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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 480 Legends and Mysteries
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Chapter 480 Legends and Mysteries

Archer heard the sounds of exotic creatures echoing through the trees. Their journey took an unexpected turn when many jungle beasts confronted them.

Never ready for a challenge, Archer took on the beasts with excitement. He used his claws, tail, and wings skillfully.

Amidst the chaos, Archer captured some creatures, each possessing unique and extraordinary traits.

With a combination of raw strength and finesse, he demonstrated his prowess in taming the wild inhabitants of the jungle.

As Archer engaged the beasts in close combat, Halime focused on using her unique abilities to tip the scales in their favor.

With a wave of her hand, tendrils of poisonous mist emanated from her fingertips, weaving through the air like ethereal serpents.

The toxic fog enveloped the approaching beasts, causing them to recoil and writhe as the potent poison took effect.

Halime's mastery over her poison magic became evident as she strategically targeted the more formidable foes, weakening them and disrupting their coordinated attacks.

The jungle air echoed with the hiss and sizzle of the magical toxins at work. Recognizing Halime's help, he adjusted his tactics to capture more beasts.

As the poison dispersed, Archer captured promising beasts for his Monster Army. Halime was drained but satisfied as she helped him.

When they were done, Archer approached the tired snake girl and gave her one of Hecate's potions, which she took and downed in one go.

After drinking it, Halime asked in a curious voice. ''What is this potion? Where did you get it?''

Archer grinned before telling her. ''My fiance Hecate created it. We opened a shop called Dragonheart Potions.''

When he mentioned Hecate's shop, he decided to check on it when he was on a date with Ella later on.

He stopped thinking to himself and continued until they encountered something they never expected to find here.

It was a lost village hidden in the dense foliage. It appeared ancient, its structures bearing signs of a long-forgotten era.

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Archer and Halime exchanged curious glances, wondering about the time this village came from.

They explored the lost village within the Western Wilds. Their search yielded little more than remnants of a bygone era.

The eerie silence enveloped the dilapidated structures; the only remnants of life were scattered pots and the echoes of a once-thriving community.

Archer glimpsed the remnants of a once vibrant family home in one of the village houses. Dust-coated plates and cups adorned the table, frozen in time.

Upon entering, he discovered sofas arranged in one room, with a table between them and hunting weapons hanging on the wall.

A sense of abandonment lingered in the air. As Archer explored further, he approached the kitchen, finding a pot on a stove covered in dust and cobwebs.

While scrutinizing the house, his Aura Detector picked up signals surrounding the village, prompting him to leave.

However, before leaving, he caught sight of a pile of bones nestled in one corner of the room.

Amidst the remnants of the abandoned house, Archer's gaze lingered on a collection of skulls, thinking of the family that might have once called this place home.

That's when a sudden scream shattered the uneasy silence as he pondered the haunting relics.

Reacting swiftly, he rushed out of the dilapidated dwelling, only to find Halime under attack from the eerie rake-like creatures, their grotesque forms lunging at her menacingly.

Unfazed, the snake girl was casting her Poison magic, a green aura enveloping the creatures and forcing them to crumple to the ground.

Aware that time was of the essence, Archer cat elemental bolts made of thunder crackled to life, soaring through the air toward the remaining creatures.

Explosions resonated through the darkened jungle as the bolts connected with their targets, briefly illuminating the eerie surroundings.

The radiant display brought a brief reprieve, and Archer watched as the creatures were burned and sent flying into the distance.

Halime looked over at him with a weary but grateful smile. That's when he saw how tired the poor snake girl was again.

Archer smiled as he spoke. ''Let's head back to the college. We've come far today.''

She nodded her head, causing him to cast Gate back to the college grounds, and he let Halime go through first.

He looked around before stepping through it and saw they were in the gardens. Students were sitting on benches nearby, reading or talking.

Halime turned to him with a smile before talking. ''What class do you have next? It's the last class of the day, and I have History & Geopolitics.''

"Legends and Mysteries Exploration," Archer replied absentmindedly, his attention drawn to the little snake around his neck.

A gentle stroke indicated his acknowledgment of its presence. Halime, witnessing the interaction, smiled and expressed, "I've got to go, Arch. But I will see you later."

Archer bid farewell to the snake girl with a warm hug before she departed, drawing a watchful gaze from other students.

Unfazed, he waved at them with a charming smile before heading to class. As he walked, he heard the snake's voice. ''I was sleeping. You're very comfortable.''

Smiling, he replied, ''Well, you can sleep as much as you want. But I may be fighting a lot so that you know.''

''That's okay. I will be safe,'' the little snake answered before coiling around his neck even more.

It felt like he was wearing a leather scarf, so it didn't bother him. Archer strolled toward his class, the rhythmic strokes of his hand soothing the little snake coiled around his neck.

The tiny creature responded with contented hisses, its way of expressing happiness. The soft hisses created a harmonious melody as Archer continued down the corridor.

That's when a blonde girl, accompanied by two other girls, intercepted him with a fake smile as she looked him up and down.

He looked at the girl and thought she was good-looking but nothing like his girls. Archer thought to himself that she must be a noble.

As she spoke, she said, "So you're the white dragon everyone's talking about? You're handsome and look strong."

Archer, feeling a bit puzzled, responded, "Thanks. I've got to go to class."

Attempting to pass by her, the girl stepped in his way and suggested with a smile, "I'm Eliza Wainrider. Duchess Fianna Ever-rose that oversees the Riverland Duchy. Why don't we skip class together and go for a walk?"

He replied, "No, I want to go to class."

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Archer was on the verge of responding when one of the girls' sidekicks interjected, "The lady is asking you to accompany her. Any man would love such a thing."

"Well, I'm not every man, and I'm not cheating on my girls," Archer retorted, shocking the three.

Archer decided to leave the persistent trio behind and sought the help of the nearest professor.

He approached the professor and inquired, "Could you direct me to the Legends and Mysteries classroom?"

The professor glanced up, and recognition flickered in his eyes. "Of course, White Prince. Follow me. I'll show you the way."

As He was led to the Legends and Mysteries classroom, the professor couldn't help but ask in a curious voice, "Archer, is it true that you took out corrupt nobles in the capital?"

Archer, though surprised by the question, nodded. "Yes, it's true. They crossed paths with me and lost everything to me. I'm sure they complain about how evil I am."

The professor replied, "Well, they were corrupt and taking from the people. They deserved what they got, regardless of how brutal it was."

Archer noticed the man stopped speaking when a group of students walked by, and once they were alone, he continued, "The people were shocked at first, but when they realized what you did had an impact on their daily lives, they are thankful to you now."

After the man spoke, Archer asked, "They don't need to be. I did it for my reasons, not to be some hero to the people. That's overrated."

The professor chuckled before remarking, "Indeed, that's accurate. Heroes often remain steadfast in their ideals, unable to see beyond them."

Archer concurred as they navigated a corner, finding themselves in a quiet corridor. Glancing around, he inquired, "Why is this place deserted?"

"Not many choose to attend this class, just enough to prevent the college from discontinuing it," the professor explained.

The professor gestured towards the classroom door. ''Your destination is right there. Enjoy the class.''

With a nod of appreciation, Archer entered the classroom, where about a dozen students turned their attention toward him.

Their eyes widened in surprise as they took in the sight of the famed white dragon.

Amid the students, Archer noticed an older human man with black hair and yellow eyes. The man stared at him, equally surprised, as their eyes locked momentarily.

That's when the professor shook his head and introduced himself. ''I'm Professor Draven Drakebane, the head of the Legends and Mysteries department here at the college.''

He nodded at the man. ''I'm Archer Wyldheart.''

The man smiled and pointed toward a seat at the front where a redheaded girl with blue eyes was reading a book while not paying attention to her surroundings.