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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 487 Joining The Pride
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Chapter 487 Joining The Pride

They kept eating like they were starving, and everyone noticed. Sometimes, they looked at each other happily, knowing they enjoyed the tasty food.

They took more than an hour to finish eating. The plates piled up, drawing the attention of the other patrons.

Archer looked at the lioness and chuckled when he saw her leaning back on her chair while holding her stomach with a happy look.

She was leaning back with her hair spilling out all over the place as her eyes were closed. That's when the older waitress appeared.

''Are you two finished?'' She asked with a smile.

Archer nodded before piling the plates back onto the trolleys as the woman called for help, and a few younger men came.

Nala woke up and helped out a little as she was sluggish due to all the food she ate, which caused Archer to laugh.

After doing that, the waiters pushed the trolleys away, and once they vanished, the older woman appeared with the bill and placed it on the table. 

He picked it up, saw the price of eighty gold coins, and handed them over before standing up.

The two exited the restaurant and started to stroll along the docks. They heard the rhythmic sounds of waves lapping against the ships, and the distant chatter of sailors filled the air.

As they walked, they observed the bustling activity of ships being loaded and unloaded with cargo.

Nala's keen eyes spotted a particular vessel amidst the maritime hustle. She pointed towards it. "Look, Archer, that ship over there is from the Lionheart Kingdom. I recognize the emblem on its sails."

Archer followed her gaze and nodded. "You have a sharp eye, Nala. It's always fascinating to see the different ships and cargoes coming and going from all different places."

They continued their walk along the docks, absorbing the sights and sounds of the busy harbor.

Nala was holding onto his arm, and he felt her shivering, so he cast Cosmic Shield around them.

Seeing the violet sphere surprised her, but Archer kept going. He used Mana Manipulation to make a flame and warm up the insides.

After a few minutes, Nala felt warm and shivered a bit, making Archer happy as they reached a hill overlooking the harbor.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Archer stopped walking and just watched the scene. The harbor was a symphony of activity, with ships navigating in and out, their sails illuminated by the soft glow of mana lamps.

The waterfront, usually a hive of daytime commerce, retained its vitality even under the stars.

Mana lamps lining the docks cast a warm and ethereal light, revealing the intricate dance of sailors loading and unloading cargo.

Shadows played on the water's surface as lantern-lit ships set sail or docked, creating a mesmerizing scene.

Archer marveled at the harmony of tranquility where the mana-infused lamps illuminated the bustling harbor.

As the moon cast a soft glow over the tranquil harbor, Archer and Nala found a quiet spot along the docks.

The ambient sounds of the night, a symphony of gentle waves and distant ship creaks, surrounded them.

A silent understanding passed between them. He cupped Nala's face in his hands, and with a tender smile, he leaned in.

Their lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the moment.

Archer reveled in the feeling of Nala's plump lips against his, savoring the warmth of their connection.

The kiss spoke volumes, a language of shared emotions and unspoken affection. As they pulled away, a shared grin lingered on their faces.

After their kiss, he spotted a bench and decided to sit. Nala playfully leaped onto his lap as he did, facing him with a smile.

Locking eyes with him, she grinned and teased. "Am I part of your pride now? Will I become the wife of the infamous white dragon?"

Archer gazed at the girl, sensing a genuine intention beneath her smile. He momentarily fell silent before asking. "If you choose this path Nala, there's no going back. I'm a greedy dragon and will never let you go?"

"I don't care. I don't want to go back, and I won't let you go!" she responded swiftly and excitedly.

Upon hearing her immediate answer, he pulled her forward and kissed her again, a moment Nala thoroughly enjoyed.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and reciprocated the kiss as the snow hit the shield, shielding them from the Frostwinter storm and keeping them warm.

Afterward, the two parted. She gazed into his eyes before saying. "Now you're mine, and no one can say different."

Archer smiled, kissing her nose before suggesting. "Do you want to return to the domain? It's late, and we have classes tomorrow."

She agreed, hopping off him and starting to stretch. Archer opened a portal, and the two stepped through, finding themselves in the living room.

The only illumination came from the soft glow of magical orbs scattered throughout the living area.

Archer decided to scan the treehouse to find the other girls who should be asleep in their rooms.

Closing his eyes, he extended his senses, reaching out with his mana to create a vision of the surroundings.

As his mana perception unfolded, the details of the treehouse became clear to him.

He could see the intricate design of the wooden walls, the furniture, and the winding staircase leading to the upper levels.

The magical orbs emitted a gentle, otherworldly glow. Archer's focus shifted towards the bedrooms, and he sensed the presence of the girls.

Each girl had added personal touches to their shared space, creating a room that reflected her individuality.

The mana signatures of the sleeping forms were like soft, glowing auras in the otherwise dark environment.

Moving through the treehouse with this augmented sight, Archer observed each girl in her bedroom.

They were sound asleep, calm and peaceful. Some seemed to stir slightly, perhaps caught in the delicate realms of dreams.

He noticed the subtle rise and fall of blankets as they breathed in the quiet of the night.

Satisfied with his silent survey, Archer opened his eyes, returning to the natural darkness of the living area.

Feeling the fatigue of the day, Nala stretched her arms overhead, a yawn escaping her. She glanced at Archer, who was engrossed in a book near the fireplace.

"Alright, I think it's time for me to hit the hay," Nala announced with a contented smile. She made her way to him, pausing to tousle his hair affectionately.

"Goodnight, Archie," she murmured, the fatigue evident in her voice as she made her way towards the bedrooms.

"Sleep well, Nala," he replied, his eyes following her until she disappeared into the hallway's darkness.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As the sound of a bedroom door softly closed, he decided to make himself comfortable. Dragging a chair over to the fireplace, he positioned it before the crackling flames.

The warmth embraced him, and he settled into the chair, enjoying the soothing firelight dance as he pulled out some blankets from his Item Box.

As he settled into his makeshift bed, the Frostwinter storm outside intensified, the wind howling and the snow tapping against the treehouse windows like a thousand tiny dancers.

The creaks and groans of the wooden structure echoed the weather's protest. Wrapped in the warmth of his blankets.

Archer closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the storm become a lullaby. The rhythmic percussion of the snow hitting the windows.

The magical orbs' glow dimly illuminated the treehouse's interior, casting shadows that danced on the walls.

Archer felt the treehouse respond to the storm, each shudder and creak echoing the elements.

Lying there, the storm's sounds gradually calmed him. The cozy chair embraced him, and the distant Frostwinter storm created a soothing background.

The chaotic beauty of the weather turned into a distant melody, accompanying his journey into dreams.

Amid the tempest, Archer succumbed to the calming sounds. The Frostwinter symphony transformed into a gentle serenade, guiding him into a peaceful sleep.

[Unknown group]

In the shadows of the moonlit night, a clandestine gathering unfolded outside Starfall City.

A group of individuals, their faces hidden beneath hoods and obscured by darkness, convened in a secluded area.

Their hushed voices carried a tone of secrecy and malice as they devised a sinister plan.

One man, the apparent leader, spoke with a venomous determination. "We strike when he's vulnerable, on the streets. The boy won't see it coming. And as for his women, we take them hostage. That should teach him a lesson."

Nods of agreement rippled through the group, their sinister intentions shrouded in the secrecy of the night.

The conspirators discussed details of their plan, orchestrating a calculated assault to catch Archer off guard.

One figure, more ruthless than the rest, added, "Use the women against him. Make him feel the weight of his choices. It'll break him."

As the malevolent plot unfolded, the conspirators dispersed into the shadows, leaving a chilling atmosphere of ill intent.

The night seemed to hold its breath, unaware of the impending danger over Archer and his girls.

[Not fully edited because I don't feel well and need to sleep but I'll do it when I'm better]