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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 501 The Sparrows
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Chapter 501 The Sparrows

Archer looked at the woman and asked. ''How have you been? Had any trouble?''

She smiled before answering honestly. ''We are currently trapped in the Dragon's Woods in the Riverlands. A large group of Orcs surrounded us, so we retreated here and wanted to ask Tali to help us.''

When he heard this, a grin appeared on his face. Cecelia was confused until he spoke. ''Want me to get you out of your predicament so you can continue your quest?''

Cecelia agreed but told him to wait while she got the others. Archer waited a little while before the woman returned with the rest and Talila, who smiled when she saw him.

Talila hugged and kissed him before asking a question with a curious voice. ''What are you doing here, Arch?''

"I came to see you, my wild elf. But when Cecelia told me of their problem, I offered to help," he replied, bringing a smile to the girl's face.

She hugged him once more in gratitude before letting him proceed with his work. Archer then turned his attention to the other Sparrows, offering friendly greetings to each one.

But he motioned for Cecelia to get closer, and when she did, he grabbed her wrist and cast Gate to the place where they escaped.

As he approached the portal, anticipation building in the air, his gaze fell upon a menacing horde of orcs on the other side.

They were crammed into a big forest clearing so Archer could use his larger beasts. A confident grin stretched across his face, and his mind quickly strategized.

Instead of instilling fear, the sight of the orcs ignited a spark of excitement in Archer. His thoughts raced as he considered the upcoming challenge because he wanted to use his Monster Army but couldn't decide what beasts to use.

'I need big and destructive.' He thought to himself, but he soon devised the perfect beast.

He decided to go with the Tarrasques, which made him chuckle as he knew they would destroy the orcs.

When Talila and the Sparrows heard this, they wondered what he was up to. But Archer opened a portal and summoned four Tarrasques.

The ground started to tremble beneath the weight of an immense presence. To the astonishment of everyone present, four colossal beasts emerged from the other side.

Their monstrous forms loomed large, and a deafening roar echoed, shaking the very foundations of the surroundings.

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Yet, to the surprise of the Sparrows and all onlookers, the Tarrasques, instead of unleashing havoc, bowed their colossal heads in a gesture of deference to Archer.

The sheer awe and disbelief choked the words of the Sparrows, who could only watch in stunned silence as this unexpected display unfolded.

Standing amidst the colossal creatures, Archer met their gaze with a calm assurance, a mysterious connection between them evident to all.

He quickly issued orders to the Tarrasques, now bowed before him. "Slay as many orcs as possible and leave some for me. I want some for food.''

The massive beasts, understanding him, rumbled in agreement. With a thunderous roar, they charged through the portal.

Their immense forms tore into the orc horde's ferocity, sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

The air was filled with the sounds of battle—roars, clashes, and the anguished cries of orcs as the colossal beasts unleashed their devastating might.

In the forest clearing, echoes reverberated with the tumultuous sounds of battle, and Archer, Talila, and the Sparrows stood in awe of colossal Tarrasques tearing through the orc horde.

The air thickened with the scent of chaos, and the ground trembled beneath the massive footsteps of monstrous creatures.

The horizon blurred as the Tarrasques, guided by Archer's command, unleashed devastating might upon the orcs.

His eyes fixed on the scene before him, and he felt a mixture of satisfaction and excitement.

Talila stood beside him, her expression a blend of astonishment and pride at the sheer power they commanded.

Though seasoned in their own right, the spectacle momentarily silenced the Sparrows. The Tarrasques moved with a primal ferocity, each swipe of their colossal claws and bite of their massive jaws sending orcs flying in all directions.

The battlefield became a chaotic dance of destruction, and the once vibrant clearing transformed into a nightmarish landscape painted in the crimson hues of orc blood.

Archer watched the Tarrasques as the battle unfolded, ensuring the creatures left enough orcs for him.

Talila, her hand gripping the hilt of her weapon, felt a surge of exhilaration at the sheer power displayed by their monstrous allies.

Though initially stunned, the Sparrows began to rally, their expressions shifting from shock to a steely resolve as they realized the strategic advantage the Tarrasques provided.

The cacophony of battle reached a crescendo, and as the orcs fell in droves, the ground became slick with blood.

The air was heavy with the mingling scents of earth and death. Archer, sensing the opportune moment, nodded to Talila and the Sparrows.

"Now, let's join the fray," he declared before they charged into the chaos, their weapons drawn.

The Tarrasques, recognizing them, adjusted their movements to allow the smaller fighters to engage the orcs on the ground.

The clearing became a battleground, a clash between the primal might of the Tarrasques and the swift, strategic strikes of Archer, Talila, and the Sparrows.

The once serene forest clearing was now a testament to the ferocity of the conflict, the ground soaked in the aftermath of a visceral and brutal confrontation between titanic forces.

In the aftermath of the chaotic battle, the forest clearing bore the scars of the fierce conflict.

Archer, his claws stained with orc blood, stood amidst fallen enemies, a testament to the carnage he had wrought.

The Sparrows, equally battle-worn, fought valiantly by his side, their weapons dripping with the remnants of the orc horde.

As the adrenaline began to wane, fatigue set in, and the Sparrows exchanged glances of exhaustion and accomplishment.

Archer, recognizing their weariness, nodded with gratitude. "You fought well. Let's head back to the domain and rest," he suggested.

Some of the Sparrows returned to the domain. Talila, Cecelia, and Novius remained with him.

Talila, her eyes gleaming with admiration, offered a congratulatory nod before speaking. "Impressive kills, Archer. You wield those claws like an artist paints with a brush." 

Cecelia, the healer of the Sparrows, spoke. "Your prowess in battle is unmatched. We are fortunate to have you leading us."

Novius, the tactical mind among the Sparrows, chimed in. "A well-executed strategy. The orcs never stood a chance against you."

Archer nodded before he stepped through the portal and walked into the clearing where the orc blood ran like a river.

He saw the Tarrasques eating a bunch of larger orcs while guarding him. Archer summoned the Stone Men and ordered them to bring him all the bodies.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It only took them ten minutes before a large pile appeared before him. He began to store them in his Item Box.

As he was doing that, Talila and the other two appeared behind as they looked around at the pools of blood.

Novius asked as he scratched his bald head. ''Where did all the bodies go? I was wondering if we could get some.''

Archer looked at the man and smiled before taking out a dozen orcs and giving it to the Sparrows.

Cecelia stored them in her ring as Novius did the same thing. As the group returned to the domain.

Novius and Cecelia veered toward the house, eager to find respite and tend to any lingering wounds from the battle.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Archer watched them disappear inside the domain. Deciding on a quicker route, he turned to Talila.

"Ready to return?" he asked, and with a shared understanding, they teleported directly to the treehouse.

Instantly, the forest backdrop shifted to the serene sanctuary of their elevated dwelling.

Archer and Talila materialized on the platform, surrounded by the comforting embrace of their treehouse.

The air still tinged with the scent of nature, offered a stark contrast to the battlefield they had just left behind.

They stood in the doorway of the treehouse, the tranquil atmosphere of their sanctuary providing a moment of quietude after the recent battle.

"Take care, Talila," He said, a gentle smile on his lips. "I'll be back soon. There are things I need to attend to."

Talila nodded, understanding the responsibilities that beckoned him beyond the confines of their home. "Stay safe, Archer. I'll be here when you return."

Archer left the treehouse with a parting glance and teleported to an alley near Hecate's shop using Gate.

He quickly entered, and the melodic chime of the door signaled his entrance. Hecate stood behind the counter, serving customers while the other girls ran around the shop helping people.

He watched from a distance, waiting for a break in the flow of patrons. When the moment arrived, he approached the counter with a greeting.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]