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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 491 The Kiss Of Death
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Chapter 491 The Kiss Of Death

Archer and Nefertiti made their way down the road while the college came into view. He couldn't help but be reminded of a certain magic school from a book on Earth.

Soon, the two walked through the entrance and saw Ella, Hemera, Llyniel, and Sera standing near a fountain, talking with Lioran's fiancees.

Lioran and Ciaran intercepted Archer as the duo approached, blocking his path while Nefertiti walked past them.

That's when Lioran commented with a grin. "Did you accept Nala? She has been very happy."

Archer looked at the lion boy with a neutral expression before responding with a chuckle. "Indeed, but as of now, only you two and the girls are in the know. I prefer to see how things unfold before making an official announcement and confronting your father."

Lioran's face lit up with a warm smile as he nodded in approval. Meanwhile, Ciaran extended a welcoming hand to Archer, firm in grip and camaraderie.

Before Cian could utter a word, Ella, Hemera, Llyniel, and Sera, each radiating excitement, surrounded Archer.

In a delightful display of affection, they greeted him with a shower of friendly kisses, expressing their joy at his presence.

Archer was caught off guard and started laughing as he returned their kisses. After that, he asked. ''Where are the others?''

At that moment, Ella informed him, "Teuila and Talila went to looked for Professor Grayleaf for a matter they needed to discuss, and Leira had to return to the palace to attend to her parents."

Sera interjected while the half-elf smiled, "Nala is engrossed in training, fueled by the excitement of someone accepting her. As for Halime, she simply disappeared, and we haven't seen her since leaving the domain."

That was when Llyniel walked over to him and spoke in a low voice as many people were around. ''I think she may have gone to the gardens at the back of the college.''

Archer agreed with a nod, then summoned a Tressym from the domain and asked it to find the snake girl.

The creature happily did what he asked. Everyone watched wide-eyed, making Archer smile as he explained to the group. "During my time in the Nether Realm, I discovered these little creatures. I invited them to join me, and they willingly became my trustworthy scouts. They've been really useful."

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Upon hearing this, their faces lit up with joy, and Sera inquired, "After classes, could you summon more of them? We'd love to see those fluffy and cute creatures."

"Ladies. I'll summon a bunch once you're back in the domain before heading out on my date," Archer replied with a charming smile when he saw them all looking at him.

The girl's excitement radiated in their eyes as they collectively expressed eagerness to encounter the adorable cats later on.

Upon hearing this, Leonora and Nalika, the two lion girls, mirrored expressions of excitement before directing their gaze towards Archer.

"Arch, would it be alright if they joined us?" inquired Ella.

When he heard her question, he turned his attention to Lioran, who was engrossed in conversation with Cian.

"Don't look at me! They can do what they want, but can I also join? I've always wanted to see this domain Nala speaks of," the lion boy replied.

Archer asked, "Why do you want to see it?"

Lioran smiled as he responded, "Because the girls have talked about it, and I'm curious."

Upon hearing this, Archer chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You can go with your woman. The girls will warn you not to wander, or you'll be eaten."

After saying this, he noticed the Tressym flying toward it. When it arrived, the cat rubbed its head against him, conveying the information about Halime's whereabouts.

Archer expressed gratitude to the fluffy beast with a stroke and promised it plenty of pets soon, causing it to get excited.

The girls stroked the flying cat, who loved the attention, before flying through the portal with a meow, causing Archer to laugh.

Once that was done, he kissed each girl before turning to Lioran and Ciaran before asking. ''What classes have you got today?''

Cian answered first. ''I have Magic Theory, Combat Magic, Elemental Affinities, History, Geopolitics, and Spellcraft.''

The lion booy spoke next. ''Questing and Adventure, Anti-Magic Defence, Enchanting, History & Geopolitics, Spellcraft. What about you, Arch?''

"The Questing and Adventure class, Swordsmanship, Magic Fundamental, History & Geopolitics, and Spellcraft," He answered.

Lioran smiled when he heard this. He said goodbye and walked over to his fiances, with Cian following behind as the girls approached him.

Each one kissed him before going off to their classes, apart from Teuila and Talila, who had the same lesson and had just returned.

He told the two girls to meet him in the class while he went to find the snake girl sitting alone in the college's back garden.

Archer strolled through the college grounds, the vibrant atmosphere buzzing with activity.

As he traversed the pathways, he observed professors conducting classes outdoors, their voices carrying fragments of knowledge on the gentle breeze.

Students listened attentively, notebooks in hand, absorbing the lessons amidst the picturesque surroundings.

The college garden was a canvas of colors, with diligent individuals tending to the flowers, pruning bushes, and ensuring the beauty of the landscape.

Laughter echoed as friends gathered on benches, sharing stories and forming memories. As Archer continued his walk, his gaze fell upon Halime.

Seated on a bench next to a tranquil pond, she exuded a sense of calm amid the vibrant surroundings.

The sunlight played on the water's surface, causing gentle ripples that mirrored the serene ambiance of the scene.

Archer approached her with a concerned look as he sat beside the snake girl and wrapped his arm around her waist.

He pulled her closer to him, which made the unaware girl jump and try to back away until she realized it was him.

Halime's turmoil settled as she nestled against him, her gaze fixed on the reflective surface of the pond. However, Archer's words pierced through the fragile tranquility. "What's troubling you?"

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Silence enveloped the girl, but his persistent probing compelled her to respond, her voice laced with pain. "You only halfway embraced me, yet with the lion girl, you offered full acceptance. Why am I denied the same?"

After speaking, a soft breeze carried the scent of flowers as they sat together, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

Halime hesitated, her gaze fixed on the ground as if searching for the right way to express the ache within her.

Finally, she looked up, her eyes revealing the vulnerability she had long guarded. "Archer," she began, her voice tinged with sadness and longing, "you don't know what it's like to live with a curse that repels everyone. No one has ever wanted me, touched me willingly, because of this mark that stains my existence."

Archer, his eyes filled with empathy, reached out to gently touch her arm. "Halime, I..."

She pulled away, the pain in her eyes intensifying. "No, Archer, listen. You're the only one, the only person whose touch I can bear. The only one who defies the curse. But it's not enough."

His brow furrowed in concern. "What do you mean?"

Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke the words she had hidden deep within her soul. "I want more. I want your love. I want to feel your touch sparingly and freely without fearing repulsion. I want to be with you, truly with you, in every sense of the word."

Halime, her heart heavy with unspoken words, turned to him. "Archer, I can't keep living in this uncertainty. I need to know where I stand with you. Can we be together? Or is this just a game where we're so close yet so far apart?"

Archer sighed, his gaze thoughtful. "Halime, it's not that I don't want to be with you. I just... I wanted to get to know you better, understand you more. I didn't want to rush into something and end up hurting you."

Halime looked down, her frustration evident. "But the uncertainty hurts more."

His expression shifted, a mixture of understanding and determination. He took a step closer to her. "I don't want you to doubt my feelings, Halime. I care about you deeply. Maybe I've been too cautious."

Before she could respond, he gently cupped her face and leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a soft, unexpected kiss.

Time froze for a moment as Halime processed the surprise. Her eyes widened, and the surroundings briefly blurred.

The courtyard fell into a hush as they parted, and whispers rippled through the passing students.

Halime was infamous for her curse, and people steered clear of her. Seeing Archer kiss her, they braced for the expected fallout, anticipating his sudden demise.

Witnessing what they dubbed the "kiss of death," onlookers were stunned, their faces a mix of surprise and amazement.

However, defying all predictions, Archer emerged unscathed. A quiet stillness settled over the courtyard as everyone grappled with this unexpected turn of events.

Some students looked on with admiration, while others, grappling with confusion, regarded him with suspicion and fear.