.

Blood spurted out, but Llyniel pulled out the other five, causing Nala to grab Archer's hand.

After it was done, the wood elf wrapped some clothes around him to stop the bleeding.

Nala looked at her and asked with a curious voice. ''Can't he heal himself?''

Llyniel nodded. ''Yes, he can, but his mana isn't working, so his body shut down.''

The lion girl nodded and sat on the end of the bed as Llyniel tended to Archer.

[Teuila & Sera's POV]

Sera returned to her humanoid form and lunged at the ocean princess to hold on to her as the water rushed back in.

Teuila looked at her with a smile and spoke. ''Thank you for that, Sera. But next time, be more careful while underwater.''

The redhead nodded and clung to her back as Teuila swam out of the tunnel. When they exited, there were no beasts.

She pressed on through the water, scanning for an escape route. After a considerable swim, a glimmer of light caught their attention from high above.

Sera gently nudged Teuila and whispered, "Look above. There are lights."

The princess of the ocean halted her strokes and directed her gaze upward. Spell lights flickered in the distance, leaving her curious about the unfolding events.

She propelled them through the water, swimming towards the lights. However, as she drew closer, a sudden tremor resonated from above, sending ripples through the water.

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Her keen senses picked up the impending danger, and instinctively, she swerved to the side, narrowly evading the collapsing debris from the entrance above.

The once-clear path became a chaotic dance of falling rocks and rubble. Teuila navigated the cascading obstacles until they were safe.

They emerged unscathed, her eyes wide with relief as Teuila looked for another way to go, but soon a roar was heard. When hearing that, she darted away, seeking a different route.

Soon after, they encountered ghoul-like mermaids who ambushed them as they entered a passage that Sera had noticed.

Teuila sped through the water like a bullet. The eerie, ghoul-like creatures lurking in the depths attempted to intercept her.

With swift maneuvers, she expertly dodged the oncoming threats. She evaded the creatures with spins, twists, and sudden changes in direction.

As she navigated the treacherous path, a distant glimmer of light caught her attention. It beckoned her forward, a beacon of hope in the dark abyss.

Teuila, undeterred by the lurking dangers, accelerated towards it. Leaving the ghoul-like creatures trailing behind in her.

The blue-haired girl swam fast toward the light, slicing through the water effortlessly. She shot out of the water with a powerful burst.

She soared into the air before landing on the ground bordering a forest. A thick mist enveloped the trees, lending a creepy atmosphere to the surroundings.

The forest floor was covered in a carpet of moss, and ancient trees stood tall, their branches reaching toward the heavens.

Sera jumped off Teuila's back before stretching her arms and legs. The mist clung to the air, creating an almost surreal ambiance.

Teuila looked at the unfamiliar terrain. The trees seemed to whisper ancient secrets, and the distant calls of unseen creatures added to the creepy atmosphere.

The dragon girl looked around and commented. ''Well, at least it's better than being trapped underwater.''

When Teuila heard Sera, she giggled before speaking. ''We should get going and be careful in the forest.

They ventured deeper into the creepy forest, their surroundings cloaked in a thick mist that added an ethereal quality to the ancient trees towering above them.

While they walked, the light suddenly went out, causing Sera to yelp, but it didn't affect her much as she could still see.

But Teuila, on the other hand, was struggling to see, which caused the dragon girl to grab her hand to help her.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]