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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 497 Relationships Take Effort
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Chapter 497 Relationships Take Effort

Archer's smile widened at Sia's agreement. "Well, let me help you with that while you let your soldiers rest."

Sia nodded in approval, ordering the troops to take a break and rest. Albert approached Archer, enveloping him in a tight bear hug.

"My grandson, it's good to see you," he exclaimed warmly.

He welcomed the old man's hug, allowing the embrace without resistance. He stood there, accepting the affectionate gesture.

After being let go, he smiled warmly at Albert. "I came to see Sia, but it's good to see you too, Grandfather."

With those words, he opened a shimmering portal to his domain. Archer summoned his scouts, the Tressyms, and ordered them. "Go, my friends. Find those slavers and report back."

The Tressyms, keen to the urgency in their master's voice, took flight with graceful bounds, disappearing into the surrounding areas for any sign of the slavers.

That's when Albert patted Archer on the back, a twinkle in his eye. "Always the responsible one, aren't you, grandson?"

He chuckled before speaking, "Just trying to help Sia."

After that, he turned to the snowy landscape. Archer stood on the road, gazing at the enchanting snowy woods that stretched before him.

The trees, adorned with a pristine layer of snow, sparkled in the soft sunlight. The entire landscape seemed to be draped in a serene white blanket.

Sia's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she turned to him and spoke happily. "So, Archer, how's college life treating you? Have you met Ophelia, Jade, Gianna, and Samara?"

He smiled before replying, "Yes, I've met them. Ophelia is mystical, Jade is serious about her work, Samara is lovely, and Gianna is beautiful."

The Dragon-kin woman laughed and gave him a teasing grin upon hearing his answer before she teased him. "Should you be calling another woman beautiful in front of your fiancée?"

Albert joined in the laughter, and Archer chuckled before shaking his head. "I won't lie to you, Sia. Finding someone beautiful doesn't mean I'm lusting after her. It means I have eyes."

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The old man nodded and spoke, unwittingly dropping himself into it as he spoke to Sia. "Well, my little dragon, your friend Ophelia's mother, Vespera Blackfire, is an otherworldly beautiful. When we were younger, she visited the empire and caused a storm. Nobles and kings were proposing to her, but she chose to stay single."

Sia looked at her father with narrowed eyes before teasing him. "Oh, does someone have a crush? Shall I tell Mother about it?"

When Albert heard his daughter's threat, he put on a fake hurt look before he spoke. "I don't like her like that. As Archer said, I have eyes, Sia, but don't tell your mother; she won't let me forget it."

Archer started laughing when he pictured his grandmother teasing him, which would drive him mad.

Sia giggled before she answered with a grin. "Don't worry, Father, I won't tell her, but you have to behave."

The old man realized she had teased him but shut up with a chuckle. Sia turned to him, saying, "Don't think about wooing the Witch Queen. She has no interest in men."

With a curious voice, Archer asked, ''Then how did she give birth to Ophelia? It doesn't make sense.''

Sia laughed before approaching him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and leading him off the road until they stood beside a lake.

She spoke after letting him go. ''The witches have a special ritual to allow them to conceive children differently compared to humans.''

Archer was even more confused now, but he asked, ''So they don't have sex to make a baby?''

''They can, but just like dragons, it takes a long time to conceive if they are strong. So they use a ritual by taking some of the father's blood and mana, and the same with the mother. I don't know the details, but it results in pregnancy.'' Sia answered.

With this new information, Archer grows curious about witches and decides to ask Ophelia about it one day.

As he was about to turn to Sia and talk, he noticed the Tressyms returning. They nudged his head, passing on the information he was eager to know.

With excitement, Archer decided to hunt down the slavers himself. A confident smile played on his lips as he summoned his wings.

His wings radiated an ethereal glow as he prepared to take flight. Launching into the sky, Archer soared through the air, swiftly heading towards the first caravan of slavers.

Three caravans were scattered across the land, each representing a source of wealth he wanted.

As Archer soared through the skies, his sharp eyes scanned the land below, searching for the telltale signs of the slaver caravans.

Spotting the first one in the distance, he accelerated toward it and?cast Element Bolts made of wind.

As he unleashed them upon the unsuspecting guards below, the bolts crackled with energy. The bolts sailed through the air, homing in on their targets with deadly precision.

A powerful force erupted when they connected, sending the slavers flying in different directions.

Chaos ensued as panic gripped the caravan. The guards struggled to regain their composure, shouting commands and rallying against the unexpected assault.

Archer descended swiftly to the ground, and as he neared, he cast Blink. He instantly appeared before the caravan, taking the remaining guards by surprise.

With a swift and calculated movement, Archer dodged every attack, and his claws sliced through the air, decapitating some of the guards who rushed forward.

The leader, witnessing the swift and deadly display, grew increasingly desperate. Archer cast Eldritch Blast into a few more, instantly killing them.

After fighting for a while, all the guards died, shocking the leader. Once they were out of action.

Archer looked at the older man with white hair and a long white beard and smiled before speaking. ''Give me all your wealth, and I'll let you live.''

When the man acknowledged him, he nodded, reaching for three storage rings. Approaching Archer, he handed over the rings, ready to share the spoils of the slaver caravan.

However, as the man drew near, he summoned his claws, and before the man could utter a word, Archer pierced his chest.

Sporting a chilling smile, he extracted the still-beating heart of the slaver, swiftly storing it away.

Following this gruesome act, he summoned his stone loot goblins, tasking them with looting valuables from the fallen bodies.

As they set to their work, he approached the cages that confined the slaves, a diverse mix of humans and demi-humans, each bearing the scars of their captivity.

Before liberating them, Archer cast Gate, opening a portal to where Sia and her troops were stationed. He tore the cage doors off freeing the captives.

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The emancipated people were shocked, but he reassured them, "You're free now. Enter the portal, and an empire general will help you."

Having witnessed their difficulty, Archer cast Aurora Healing, a gentle magic that enveloped the weakened and struggling captives.

Instantly, wounds healed, and a renewed sense of vitality washed over them as they entered the portal.

He waited until the last person passed through before turning the loot goblins who approached him and started giving him everything they found.

Archer efficiently stowed all the loot in his Item Box before soaring into the sky again. He eliminated the last two slave caravans, freeing the captives and sending them back to Sia.

When he returned, the soldiers were astonished as they saw all the people, but Sia, with a radiant smile, approached him and kissed him.

Archer, taken aback, swiftly responded to her kiss before they parted. She beamed at him and said, "Now we have to head back to Eldoria, where the imperial army will ensure the people get home."

After Sia spoke, she called for Shiva, who appeared out of thin air and nuzzled her head against the Dragon-kin woman.

Archer, in turn, summoned Scar and mounted him after exchanging greetings. Sia commanded, "Get the people in the wagons; we are returning back to town."

The soldiers got to work and loaded people. Not long after starting, they were on the road. Sia and Archer were chatting while Albert followed behind with Valeria.

She took the opportunity to speak with Albert. "She seems really happy nowadays. She's a lucky woman."

Albert grinned before teasing her. "Why don't you confess to him? He might take you as a wife, Val."

Valeria blushed slightly, dismissing the notion. "Oh, come on, Albert. I'm just saying she's lucky to have someone like him. They make a good pair."

Albert chuckled, "Indeed, they do. But it's not just luck. It's about understanding and supporting each other. Relationships take effort, Val."

After addressing the group, Archer turned his attention to Valeria, the brown-haired woman, with a charming smile. "Hello, Valeria. I wasn't ignoring you earlier, just focused on handling the situation."

Valeria nodded in understanding, a small smile playing on her lips. Albert observed the interaction with a knowing smile, recognizing the subtle dynamics at play.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]