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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 513 Scared Chickens
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Chapter 513 Scared Chickens

The combination of swordplay and magic created a beautiful scene of destruction for Archer, who was watching with glowing eyes.

Every goblin in the camp was killed in the assault. From the outskirts, Archer picked off any stragglers with his Element Bolts, ensuring that the beasts didn't get away.

As the last echoes of battle faded, the four regrouped at the camp's center, surrounded by the aftermath of their efficient onslaught.

Once they were there, he summoned the Stone Men and told them to loot the camp, and not long after that, they returned with a chest, which he threw into his Item box.

His eyes met each of the girls. "Good work. Let's press on. There's more to be done in Shadowleaf Forest."

They ventured deeper into the forest with renewed excitement, ready to face the challenges.

Guiding them through the dense forest, Archer brought the group to the final two goblin camps, swiftly dismantling the remnants of the enemy forces.

With a nod from Archer, the Stone Men entered the camps to scour for anything of value.

In no time, the Stone Men uncovered three chests brimming with coins. Driven by an undeniable greed, Archer wasted no time stashing away the newfound wealth.

The three girls, amused by Archer's unapologetic enthusiasm for the spoils, exchanged giggles at his greed.

As the group stood amidst the old goblin camp in the Shadowleaf Forest, Archer turned to the three girls. "Alright, wait here. I'm going to Eldertree Grove to teleport you three. It won't take long, so be ready."

The three girls nodded in unison, each understanding their role in this quest. Archer stepped back, his form dissolving into the shadowy wings of a majestic raven.

With a flap of his wings, he took to the sky, disappearing into the distance, and soon came to a massive forest that stretched to the Bloodmoon Peak Mountains.

Archer descended to the ground and cast Gate so the girls could come here, which they did instantly.

He summoned some Tressyms and ordered them to find the Wendigos as the three approached him.

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Teuila spoke with a curious voice. ''How are you going to hunt these beasts, Darling? They are tough.''

Nala and Zarina agreed, but Archer just chuckled before speaking. ''Well, they are known to ambush their prey and swarm them, but how can they swarm someone who can summon millions of beasts?''

Teuila and Nala laughed while Zarina looked confused until the blue-haired girl spoke. ''You will see during the hunt.''

She nodded, and the group entered the forest while waiting for the Tressyms to return.

[Ella, Hemera and Sera's POV]

Ella was sitting in Magic Fundamentals, learning the best way to cast spells, which she already knew.

She was with Hemera, who was happily taking notes, and Sera, sleeping on the desk while letting out little snores.

The half-elf looked at her and shook her head with a smile as she brushed a lock of hair from the girl's face.

That's when one of the girls turned around and spoke with a smile as she asked. ''Where is your fiancee? Is he not in this class with you?''

Ella shook her head before answering. ''No, he is currently in the Quest and Adventure class with the others.''

The girl smiled before one of the boys spoke, and Ella sensed the jealousy in his voice. ''Why does he have so many girls? He isn't ten enough, yet he still has more princesses flocking to him.''

Before she could answer, they heard a giggle as Sera woke up, looked at the boy, and answered with a grin. ''Because he can? And it's not ten. It's twelve now if you include Nala and Halime.''

The boy got frustrated, but another girl spoke up with a smug smile. ''Well, I've heard Nala is already engaged, and Halime would be given away for free due to the curse. Then you have Maeve Avaloch, whose father engaged her to a Novgorod Prince. So the pervy dragon can't get all the girls he's interested in.''

When Sera heard this, she bellowed. ''Say that again bitch! I dare you!''

The first girl who spoke tried to stop the mouthy girl. ''Tarinne, shut up before you make things worse!''

But Tarinne grinned before she spoke again and sealed her fate. "That murderous dragon won't be able to corrupt any more princesses like he's done. I've heard the rumors about how he's a butcher. I don't see how you girls are with him. It's disgusting."

Sera was known for her playful behavior, but she was very protective over Archer, whom she loved dearly, so when she heard Tarinne's words, she stiffened in her seat.

Her ruby-red eyes, usually filled with mischief, now blazed with different intensity. When the girl insulted Archer, it struck a chord, awakening a simmering anger within her.

Without warning, Sera shot up from her chair, the scraping of wood against the floor echoing through the room.

Her movements were swift as she lunged towards Tarinne. A collective gasp filled the classroom as Sera's hand snaked into her hair, seizing a fistful with a relentless grip.

Tarinne's eyes widened in surprise and pain as Sera, fueled by an unexpected surge of rage, delivered a forceful punch to her mouth.

The impact resonated through the room, the sound of the hit mingling with the shocked gasps of the girl's friends.

Sera's expression remained hardened as she held onto Tarinne's hair, who was reeling from the unexpected assault.

The room was once filled with students chatting, but now they witnessed a fight, but it wasn't a fight as Sera kept punching Tarinne.

Sera pulled the girl down to the ground, climbed on top of her, and kept hitting her until blood started gushing out.

Suddenly, the Professor burst into the room and hurried to intervene, but a blinding light prevented her from moving.

All eyes turned upwards to find Hemera standing there, her hand aimed towards the Professor.

The sun elf gave everyone a stern warning. ''She insulted our husband, so this is what she deserves. Archer doesn't go around bragging or bullying people, even though he could, but he remains peaceful.''

Every student nodded like a scared chicken, making the elf smile. While this was happening, Ella kept watch over Sera.

She wanted to ensure that Sera wouldn't kill the girl who insulted their fiancee. After a little while, the girl stopped wailing.

Sera wasn't stopped, but soon, a noise was heard, and the dragon girl was lifted into the air.

Ella concentrated, and Ophelia appeared with a frown, her voice stern. "What's happening here? Why is there a half-dead student and an enraged dragon?"

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Hemera, always composed, stepped forward gracefully. "The girl continued to insult Archer, and you know Sera is deeply connected to him. When Tarinne said those things about him, she couldn't control her anger."

Ophelia sighed to herself before mumbling something to herself. ''Why did I accept dragons into the college this year.''

She thought no one could hear her, but Ella did, and she chuckled, causing the Headmistress to look at her. ''What's so funny?''

Ella shooed her head and answered. ''Well, you know dragons are very possessive and will react to the slightest insult.''

Ophelia sighed deeply, her expression a mix of weariness and disappointment, as she addressed Ella, Sera, and Hemera. "Come to my office. All of you."

Ella, Sera, and Hemera exchanged glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. Without a word, they gathered their belongings and made their way out of the classroom.

The hallways seemed unusually quiet as they moved towards Ophelia's office, the weight of the impending conversation hanging over them like a heavy cloud.

As they walked towards the headmistress's office, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on their minds.

In a collective decision, they reached for their magical communication bracelets, each adorned with a unique gem connecting them to Archer.

The atmosphere was tense as they sent a message, recounting what had happened, the conflict with Tarinne, and the intervention by Ophelia.

The silence that followed seemed to stretch into an eternity until, finally, a warm voice resonated through the enchanted bracelets.

Archer's laughter echoed through the magical connection, breaking the tension that had gripped the girls.

Once he calmed down, they heard him speak. ''Don't worry about it, my beauties. I will visit this human girl's family and show them how generous I am.''

When the they heard his answer, they all laughed and calmed down, thanks to Archer.

''Okay, ladies. I have to go. We are hunting some Wendigos at the moment.'' He spoke before the connection was cut.

In an instant, Ophelia materialized seemingly out of thin air, her presence making the three girls jump in surprise.

The headmistress stood before them with an air of authority. Her eyes focused on each of them.

"Startled you, did I?" she remarked, a subtle hint of amusement. "Well, let's not keep this discussion waiting. Enter the office; we have matters to address."

With that, Ophelia gestured towards the door, and the girls exchanged glances before cautiously entering the office.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]