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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 490 You Love Us All The Same
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Chapter 490 You Love Us All The Same

Once they were all settled, sipping on cocoa, Archer addressed the group. "Okay, ladies, I took Ella and Nala on a date first, but today, I will take Hecate and Nefertiti."

A wave of reactions erupted; some girls looked angry, and others appeared jealous. Tensions escalated, nearly reaching a breaking point, causing Archer to step in and defuse the impending argument.

Nefertiti was smiling and excited, but Hemera spoke up. "Darling! Why can't you take me instead of Nefi?"

Most girls were bickering among themselves, but others were quiet, like Halime and Llyniel.

Llyniel left the living room after feeling uncomfortable, while the snake girl was quiet while just sitting there.

The air in the room grew tense as the nine girls bickered over the upcoming dates. Sensing the escalating discord, Archer raised his hand, signaling for silence.

"Alright, ladies, let's settle down," He spoke firmly.

As the room hushed, he continued. "I understand you're all excited, and I appreciate that. But we need to work together here."

Archer took a deep breath before explaining, "I'm doing my best to be fair to each of you. I don't want to favor one over the others. With my classes, I can manage two dates a day, and I'll make sure everyone gets their chance. It's the best I can do right now."

The room fell silent as the girls absorbed his words. With a genuine smile, Archer hoped his explanation would foster understanding among them.

Archer summoned Llyniel, who slipped out to the balcony before Hemera commented. ''So you're not picking Nefi out of favoritism?''

When she voiced her concerns, Archer nodded and explained, "No, my sun elf. I don't favor any of you over the others. Each of you adds something to my life, and I love that. But we can't argue over dates because I'll take each of you on one, and each experience will be unique, so there's no need to worry."

Nala then questioned, "So no one will be left out?"

Archer agreed with a smile before answering. "You're correct. Everyone will get their turn. To ensure fairness, I'll put each of your names, excluding Nefertiti's, and the two I pick will be going on a date tomorrow.''

That's when Sera excitedly commented, "So you love us all the same?"

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Archer chuckled at her enthusiasm before responding, "Well, no. I love all of you, apart from Halime, Llyniel, and Nala. You seem to forget we've been together for a couple of years now, so we've had time to bond."

He then turned his gaze to the new girls and continued, "I don't mean it in a horrible way, ladies. It's just that we haven't spent much time together, and I want to change that. I also know I'll come to love you three, it just takes time."

The three girls nodded in understanding, acknowledging that developing a deep bond like the others would take time, and they weren't in a rush.

After explaining and settling the matter with the group, Archer closed his eyes. In his mind, he imagined a box containing the names of the eight girls owed a date, each written on paper.

As the image materialized, it surprised the group, and Archer addressed them, saying, "There are eight names in here. I will pick out tomorrow's dates and so on. Is that fair?"

Everyone agreed, and he drew two pieces of paper from the imaginary box, reading the names aloud.

"Llyniel and Hemera." He declared, eliciting smiles from the chosen girls.

"For the second pair, we have Halime and Talila." He continued as the girls exchanged glances and slight smiles between the two.

Moving on, he said the third set of names. "Next in line are Sera and Teuila."

The two girls nodded in acknowledgment, their excitement palpable. Lastly, he drew the final two pieces of paper and read, "Sia and Leira."

With smiles, the girls agreed on the order of the dates. That's when the?atmosphere lightened as they started chatting again while Archer sat down and relaxed.

Sera and Llyniel decided to head out of the treehouse. Before leaving, they informed Archer, "We're going to check on the garden."

The morning sun casts a warm glow on their path as the two exited. Watching them go, Archer felt a sense of satisfaction at the cooperative spirit within the group.

Once the two were gone, Hemera approached him with Ella, Leira, and Halime. Smiling, she spoke, "Darling, we're heading into the city to check on some shops before classes start. Do you mind opening a portal?"

He nodded before casting Gate to the alleyway he used to enter Starfall. Archer stood up and kissed the four girls before they left.

Teuila, Nefertiti, Talila, and Nala engaged in conversation, while the succubus immersed herself in a book. Suddenly, the three warrior girls sprang to their feet and exited the room.

The blue-haired girl stopped in front of him with a grin. "We are going to train. There's an hour until class begins, so we have time."

Archer responded, his gaze tracing over the Aquarian before leaning into her ear and whispering, "I want you soon, Teuila."

He pressed a lingering kiss on Teuila before gracefully stepping back just as Nala and Talila approached.

Archer gave each girl kisses, and they departed from the treehouse. Only he and Nefertiti were left, who was engrossed in her reading.

Glancing up from her book, she appeared momentarily confused but soon smiled. She stood up and approached him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Nefertiti then gave him a passionate kiss, one that Archer wholeheartedly returned, and the air around them filled with a shared intensity as they found a moment alone.

When they finally separated, Archer, his eyes still warm, couldn't help but be curious about what she was doing.

"What are you reading?" he inquired, a genuine interest in his voice.

Nefertiti smiled, holding up the book she had been immersed in. "It's about Zenian legends. Quite fascinating."

Archer's eyes lit up with intrigue. "Zenian legends? That sounds interesting. Mind if I take a look?"

Upon hearing about the legends, Archer's mind instantly veered toward the idea of treasure, and a keen interest sparked within him.

Eager to learn more, he expressed his curiosity with a big smile. Nefertiti, sharing his enthusiasm, nodded her head and guided him to a sofa.

Seated on the sofa, Nefertiti began to narrate a captivating story about her ancestor, a formidable leader who commanded a massive army of one hundred thousand men.

The tale unfolded as they emerged victorious in a war, bringing back the spoils of their conquest, hundreds of carts filled to the brim with treasures.

Archer's violet eyes glowed with greed and excitement as she painted a vivid picture of the spoils' triumph and grandeur.

Driven by a fervent desire, he set his sights on uncovering the elusive Zenian treasure, intending to make it his own.

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As Nefertiti observed the greed etched on his face, she couldn't help but giggle before sharing her perspective. "It's all yours if you manage to discover it. Father would undoubtedly rejoice, but there's a condition: you must return our ancestor's belongings."

Archer gave her a nod before speaking with a grin. ''Of course. If it's for you, I'd do it, not your Father.''

Hearing his reply, she laughed, and the succubus continued telling him about all the different legends he wanted to investigate.

As the captivating tales of Zenian legends wound down, Archer and Nefertiti found themselves lost in the allure of the stories, oblivious to the passage of time.

The soft morning light filtered through the leaves of the treehouse, casting a warm glow on the couple entwined on the sofa.

Archer's violet eyes, still glinting with curiosity, finally tore his gaze away from the captivating world of legends and glanced at the enchanted timepiece on the wall.

His eyes widened in realization, and he gently nudged Nefertiti, who was leaning against him.

"Nefi," he murmured, "we might have gotten a bit carried away. Classes are starting soon."

Nefertiti blinked, her attention returning from the realms of ancient tales to the present moment. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she also noticed the time. "Oh, Archer, you're right! We need to get going."

The two lovers untangled themselves, reluctantly pulling away from the cozy cocoon of stories and warmth.

Archer stood up and stretched, his muscles protesting the sudden movement after the long period of sitting.

Nefertiti gracefully rose, her eyes still shining with the remnants of excitement from the legends.

With a mischievous grin, Archer extended his hand towards Nefertiti with a glint in his eyes. "Shall we?"

She took his hand, returning the smile. "Indeed, we shall.''

The shimmering portal opened, revealing the bustling streets beyond. Archer turned to Nefertiti, gesturing for her to go first.

"Ladies first," he teased, and she gracefully stepped through the portal.

As Nefertiti disappeared into the magical gateway, Archer followed suit, the portal closing behind him.

When they stepped through the magical portal onto the cobblestone road leading to the college, the vibrant sounds of life surrounded them.

The air was filled with the lively chatter of students, the distant hum of activity, and the rhythmic clatter of hooves against the road.

It stretched ahead, lined with ancient trees whose leaves whispered secrets to the breeze.