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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 526 Let's Keep Going
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Chapter 526 Let's Keep Going

[Nefertiti & Hecate's POV]

The two girls pressed on through the forest, surrounded by the ominous roars of unseen beasts.

Nefertiti took the lead, and after a while, she spotted a clearing in the distance. She turned to Hecate and suggested, "There's a clearing nearby. Let's check it out."

The moon elf nodded in agreement and trailed after the succubus. Upon entering the clearing, they found it devoid of life.

As they cautiously explored the clearing, a sudden rustle of leaves and a gentle breeze announced the arrival of an unexpected visitor.

Before they could react, a mysterious woman appeared from the forest, causing the two girls to jump.

The woman regarded them with a calm voice as she spoke. "Fear not, travelers. I mean you no harm.''

Despite the initial scare, Nefertiti and Hecate sensed no immediate danger. The woman continued, "I've been watching, and it's unsafe here. Monsters lurk in these woods. Follow me, and I'll guide you to safety."

Intrigued, the two girls exchanged glances before nodding in agreement and followed her as the woman didn't get any dangerous feelings from her.

The woman guided Nefertiti and Hecate through the dense forest, their footsteps echoing on the soft bed of fallen leaves.

As they ventured deeper, the trees gradually gave way to the sight of an old, weathered town emerging in the clearing.

The town seemed frozen, with ancient buildings as silent witnesses. Cobblestone streets lined with moss and ivy crisscrossed through the quaint settlement.

A sense of eerie nostalgia hung as if the town held untold stories and secrets. The woman, without pausing, continued to lead the way through the quiet streets.

The occasional creak of a rusty sign swinging in the wind and the distant howl of the forest created a haunting ambiance.

Nefertiti and Hecate exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the peculiar nature of their surroundings.

As the woman guided them deeper into the town, they soon entered a busier part of the settlement.

The old cobblestone streets widened, and they saw shacks built everywhere as the buildings looked run down.

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All the villagers stopped what they were doing and stared at the two girls, which caused the Nefertiti to comment. ''What are they looking at? Do they want to burn?

''Don't do that, Nefi. We need to get out of here to reunite with our husband. We can't afford to mess around.'' Hecate spoke.

The mysterious woman continued to lead them through the busy streets, her steps unwavering.

It was as if the townspeople were oblivious to the peculiar atmosphere but couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

As they passed the various stalls and shops, the noise faded, replaced by an unsettling quiet that hung like an invisible veil.

The townspeople's expressions remained fixed, their actions almost mechanical. Hecate whispered. "Do you feel that? Something's not right. They're going through the motions, but there's no real life here."

Nefertiti nodded in agreement, her senses heightened as they followed the enigmatic woman through the strangely busy yet lifeless town.

The mystery deepened with every step, leaving them on edge and questioning the world's authenticity.

She guided them toward a fire pit positioned beside a house near the town's outskirts, taking a seat herself and leaving Nefertiti and Hecate standing.

The woman directed her gaze at Hecate, curiosity evident in her eyes. "I know you're an elf, but what kind? I've never seen someone with grey skin like yours."

Hecate met the woman's inquisitive gaze but didn't respond. It was Nefertiti who answered. ''It doesn't matter what she is, but what is this place?''

After she spoke, the woman nodded. ''You're right, and this place is a lost town. We were once on the Avidia, but that was many years ago.''

''How did you end up here then? And why is everyone acting like everything is normal?'' Nefertiti asked while sitting next to Hecate, who was on guard.

The woman looked at her and answered honestly. ''They are broken. They pretend to live as normal as possible, trying to pretend what's happening is just a bad dream. That isn't important, but we must be inside when the light goes out.''

Nefertiti wore a perplexed expression, and Hecate's concern was evident, yet the woman pressed on. "The Swarm sent creatures here to hunt us, but the last mage created barriers around certain areas to repel them."

"Alright, where's the closest safe place?" Nefertiti inquired.

[Hemera & Talila's POV]

The two elves walked down the same tunnel but saw nothing apart from darkness. However, thanks to being elves, they had no issues with their sight.

Hemera suddenly felt a chill as they passed by an intersection. She stopped walking as she spoke. ''Tali. Do you feel that?

Talila looked around and shook her head before replying. ''I feel nothing, Auntie. It's just cold.''

''Okay. Let's keep going.'' Hemera spoke after not sensing anything.

They continued walking for a while before emerging into another large chamber, which was different.

It wasn't just a passageway but a battlefield frozen in time. The scene before them was haunting—a scene of a fierce conflict that had been abruptly halted.

Hemera turned to Talila, her expression mirroring the astonishment in the mixed elf's wide eyes.

The chamber was a frozen picture of a fierce struggle. Human and Elven warriors, clad in armor, were mixed in with deformed humanoids all over the battlefield.

Talila beheld a frozen tableau, a disturbing stillness permeating the scene as though time had been arrested at the height of the conflict.

Arrows were mid-flight, spells were frozen while cast, and the warrior's expressions conveyed determination and surprise.

The mixed elf whispered, her voice barely audible in the spectral silence, "What... what happened here?"

Hemera shook her head, unable to provide an answer. The warriors seemed trapped in a struggle, and the chamber held the weight of their unfinished battle.

The duo ventured cautiously onto the battlefield, the air heavy with dread. Talila looked around nervously.

She wondered what was out there and commented. ''Auntie. Why is it so quiet?''

The field lay strewn with the aftermath of a brutal clash, the ground a testament to the fierce battle unfolding.

Fallen soldiers lay scattered across the terrain, their lifeless bodies showing the fierce conflict they had been drawn into.

She turned to Talila with a worried look as she answered. ''I don't know Tali. Just be on guard and keep your eyes on our surroundings.''

lightsnοvεl Hemera looked at the scene, her eyes moving over the frozen scene of warriors caught in the struggle.

A group of mages stood frozen, their hands outstretched as they cast spells that hung suspended in the air.

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She noticed soldiers mounted on beasts, charging headlong into humanoid creatures with a strange appearance.

As they moved further, the scenes of battle unfolded before them. Some soldiers charged forward with weapons raised, frozen during their final assault.

Others lay dying, their expressions eternally fixed in pain and despair. Talila couldn't help but gasp at the eerie spectacle.

The sight of so much death and suffering overwhelmed her, and her eyes widened in terror.

Sensing her niece's distress, Hemera touched her shoulder reassuringly. Just as they were about to press forward, an abrupt and total darkness enveloped them.

The world plunged into blackness, and even Hemera, with her elven vision, couldn't see a thing.

Talila's panicked voice cut through the void. "Auntie Hemera, what's happening? I can't see anything!"

Hemera got ready to cast her sun magic, her senses on high alert. "Stay close, Talila. We're not alone, and something is not right. Prepare yourself."

As the lights abruptly flickered back to life, the once-frozen battlefield underwent a chilling transformation.

Once, a silent battlefield was now covered in black-skinned humanoids swarmed it. Their bodies were grotesque, their skin a dark abyss that seemed to absorb the light around them.

In a macabre scene, the creatures moved with a sinister purpose. They dragged the fallen soldiers, their lifeless forms limp, toward an unknown destination.

Hemera noticed the air was filled with an ominous silence as the creatures, with their red eyes gleaming and sharp teeth and claws exposed, got to work on the soldiers.

However, the moment the lights returned, the attention of the black-skinned humanoids shifted abruptly.

As though sharing a single consciousness, they all turned simultaneously, their collective gaze locking onto the two girls on the battlefield.

Talila, caught off guard by the movement, couldn't help but jump in response. The piercing red eyes of the creatures bore into her.

Hemera's eyes widened with urgency as she turned to Talila. "Run, Tali! Now!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a tone of both command and concern.

Without hesitation, her hands ignited with a radiant glow as she unleashed a powerful Sun Blast into the midst of the black-skinned creatures.

The intense light momentarily blinded them, creating a window of opportunity for the two girls.

Seizing the moment, she grabbed Talila's hand and sprinted through the now-empty battlefield.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]