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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 495 Heroic Charm
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Chapter 495 Heroic Charm

A minute later, a low rumble emanated from the eggs. The Kobolds, observing Archer's actions with wary eyes, now stared in astonishment as the eggs began to tremble and crack.

Archer's smile widened as he witnessed the magical transformation unfold. The cracks in the eggs expanded, revealing the emergence of tiny Kobold hatchlings.

The babies, covered in a glistening film, blinked at him with wide, curious eyes. The Kobolds in the chamber hissed and chattered, clearly bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

They had never seen anything like this – their lifeless eggs suddenly hatching with newfound vitality.

Archer turned to the girls, his eyes still gleaming with satisfaction. "Looks like we've just solved the Kobold problem in a rather unconventional way."

Nala, Teuila, Talila, and Zarina exchanged surprised glances before breaking into smiles.

That's when the older Kobold approached and spoke, "Thank you for your help, dragon. We shall serve you."

Archer nodded before responding, "Yes, you will, but not from here. I will give you a new home."

He opened a portal and walked through after motioning for everyone to follow as they entered the shimmering violet portal.

All the girls, except for Zarina, were accustomed to this by now and weren't shocked because they found themselves in a wild jungle.

The air was thick with mist, clinging to the jungle canopy above. The diverse array of plants created a lush and vibrant landscape.

Amidst the greenery, the distant roars of various beasts echoed through the jungle. It created an atmosphere of mystery and danger.

The group stood in awe, surrounded by the untamed beauty of Beasthaven. There were calls of wild beasts painted a vivid picture of the vibrant ecosystem they had entered.

All the girls were looking around in amazement while Zarina asked. "What is this place?"

"My domain, and also where my Monster Army lives," Archer replied with a smile.

As he spoke, three large gorilla-looking beasts leaped from the trees and landed before him, startling the redhead and Nala, who was ready to rush forward.

But he gestured for them to watch as the gorillas knelt before him. This surprising display shocked the two girls, causing the other two to laugh.

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Archer sent some mana into the beasts, bringing them joy before they bounded into the jungle, their roars echoing in the air.

He chuckled at the sight, finding amusement in the wild spectacle of his Monster Army.

Deciding it was time to get to work so they could return to college, Archer shut his eyes and imagined a large cave reaching deep into the domain.

In his mind, he crafted numerous chambers and included access to water whenever they might require it.

After completing that, the four girls and the Kobold gazed at Archer wide-eyed as a cave appeared out of nowhere.

Teuila and Talila were fully aware, but she was shocked at his abilities while Nala and Zarina looked on in awe.

He couldn't help but chuckle before addressing them, saying, "Well, now they can move in."

Opening a new portal, Archer signaled for the Kobold to enter, and it complied as Archer and the girls waited by the portal.

Moments later, the first Kobold appeared, followed by a steady stream of others. The creatures rushed into the envisioned cave, their excitement palpable.

They started organizing and building within their new chambers. Archer watched the Kobolds turn the cave into their new home.

They waited a little while before all the little beasts were through, and he closed the portal.

With two quests completed, they prepared to return to the college. Archer cast Gate to the college grounds.

As they stepped through, the familiar surroundings of the gardens greeted them. The Gate closed behind them.

Once they were through, Teuila commented. ''We still have twenty minutes until the next class. What does everybody want to do?''

Zarina was the first to speak. ''I want to study in the library.''

The redhead walked off after saying goodbye to the three girls and giving Archer a nod.

He watched her walk away and wondered why she acted like that but then remembered her family area shunned by the nobles, but that didn't bother him as she was an interesting girl.

That's when Nala spoke. ''She is a strange girl, but I don't blame her. Zarina was bullied up until she entered the college.''

Archer nodded, then turned to the three girls. "What class do you have next?"

"Magic fundamentals," Teuila sighed.

"Combat Magic," Nala and Talila replied simultaneously.

That's when the ocean princess chimed in, "Let's relax until classes. The garden looks beautiful while covered in snow."

Archer and the other two agreed. They soon found a bench to sit on, and he used Mana Manipulation to melt all the snow covering it.

Teuila leaned back, causing her ponytail to sway, looking up at the sky. "The weather is surprisingly calm today, considering the season. It's quite serene."

Nala, shivering slightly, added, "I love the snow, though. Everything looks like it's covered in a soft, white blanket."

Talila nodded in agreement, her red eyes sparkling. "It's a magical sight. Winter has its charm."

Archer, enjoying the conversation, chimed in, "What about your classes? How's the magic fundamentals going, Teuila?"

Teuila sighed, "It's not my favorite, but I manage. I prefer practical magic over theories."

Nala and Talila exchanged amused glances and spoke simultaneously, which caused Archer to laugh. "Combat Magic is our favorite.''

As they continued chatting, the distant sound of the college bell echoed through the garden, signaling the start of classes.

The girls sighed in unison, realizing it was time to part ways. Teuila stood up gracefully, her blue eyes meeting Archer's. "Well, time for class. Until later, Darling."

With that, she leaned in and gently kissed his cheek before heading off with Nala and Talila, who also kissed him. Archer watched them leave, a smile lingering on his lips.

Once they disappeared, he stood up, adjusted his shirt, and made his way to class. Archer strolled through the serene college garden, the remnants of snow beneath his feet.

As he approached the grand entrance of the college, the atmosphere shifted. Crowds of students bustled around, each engrossed in their world, making their way to various classes.

Determined to reach Swordsmanship class, Archer navigated through the labyrinth of students.

However, the sprawling corridors and interconnected halls soon proved confusing, and he was lost amid the sea of faces.

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As a trace of frustration appeared on Archer's face, a familiar figure drew his attention. Gianna Silvercrest, Janna's older sister, caught his eye.

Her green hair bounced with each step, and her jaguar ears twitched as she scanned the bustling hallway.

Archer observed that she sported leather adventurer's armor, struggling to contain her massive mountains.

He shook his head and called out to her, "Gianna!"

The jaguar woman swiftly turned towards him, a big smile lighting up her face as she approached.

Archer couldn't help but admire her beauty, observing the graceful sway of her hips. Inwardly, he mused, 'Older women have a different charm then the younger ones.'

Gianna stopped in front of him as she spoke. ''What can I do for my little nephew?''

He chuckled before asking, "Could you tell me where the Swordsmanship Class is, please?"

The jaguar woman's smile widened, and she nodded. "Of course, I can. Funny enough, that's my next class."

His smile persisted as he recalled, "Oh yeah, you do teach Swordsmanship. It will be good to learn from you, aunty."

Archer's charming tone caught the older woman off guard, and she shook her head, continuing to walk.

As they strolled together toward the Swordsmanship class, they engaged in a lively conversation about life in the college.

He remarked, "College life can be quite eventful. But I can't wait for Frostwinter to be over, though."

Gianna nodded in agreement, her jaguar ears twitching. "Elderbloom is always a refreshing change. The blooming gardens and vibrant colors lift everyone's spirits."

Archer grinned, "Absolutely. And the Frostwinter Festival on the way is something to look forward to because the emperor will pay me."

She laughed heartily at his comment and responded, "So I've heard. You've saved the empire and other kingdoms; the rumors claim they're all flocking here to meet you."

With a playful glint in his eye, Archer couldn't resist indulging in a bit of self-praise. "Well, you know, it's not every day someone saves the entire continent from a war that could have dragged on for years."

She raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh? Do tell, humble hero."

Archer adopted a mockingly serious tone, gesturing dramatically. "Picture it: armies clashing, magic crackling in the air, and then there's me, swooping in to bring peace and tranquility. Quite the scene, if I do say so myself."

The jaguar woman chuckled, "And, of course, the heroic charm played a crucial role in resolving the conflict?"

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Archer couldn't resist a playful boast. "It wasn't just my charm that stopped the war. But my unparalleled handsomeness also played a crucial role.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]