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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 503 Unyielding
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Chapter 503 Unyielding

Archer continued to look out the window and admire the falling snow. Captivated by the snow-covered street.

Turning to the moon elf, he found her looking at the same scene with a soft smile before she inquired. "How are your classes, husband? I do hope you're enjoying it."

His gaze shifted from the snow to meet her eyes. He smiled in response, appreciating her concern. "They're going well, thank you. I like most classes, but some are boring.''

Hecate's eyes sparkled with pride as he shared the details of his classes. She smiled, appreciating his enjoyment of his studies.

Before she could reply, their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the waitress.

She gracefully approached their table with a trolley full of dishes, which caught their attention.

There were loads of elven dishes spread before them. Archer's eyes widened with curiosity as he looked at each dish.

The waitress, excited, started explaining. "Here, we have Moonlight Blossom Salad, a refreshing blend of celestial greens and enchanted petals drizzled with a stardust-infused vinaigrette. It's a burst of flavors that dance on your tongue."

Archer nodded as his gaze shifted to a dish adorned with a strange glow, which confused him, but the woman quickly explained.

"This is Luminous Elixir Soup. It's a tasty soup made from rare moon mushrooms, shimmering under the moon's soft glow. Eating this soup is like a journey through the great elven forests."

Next, she pointed to a dish adorned with delicate spices, which Archer instantly smelt. "Spireleaf Spice Dumplings – a combination of all different spices and hand-rolled dough. Each dumpling holds the essence of the ancient spireleaf groves, a favorite among our patrons."

Archer's anticipation grew as she proceeded. "Sylvan Serenade Skewers, featuring delicious morsels of enchanted woodland beasts, grilled to perfection and sprinkled with herbs.''

The trolley held even more food, and the waitress continued with a smile. "Starlight Nectar Sorbet. It cleanses the taste buds and prepares them for the desert."

Archer's eyes lit up as the waitress revealed the last dish. "And finally, Celestial Cascade Cake – a delicious layered treat with edible crystals that sparkle like stars.''

Impressed by the food, he thanked the waitress with a charming smile that caught her off guard. "Thanks for the introduction. Everything looks amazing."

The woman shook her head and smiled before speaking. "The chef hopes you two enjoy your meal."

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Hecate's smile widened, and she nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, it looks delicious."

As the waitress left, the couple shared excited glances as each dish was revealed. They delved into the food before them, their conversation weaving effortlessly between bites.

The topic shifted to Hecate's potion shop. He inquired with genuine interest. "So, how's the potion shop going?"

Hecate's face lit up as she spoke about her craft. "It's been really good. The response has been overwhelming, and not just from the everyday customers. Even nobles have started visiting the shop for my potions."

Archer's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Nobles, really? That's fantastic news! Your potions must be gaining quite the reputation in the city."

She nodded with a?grin. "Yes, it seems the effectiveness of my potions is spreading through word of mouth. It's good to know that people appreciate the work I do.''

Archer took a sip of the wine, savoring the moment. "I'm proud of you, my moon witch. Your dedication and talent will make us a lot of coin."

When Hecate heard this, she laughed before looking at him with a loving smile. "And your support means the world to me. I do love you, Archer Wyldheart."

He smiled when he heard her but replied. ''I love you too, Hecate. I'm glad I found you.''

After that, they continued to eat, and he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for her accomplishments.

Their shared joy, food, and the restaurant atmosphere created a perfect moment. Archer and Hecate enjoyed the food to the point where sometimes they stopped talking to eat.

After finishing the last dish, the two felt satisfied. Archer patted his stomach and sighed, saying, "That was great. Elven food is so tasty."

Hecate's red eyes sparkled as she smiled. "Indeed, it was nice. Thanks for bringing me here, Archer."

He grinned. "Anytime. Now, how about a stroll through the city?''

The girl's eyes lit up with excitement. "I'd love that."

The two left the warm embrace of the restaurant and stepped into the crisp night air. The snowy streets glistened under the soft glow of streetlights, creating a dreamlike landscape.

Archer offered his arm to Hecate, who accepted it with a smile. As they walked through the snow-covered streets, their breaths formed small clouds in the cold air.

Their conversation blended with the hushed sounds of the afternoon.?The world seemed to slow down, allowing them to immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the city.

Under the twinkling stars and the moon's soft glow, Archer and Hecate shared a moment of peace and connection.

The winter city, draped in its tranquil beauty, provided the perfect backdrop to their shared journey through the streets, hand in hand.

Archer and Hecate strolled through the city, the snowy streets beneath their feet glistening in the soft glow of streetlights.

The air was crisp, and the aftersun shone down as they walked. He couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the snow-covered landscape.

The streets were quiet as the sun set, and people wanted to get home. However, as they turned onto a quieter street, Archer's senses heightened, and a sudden unease gripped him.

His eyes darted around, scanning the shadows. He grabbed Hecate's arm without hesitation and swiftly cast a Cosmic Shield around her.

As the violet barrier formed, arrows rained down, striking the magical shield with a series of sharp impacts. The arrows quivered against the shield.

The arrows struck Archer's scales with a resounding thud. They were rendered futile against the protective armor of his dragon scales.

Unyielding, he stood between Hecate and the unseen assailants. As the arrows bounced off harmlessly, he closed his eyes, focusing on the pings around them.

Aura Detector reveals the presence of multiple attackers closing in from various directions.

"There are close to fifty of them," Archer murmured, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

Hecate, still under the protection of the Cosmic Shield, nodded with concern on her face. "What can I do to help?"

Archer looked at the moon elf with a grin and spoke. ''Use your moon magic on them while I fight them.''

She nodded and got ready to cast spells while he rushed forward as the attackers jumped off the roof.

His senses heightened as a group of attackers surrounded him and Hecate. His dragon scales shimmered in the cold night, and he wasted no time.

With a swift motion, he summoned his claws and lunged toward the nearest assailant, slashing through the air.

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His claws met the enemy and sent them sprawling backward. The attackers, momentarily taken aback by his ferocity, regrouped.

But Archer wasn't alone in this fight. His dragon tail lashed out, sweeping across the snowy ground.

A sweeping arc of his tail knocked several assailants off their feet, creating an opening for the moon elf to cast her magic.

Hecate's red eyes glowed with an ethereal light as she summoned the moon's power.

She cast a Moon Blast at the disoriented enemies, sending them flying backward after the magical explosion.

The cold night air echoed with the chaotic sounds of battle. Amid the chaos, Archer focused his attention on the remaining attackers.

He quickly cast Eldritch Blast, and that's when a surge of otherworldly energy coalesced around his outstretched hand.

Archer's blast erupted with a deafening roar, cutting through the frosty air and striking the assailants with force.

The violet beam tore through their bodies, causing two halves of several men to drop to the ground with thuds.

His claws danced through the melee, his tail striking with precision as he rushed at another group of attackers.

They didn't stand a chance as the snowy street became a battleground, each movement a deadly display of skill and power.

The moon elf continued to weave her magic. Between Archer and Hecate's abilities turned the street into a canvas of mayhem.

As the attackers dwindled in numbers, they fought back-to-back, a formidable team against the remaining foes.

The setting sun cast an eerie glow on the battlefield, emphasizing the clash between the defenders and the assailants.

Archer continued to kill them while dancing around the battlefield like a monkey, and by the time ten left, he stopped the attack.

The bad guys gathered again, and he smiled as he opened a magic door and brought in the Chull Warriors.

These immense creatures with strong shells and legs walked onto the snowy street, circling the defeated attackers.

The beasts glowed strangely, and their eyes looked both intelligent and fierce. The attackers were stuck between Archer, Hecate, and the tough Chull Warriors.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]