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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 492 Do You Accept Me
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Chapter 492 Do You Accept Me

Archer just looked at the dazed snake girl, who had a small smile and thought to himself. 'This probably happened because I said I don't love her. I won't be doing that again.'

He shook his head and paid attention to her. She had short black hair, bright yellow eyes, and was petite like Ella but had bigger boobs.

Halime sat there, her dazed expression gradually giving way to a smile as she regained awareness.

Her gaze fixed on Archer, and with a hopeful tone, she asked, "Do you accept me?"

Archer met her eyes, his smile warm and reassuring. Without uttering a word, he nodded, affirming his acceptance.

A burst of joy illuminated Halime's face as she lunged forward and hugged him tightly.

With playful enthusiasm, she showered his neck and cheeks with gentle kisses, a gesture that he found undeniably adorable.

Their tender moment was interrupted by the ringing of the bell, bringing her affectionate onslaught to a halt.

Archer smiled, glancing at her, and asked, "Which class do you have now?"

As the two lingered in the hallway after the bell, Halime, with a twinkle in her eyes, shared a piece of her schedule with him. "I've got Magic Fundamentals next. Ella, Sera and Hemera are in the same class."

He nodded, extending his hand, and she took it with a smile. They walked together to her class, engaging in casual conversation.

Archer couldn't help but notice the instant transformation in the girl. She became more animated, passionately discussing her experiences using magic against various beasts.

Archer walked Halime to her classroom, the chatter of students and the distant hum of the school creating a lively backdrop.

When they reached her destination, he turned to face her with a smile. Before she entered, he cupped Halime's cheek and gently kissed her lips.

It was a sweet and brief moment, filled with the unspoken promise of connection. She entered the classroom with a radiant smile.

Archer watched for a moment before making his way to the quest class. The path to the quest class led him through the bustling corridors.

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While he walked down the corridor, he started to think to himself. 'Twelve girls Arch. What are you doing? This is going to be chaotic.'

He shrugged, indifferent to the matter, deciding to handle it when the time came. With that thought in mind, he reached the classroom and casually walked inside.

Archer saw Teuila, Talila, Nala, and Nalika chatting to each other while Lioran and Ciaran chatted with another three boys.

That's when he realized two of them had saved him a seat, so Nala motioned for him to sit with them when they saw him.

He walked over to them with a smile and greeted the three girls with a kiss before sitting down at the end of the desk next to Teuila.

The four girls resumed their conversation as the lion boy took a moment to introduce the two boys accompanying him.

"Archer, let me introduce you to Cylix Maclin from the Riverland Duchy. He is the son of Count Maclin in the East," Lioran said, motioning towards a blue-haired boy of Archer's age.

He had the same blue eyes as his hair and was much smaller than Archer, who was much taller even when sitting down.

Lioran shifted his attention to the next boy. "And this is Barion Darkwell, son of Earl Darkwell from the Frostwyn Duchy."

Archer glanced at the second boy, noting the distinctive features of an elf with light blue skin and short white hair.

'An ice elf?' He mused to himself.

Before the elf could speak, the boy named Cylix spoke with gratitude. ''Thank you for helping my family. They all appreciate it and want to thank you personally.''

Archer looked at the blue-haired boy with a confused look, causing Lioran to explain. ''You rescued their family's land in the East. They were under siege until you appeared and turned the enemy army to ash.''

He shrugged before commenting. ''I burned so much that I've lost track, but I'm glad I helped your family. The emperor can reward me even more now, Cylix.''

Lioran chuckled as Barion remained silent, redirecting his attention as Professor Greyleaf entered the classroom.

Archer's face lit up as the older blonde woman entered. She stopped before the class, saying, "Good morning, class."

Turning towards the blackboard, she began jotting down some notes. Archer, unfazed, patiently waited for her to provide further explanations.

Samara stood at the front of the class, her voice clear and commanding. "Good morning, everyone. As S-class members, you now have the privilege of choosing any college quest available. Today, I'll guide you to the quest center where you can make your selections. Let's make our way there together."

The students exchanged excited glances, and anticipation filled the room as they prepared to embark on their next adventure.

Samara led the way, and the class eagerly followed, ready to see the quest center for the first time.

Archer and the three girls stood up, followed by the other four students. Together, they trailed behind the older woman who had exited the classroom.

Following Samara, everyone navigated through corridors until they exited the building. They continued walking towards the northern side of the college grounds.

As they approached, Archer noticed a medium-sized wooden building in the distance.

Getting closer, the nicely decorated exterior became more apparent, catching his eye with its charm.

Samara led the way into the building, followed by the entire group, including Archer and the girls.

Upon entering, they were greeted by a spacious interior with a large desk manned by a couple of older students.

Opposite the desk, a quest board caught his attention, while scattered chairs and a shop at the other end filled the space.

Archer approached the sign at the shop, realizing it dealt with the purchase of beast parts, a prospect that didn't pique his interest.

He surveyed the surroundings, considering the various opportunities and choices displayed in the bustling hub of activities.

Samara turned around, facing the eager group of students, and raised her hand for attention. "Alright, everyone, take a seat. I have an announcement."

As the students settled into chairs, Samara continued, "For your first assignment, I want you to break into groups of five. Each group will be responsible for completing ten quests within the next week. The goal is not just to finish the quests but to gain valuable experience. Once the week is over, I'd like each group to write about their experiences. We'll then compare and discuss what you've learned."

Excitement buzzed through the room as the students exchanged glances, contemplating the adventure awaited them.

Nala, Teuila, and Talila exchanged glances and then turned to observe Archer, who seemed to be scanning the surroundings with a wide-eyed curiosity that amused them.

Amused by his demeanor, they giggled, drawing Archer's attention. He shifted his gaze toward them, narrowing his eyes, and inquired with a smile, "What's so funny?''

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Teuila couldn't help but notice the wide-eyed curiosity on Archer's face, and a mischievous smile tugged at her lips. As the group gathered, she leaned in to share her amusement with Nala and Talila.

"I love the look on his face," she whispered the playful sparkle in her eyes mirroring the mischief in her tone.

Before they could continue their light banter, Samara intervened. "Alright, everyone, let's group up before choosing quests. Form your teams of five, and we'll get started."

Teuila grinned at Archer, teasingly adding, "Save that for when we embark on our quests together. "

The playful banter continued as the students excitedly formed their groups. He strolled over to the quest board, his eyes scanning the array of quests available.

As he looked at the options, he focused on a couple that caught his interest, particularly those involving beasts.

He carefully took note of the details, pondering the challenges and rewards each quest presented.

The girls gathered around the quest board. Their eyes focused on quests involving the hunting of formidable beasts.

They deliberated and carefully selected ten quests that promised both challenge and excitement as a group.

With their choices made, they approached Samara, who awaited them with an intrigued smile.

Archer handed over the list of quests, and Samara scanned through them, her expression growing more pleased with each selection.

"Well done, everyone. These quests will certainly test your skills and provide valuable experience," Samara commended, her approval evident.

That's when he saw a redheaded girl with blue eyes standing in one corner and wasn't approached by anyone.

Archer recognized her as Zarina from one of his classes. So he approached her when he noticed her discomfort.

Her eyes, initially reflecting unease, suddenly narrowed as she spotted him. The shifts in her expression hinted at a mix of wariness.

When he got close to the girl, she spoke in a hostile voice. ''What do you want, dragon boy?''

Archer chuckled before answering with a charming smile. ''Do you want to join my group, Zarina?''

The redhead looked at him and wondered what he wanted with her until Nala, Talila, and Teuila approached with smiles.