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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 505 I'm No Human
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Chapter 505 I'm No Human

Amid the brief hush, Archer's playful tone cut through. "Now, about family matters, can we delve into the marriage plans with Sofia? She's a nice girl, unlike her dominant mother and grandmother. Also, let's not forget about your charming wife; she's quite the stunner.''

That's when a slam echoed from the other end, accompanied by hushed attempts to calm the angry Pope, much to Archer's amusement.

However, as laughter escaped his lips, the Pope's rage reached a crescendo. "You hateful lizard, how dare you utter a word about my wife! I'll hunt you down, you vile creature. You pretend to be a human, marching around in stolen skin."

When hearing the Pope's furious threats, Archer burst into laughter, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Human? Oh, I'm no human. I'm a dragon, my dear Pope. And being human is just a charming disguise I wear, one that might help me marry your wife, daughter, and granddaughter. Wouldn't that be a delightful?"

He didn't allow the Pope to respond as he continued teasingly, ''I hope nothing happens to you. She wouldn't be left wanting for companionship, naturally. But don't worry dear Pope, I'll make sure she has some excellent company from yours truly—maybe with a sprinkle of moaning and pleasure-filled screams. Rumor has it that mature women possess quite remarkable stamina. Any truth to that, or are you falling short on your husbandly duties?"

The man's threats shifted to sputters of disbelief as if the unexpected turn of events had left him dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Archer reveled in the chaos he had sown, confident in the newfound leverage his knowledge afforded him.

His mischievous grin stretched wider as he teasingly taunted the Pope through the communication device. "Brace yourself, Mr. Pope, because the date I have in store for your wife Natalia, daughter Lysandra, and sweet granddaughter Sofia will be unforgettable. I've planned every detail to ensure they have the time of their lives and walk away believing that I'm a very handsome dragon."

As Archer continued, he could almost imagine the Pope's anger. "Natalia will be charmed by my wit, Lysandra will be dazzled by my prowess in bed, and Sofia... well, let's just say she'll have an enchanting night under the moonlight, if you know what I mean, my friend."

A brief silence hung before the Pope's voice resounded, dripping with menace. "You dare speak of defiling my family, Lizard? You will pay dearly for this insolence. Consider this your last warning. I will track you down, and you will pay with your life."

Undeterred, he chuckled in response. "Now, now, Mr. Pope, no need for threats. I assure you, they'll return home safe and sound. I'll be the perfect gentleman; your ladies will have stories to tell for years."

The Pope's anger seemed to intensify. "You're playing with fire, lizard. You'll regret crossing me."

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But Archer, seemingly unfazed, continued to jest. "Regret? I think not. I'm just spreading joy, giving your family an unforgettable experience. Perhaps they'll even thank me for the delightful evening and grant me a second date. You never know."

"How dare you! We dealt with your species before; we can do it again! Continue with your games," the Pope retorted, his anger palpable through the necklace.

In a mockingly offended manner, Archer held the necklace away from him. "Don't you shout at family like that, old man! You're getting on in years, but it's not good for the heart. I'll leave you alone and visit the ladies one day."

After speaking, he stored the necklace in his Item Box while Hecate laughed as the two got close to the city.

Hecate regarded Archer with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Why did you tease the man so much? You do realize he will send more people after you."

lightsnοvεl Archer grinned and looked into her red eyes. "That's the plan. I wanted to make the Pope angry, and when I found the necklace while getting the hearts, I thought, why not tease him? Now that I've seen his family through the memories from our attackers, it adds a bit of personal touch to our game."

The moon elf sighed when she heard his answer and spoke. ''It's not a game, Archer! They want to take your life, and here you are teasing the leader of the Church of Light.''

After she spoke, Archer smiled before he stopped walking and hugged the elf, which caught her off guard.

Archer whispered into her long ear. "I will always be careful, my witch, and you girls will also be there."

When they got within five meters of the gate, Archer heard a voice over the wind. ''Stop right there! What brings you two to Crossroad City?''

''We're here to buy potion ingredients for my wife's shop in Starfall City,'' Archer replied, pulling the still giggling Hecate close to him.

After waiting for a minute, the voice replied. ''Okay, come through, young man. Enjoy your shopping trip.''

The couple entered the city, and when they stepped through the gate, they saw five streets that branched off in different directions.

Shops lined almost every street. Before they could start walking, someone spoke from behind them. ''Do you need directions to the alchemist warehouses?''

Archer turned around to see a guard in his late twenties standing there with a smile.

He replied with a nod before the man spoke. ''Well, you head to the western part of the city. You won't miss it, thanks to the smell.''

They thanked the guard before they started their walk. The two strolled through the bustling trading city.

As Archer and Hecate walked through the bustling trading city, the air was filled with merchants haggling, the clatter of carts, and the chatter of passersby.

Vibrant banners fluttered overhead, representing different guilds and trades. Stalls offered exotic fabrics, detailed jewelry, and magical trinkets, etc.

Hecate's keen interest in the magical items made her pause at several stalls, examining crystals and potions displayed.

The mesmerizing array of different stalls caught his attention, but he decided to come here with Nefertiti when they were on their date.

Continuing their journey, the aroma of spices led them to a bustling food market.

Archer couldn't resist purchasing a bag of roasted nut-like food from a stall and shared it with Hecate as they walked.

The flavors exploded in their mouths, a delightful distraction from the lively scenes around them. The streets grew busier as they approached the heart of the city.

Towering structures with ornate facades housed the many guilds in the city. Their banners proudly proclaimed who they were to the people.

Archer guided Hecate through the maze of buildings until they arrived at the alchemist warehouses, thanks to the smell of the ingredients lingering in the air.

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The large sign on the doors distinguishes the warehouses. ''Sorcerer's Solutions.''

Hecate spoke as she looked at the massive building. ''Why is it so big? I wonder who owns such a company.''

Archer shrugged before he answered. ''I don't know, but let's go inside and buy what we need.''

When they entered, the couple was greeted by rows of shelves stacked with ingredients, potion vials, and alchemist equipment.

Hecate's eyes sparkled with excitement as she examined the rare herbs, enchanted crystals, and mystical reagents.

After looking around for a while, he spotted a woman approaching them and thought to himself. 'She must be the shopkeeper.'

Her robes, adorned with magical runes, greeted them with a warm smile. "Welcome, travelers. How may I assist you today?"

With a sly grin, Archer leaned in and whispered to her, "What do you think, my moon witch? Should I buy everything they've got? Imagine the potions you could create!"

Hecate's face lit up, her red eyes sparkling with excitement. "Everything? That would be a dream come true! But, Archer, can you afford it?"

Archer chuckled, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Well, my moon witch, I have more than enough gold. And besides, who can put a price on the joy it would bring you?"

After speaking, he cleared his throat and addressed her with a mischievous twinkle. "How much for everything? We'll take the lot."

The alchemist raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the bold request. After a moment of consideration, she replied, "Buying the entire inventory is quite an unusual proposition, but I suppose for the right price, it could be arranged. Let me calculate the cost for you."

Archer grinned at her, who was still processing the audacious idea. The alchemist busied herself with a magical ledger, jotting down figures and muttering incantations under her breath.

Meanwhile, Hecate turned to him with disbelief and delight before she asked. "Everything, My Love? Are you sure about this?" 

Archer winked at her. "Sure, my beautiful witch."

As they talked, the shopkeeper returned with the ledger and smiled before telling them the price. ''The total will be four thousand gold coins. When will you be able to collect the order?''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]