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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 500 Late
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Chapter 500 Late

Archer was grinning when he heard the news as he knew it would be a good place to show the whole continent that he was the strongest on Pluoria.

But then he observed the students chatting among themselves. Jade's gleamed with pride as she surveyed the student's eager faces before her and continued talking.

"To be chosen for this honor is not only proof of your magic but also your strength. The selection process for our representatives will be rigorous, and each one of you has the potential to stand among the chosen few."

She paused, letting the weight of her words sink in before concluding with a warm smile. "Prepare yourselves, my dear students, for the journey begins now. The Arcane Tournament awaits, and destiny beckons the bold.

Professor Jade smiled at the students before finishing. ''May your magic shine brightly as you step into the limelight of the Celestial Magic Tournament and represent everyone from Pluoria!"

Archer felt a sudden tap on his tail and turned to see Sera, a wide smile on her face, her tail was swaying with excitement. Unable to contain her enthusiasm, she grabbed him excitedly.

Her ruby-red eyes gleamed with anticipation and spoke with such excitement that it rubbed off on him, "Sweetheart! You will win the tournament alongside us. Then we can go to the central continent and show them why we're the best!" 

Archer looked at her with a big smile as he answered her. "I promise you, I'll win both tournaments. The world will know my name and see what a white dragon can do."

When Sera heard this, her smile widened, but the two noticed the chatter among the other students hushed, creating an awkward silence in the class.

Whispers exchanged, and a few curious gazes turned toward the two of them. The sudden attention seemed to make them laugh.

Before the silence could stretch any longer, Sera, with a fiery glint in her eyes, couldn't hold back any longer.

"What's everyone staring at? Haven't you heard of Archer's deeds?" The redhead exclaimed, her temper flaring.

She recounted his exploits with animated gestures, passionately listing how he had rescued the empire and every surrounding kingdom from a long war.

Sera detailed his efforts to bring peace to Mediterra and the Southlands, emphasizing his role in ending conflicts that plagued those lands.

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"And that's not all!" she continued, her voice rising. "He's engaged to not one, not two, but eight princesses! Can any of you boast such a feat?"

Her words echoed through the room, dispelling the awkward silence with a mix of pride and defiance.

Archer was really happy when she was defending him and could sense her love for him radiating.

Now more informed, the students shifted their gazes, some with newfound respect, while others merely exchanged glances before laughing even more.

When the redhead saw this, she was about to walk over to them, but Archer stopped her with a smile. ''Calm down, my little dragon. Let's prove them wrong.''

Before anyone could start talking again, Professor Jade spoke up, bringing silence to the class. "We will train with our magic today. I'm still planning your future lessons to help you in both tournaments."

Nods of agreement rippled through the class as she continued, "Now, split into groups of five. Four will engage in combat while the fifth keeps watch, and then roles will switch."

The door creaked open as students formed their groups, and that's when three girls walked in with apologetic smiles.

Hemera, Leira, and Nala instantly spotted Archer, but the Professor gave them a nod of acknowledgment, and they quickly made their way to their seats.

"Sorry we're late, Professor," Hemera expressed, her voice tinged with regret.

"Don't worry about it. Archer can help you catch up, just take your seats," Professor Jade replied understandingly.

The trio then joined Archer and Sera, seamlessly becoming part of the group. Each girl leaned in to give Archer a gentle kiss in a show of camaraderie.

Their affectionate gestures brought a smile to Archer's face. However, the Professor's voice interrupted the moment. "Follow me. We'll go to the fields for this lesson, and afterward, we'll head to the library to pick out some spells."

Now assembled and ready, the class followed the professor, eager to embark on the magical journey that awaited them.

They headed to the training field and spent the remainder of the class practicing. Archer engaged in friendly combat with all four girls, each of them thoroughly enjoying it.

After finishing their class on the field, they decided to seek out the rest of the ladies before heading back to the domain.

The sun shone as they strolled through the academy grounds, laughter filling the air.

The first girl they encountered was Teuila, who was engrossed in reading under a tree as her blue ponytail swayed in the wind.

She quickly noticed them and stood up as Archer greeted her with a kiss as she rose to her feet.

Moving forward, they encountered Nefertiti next, who was gracefully practicing magic in the secluded gardens.

Approaching the pink-haired girl, she looked up. A radiant smile appeared as she warmly embraced Archer in a tight hug.

He spotted Ella and Halime approaching. As soon as they noticed Archer, smiles adorned their faces, and they greeted him with warm kisses.

After finding them, they continued their search and eventually came across Llyniel chatting with her older brother, Alaric.

As he approached, the wood elf boy shifted his attention toward him, and a warm smile appeared.

Observing the boy, he noted a striking resemblance to Llyniel, but with darker hair and a slightly shorter stature.

"So, Mother tells me you're engaged to little Llyniel?" Alaric inquired with a friendly tone, curiosity sparking in his eyes.

Archer smiled when he heard Alaric's question, which made the elf chuckle as he thought. 'She managed to get engaged to a dragon. I bet father is happy about this.'

But his expression shifted as if he recalled something important and spoke with gratitude. "Thank you for keeping her safe when you two vanished."

He nodded in acknowledgment, and Llyniel, filled with joy, embraced him as she remembered their time together.

Smiling, Alaric commented, "I've got to go to a study class. It was good seeing you, Arch! And congratulations on the engagement. Mother will throw a big party when you visit the kingdom."

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With that, he bid them farewell, leaving them behind. Once he was gone, Archer turned to the girls and spoke. ''Head back to the domain, and I'll summon some Tressym's when I find Talila.

Everyone nodded as he opened up a portal. Each girl stepped through after kissing him, leaving a silly smile on his face when they were gone.

Archer closed his eyes and used the bracelet to find Talila, but he was shocked when he found out where she was.

She was already in the domain. Archer opened another portal to their area and stepped through.

When he exited the portal and returned to the Sparrow's place, he saw a garden in front of him growing so much.

He couldn't work out what it was but didn't bother as he looked around at the beautiful scenery that managed to block out the snow.

Archer noticed smoke from the house chimney, telling him the Sparrows still used this place.

The evidence of their efforts in tending to the place was apparent, and they couldn't help but feel pleased.

It was a well-maintained garden that spoke volumes about the care and dedication they had invested in the surroundings.

Archer stood alone in the garden, gazing at the vibrant flowers and lush greenery. The serenity of the surroundings offered a brief respite from the day's events.

Lost in his thoughts, he was momentarily unaware of his surroundings. Suddenly, a gentle voice broke the silence behind him. "Enjoying the garden, Archer?"

The voice was Cecelia's, a member of the Sparrows renowned for her healing skills. Startled but pleasantly surprised, Archer turned to find her approaching with a warm smile.

He looked at the woman he had known for a few years. Her auburn hair remained unchanged, but her yellow eyes seemed to hold a lifetime of wisdom.

Her playful grin, however, revealed a more light-hearted side, and he couldn't help but return the smile as he replied, "Yeah, it's beautiful."

Amidst the garden's tranquility, Cecelia approached Archer with gratitude evident in her eyes.

"Archer," she began, her voice carrying a genuine warmth, "I wanted to thank you. Talila seems happier than I've ever seen her. I've never witnessed her smile so much."

He offered a humble smile in return. "It's my pleasure. Talila deserves all the happiness in the world, and I'm glad I can contribute to that."

Cecelia nodded, her eyes reflecting appreciation. "You've made a real difference in her life. Thank you for bringing such joy to our friend."

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]