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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 525 A Devil of the Deep
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Chapter 525 A Devil of the Deep

The ground beneath the creatures trembled as Llyniel summoned sharp spikes of rock and debris, sending them hurtling toward the approaching threat.

As she cast her earth blasts, Nala became a blur of motion. With a burst of speed, she shot forward like a bullet, her sword gleaming in the light.

Unaware of the impending danger, the closest creature fell victim to Nala's lightning-fast assault. She sliced through the creature, cutting it in half.

Black tar-like blood spilled onto the litter-strewn ground as the defeated foe crumpled with a thud.

However, the triumph was short-lived. In the blink of an eye, another creature emerged from the shadows, taking the fallen one's place.

Its red eyes glowed with an otherworldly malevolence, and its claws flexed eagerly. Nala, undeterred by them, focused on the new threat.

Nala paid more attention to the creatures and examined them. Its skin clung tightly to its skeletal frame, revealing every bone beneath.

She then turned to Llyniel, who continued to channel her earth magic. The wood elf's efforts had bought them a moment.

But that wasn't enough, as even more creatures seemed to materialize from the darkness and pounced on them.

As Nala skillfully wielded her sword, each stroke displaying her strength, she danced through the chaotic battlefield.

The creatures, momentarily thrown off balance by her prowess, struggled to anticipate her swift movements.

With each swing, she cut through the dark adversaries, their black blood staining the ground.

However, the creatures were relentless, and their numbers began to take their toll, and soon overwhelmed by their sheer force, Nala found herself surrounded.

Despite her speed and skill, one creature managed to land a decisive blow, sending her crashing to the ground.

The world blurred as darkness enveloped the lion girl's consciousness. Witnessing the lion girl's fall, Llyniel's eyes widened in panic, and she cried out. "Nala!" 

For a moment, time seemed to slow as she saw her friend succumb to the overwhelming assault.

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In that instant, the chaotic battlefield blurred, and all Llyniel could focus on was Nala lying defenseless on the ground.

She quickly shook her head and channeled the raw mana without hesitation, summoning sharp spikes and boulders to attack the creatures.

Her earth blasts collided with them, creating a brief reprieve. But in the chaos, one of the creatures, cunning and elusive, slinked through the barrage of rocks and debris.

Silently, it approached Llyniel from behind, its red eyes gleaming. Before she could react, the creature struck a swift blow, rendering the wood elf unconscious.

Once the two were out cold, the creatures went to finish them off, but a being in a black robe appeared and stopped them. ''Do not kill them. Bring them to the lab.''

All the weird humanoids stopped but listened and picked up the two girls before following the robed figure.

[Teuila & Sera's POV]

Teuila was swimming fast through the dark water. She propelled herself through the water with the grace of a living torpedo.

Sera clung to her back, the rush of water whooshing past them. Teuila's sleek form cut through the currents, and the underwater world unfolded before the two girls.

As they descended deeper, the light gradually dimmed, casting a glow upon the surrounding water.

Teuila's keen eyes scanned the mysterious depths, searching for any signs of danger. The seabed approached, revealing vast skeletons of ancient sea beasts.

Large ribs reached out like skeletal fingers, creating an eerie underwater graveyard. Looking at the colossal remains, Sera couldn't suppress a shiver of fear.

Her voice echoed through the water as she clung tighter to the ocean princess. "Ugh, Teuila, are you seeing this? Those skeletons are huge! What kind of place did you bring me to? This is like a sea monster cemetery or something."

Teuila responded by patting the redheaded dragon girl on the head, which earned her a dirty look.

"I signed up for an adventure, but this is a bit much. Are we sure nothing is lurking down here? No sea monsters waiting to add our bones to the collection?" Sera continued, her voice slightly muffled by the water. 

Teuila swirled gracefully through the water, trying to navigate the path while keeping Sera calm.

The underwater world, though haunting, held a strange beauty, but for Sera, the skeletal remnants painted a vivid picture of the mysteries lurking in the depths below.

A hushed silence enveloped the underwater realm as they ventured deeper into the cavernous expanse.

The only sounds were the subtle echoes of their movements and the gentle murmur of the distant currents.

Suddenly, a low, ominous rumble echoed through the water, resonating with a power that sent ripples across the sea.

Sensitive to the underwater vibrations, Teuila stopped swimming. The water stilled around them as the echo of a monstrous roar reverberated through the cavern.

Sera tightened her grip on the blue-haired girl, her eyes widening in awe and fear. The source of the roar remained unseen in the murky depths.

Teuila's gaze darted in all directions, scanning the dark expanse for any signs of movement.

The underwater world seemed to hold its breath, and the only sound that lingered was the fading echo of the mysterious roar.

Teuila, ever alert, listened intently, her instincts on high alert. A subtle movement caught her attention, and she turned to face the direction from which the roar had originated.

But Sera's panicked voice broke in before she could pinpoint its source, "What was that? That was a roar. Let's get out of here, Teuila before we become fish food."

"Relax, Sera. It won't catch us," Teuila reassured, scanning the surroundings keenly.

She was on the verge of giving up when another roar echoed, this time ominously close. Sera clung to her even tighter.

Teuila surveyed the area and identified the source of the disturbance. It was a massive shark, a creature she knew all too well.

"A Devil of the Deep. They're real," she remarked aloud, escalating Sera's panic even further.

Suddenly, another roar reverberated through the ocean, causing Teuila to tense and look all around, wondering what was doing it.

But that's when she spotted a massive black shark's eyes burning a menacing red, surging towards them with incredible speed.

Fear gripped Teuila as she kicked into high gear, pushing her body through the water. The shark pursued them relentlessly, its jaws snapping menacingly.

She glanced over her shoulder, dread flooding her senses as the creature closed in. The chase became a deadly dance of survival.

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Teuila's movements were blurry as she swerved, twisted, and darted to evade the starving predator.

The dark waters were now a battleground, and every twist and turn was a gamble with death.

Sera clung to Teuila's back, her eyes wide with terror as the monstrous shark bore down on them, which caused her to let out a scream.

The ocean princess could feel the vibrations of its pursuit, a relentless force that threatened to consume them.

In a heart-stopping moment, the shark closed the distance, its jaws poised for a deadly strike.

Teuila let out a scream of fear as she dodged swiftly, narrowly evading the lethal jaws and their untimely deaths. Frustrated, the shark circled back, preparing for another attack.

The Aquarian princess, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, continued her desperate escape from the relentless predator.

The underwater chase unfolded like a nightmare, the black shark persistently hunting the two girls, and it was keeping up.

Teuila's agile movements were the only barrier between them and the jaws of the ocean terror, each twist and turn a gamble with survival in the dark depths.

As they darted through the water, seeking refuge from the black shark, they entered a narrow tunnel.

Panic gripped Teuila as the tunnel's confines left them with no way to dodge. The monstrous shark followed closely behind and was happy that they trapped themselves.

Sera, feeling the walls closing in and frustration building, couldn't take it any longer. "Enough of this!" she roared.

Sera's body instantly changed and grew in size. Her beautiful red scales and horns emerged, and her wings unfurled as she transformed into her dragon form.

Teuila, taken aback by the appearance of a red dragon, watched in awe as the Sera's powerful presence filled the tunnel.

Recognizing the impending danger, Teuila swiftly concentrated her magic, creating a pocket of air within the tunnel.

Now in full dragon form, Sera released a torrent of scorching flames directly at the incoming shark. Sera's eyes glowed fiery as she took a deep breath.

Her red flames engulfed the tunnel, creating a blazing inferno that clashed with the surrounding water.

The black shark, caught in the fiery onslaught, writhed and thrashed, unable to withstand the intense heat.

In a triumphant moment, Sera's flames reduced the pursuing threat to nothingness, leaving only smoky remnants in the confined space.

The tunnel, once a death trap, now bore the scorched evidence of Sera's fiery wrath as the water washed back in as Teuila dismissed her spell.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]