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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 468 The Church Of Light
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Chapter 468 The Church Of Light

[East part of the Summerfield Duchy - Sia's POV]

[Hours before Sia called Archer for help]

Sia, accompanied by her father and five hundred soldiers, journeyed eastward to quell a group of bandits wreaking havoc in the region.

They had been a menace to the eastern part of the Duchy, launching attacks on merchants and travelers en route to Whillowshade City for trade.

She rode atop Shiva as they approached the bridge spanning the dark waters of the Black River.

Sia noticed the dense foliage of the jungle surrounding them seemed alive as they marched through it.

A scout returned with news as they reached the middle of the bridge. Sia reined in Shiva, and the large tiger stopped, its powerful muscles tensing beneath her.

The scout reported, "No signs of attacks, Commander. It seems safe for now. We should set up camp here."

Sia nodded and gazed out over the expanse of the dark waters beneath the bridge, her eyes sharp and attentive.

After consideration, she issued the order, "Prepare the camp. Keep vigilant. We don't know when the outlaws might strike. Shiva, stay alert."

Shiva released a low growl in response, its sleek form radiating a sense of readiness. The soldiers swiftly set to work, pitching tents and fortifying their position.

Perched atop the mighty tiger, Sia's eyes meticulously scanned the jungle, fully aware that the calm could shatter instantly.

The soldiers swiftly organized, some gathering wood for a fire while others erected tents and prepared a makeshift defensive perimeter.

Vigilant and commanding, Sia watched the surroundings, her gaze flickering between the soldiers and the dense foliage beyond.

As the camp took shape, the soldiers moved with practiced efficiency. That's when she got off Shive as Albert approached.

Shiva nudged Sia before prowling the perimeter, its keen senses attuned to the slightest disturbance.

"Maintain your guard throughout the night. We can't afford surprises," Sia reminded the nearest soldiers, who promptly saluted.

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Albert chimed in with a cheerful tone, "Well, it's good to see my little dragon commanding the troops. It makes a father proud." 

The Santa Claus-esque man erupted into laughter, prompting Sia to turn her head with narrowed eyes.

"I've been doing it for years, old man," she retorted.

Amidst his laughter, Albert responded, "Well, little Sia, you can't help how a father feels. You'll understand when Archer puts a baby in your belly."

Sia's cheeks flushed crimson at his remark, and she snapped back, "There will be no babies soon! I'm a general in the Imperial Army, and he's in the College of Magic, chasing princesses."

The elderly man burst into laughter again, much to Sia's annoyance. She issued a playful threat, "If this continues, I'm telling Mother, and she will punish you!"

Having delivered her warning, Sia walked away, leaving Albert grinning. He watched his daughter stroll off with amusement and pride.

Under the moonlit canopy of the jungle, Sia walked through the night camp. The soldiers, vigilant in their posts, saluted as she passed, their respect evident in the crisp sound of boots meeting the ground.

Reaching her tent, Sia entered. The interior, dimly lit by a flickering lantern, held a map spread across a table and various scrolls detailing the ongoing mission.

As she reclined on a cot, the day's weight bearing down on her, Sia's mind drifted. Her thoughts, however, were not solely occupied by the mission at hand.

She wondered about Archer—his endeavors, his pursuits at the College of Magic.

Yet, amid the peaceful night, a pang of jealousy surfaced as she contemplated the presence of nine other girls in Archer's life.

She closed her eyes, seeking solace in the quietude of the tent, hoping that the night would bring both rest and clarity in the face of the tangled emotions that lingered in her thoughts.

A sense of unease swept over her as she settled in, prompting Sia to rise from her comfortable position.

She walked toward the entrance of her tent. Observing the soldiers patrolling the perimeter, Sia found reassurance in their vigilance.

With a calming sigh, she returned inside the tent and settled back down to fall asleep soon. Hours passed until she was woke up to shouts and screams.

Sia jumped up and rushed outside and saw something that shocked her. As she stood near the entrance of her tent, a sudden roar echoed through the night.

Her eyes widened as she saw a massive red dragon descending from the skies. Shock seized her as the dragon revealed the presence of the Church of Light knights amid the chaos.

They clashed with her soldiers within the camp, turning the clearing into a battleground.

Frozen momentarily by the unprecedented assault, Sia's shock deepened as the dragon landed just outside the camp and observed the conflict with an eerie intelligence.

The unexpected alliance between the Church of Light and the dragon left Sia grappling with the realization that an unexpected alliance had attacked her camp.

Sia surged forward, drawing her sword in a swift motion as she searched for her father amidst the chaos.

In a seamless dance of combat, she deflected a knight's swing and swiftly drove her blade into the man's neck.

Her movements were akin to a tornado, leaving a trail of death in her wake across the battlefield.

However, her focused assault was interrupted by a sudden gush of flames that narrowly missed her; a quick dodge spared her from the searing heat.

That's when a man dressed in white robes appeared and swung a staff at her, which she managed to block.

Sia counter-attacked by casting Fireball at the man before lunging at him.

Sia's sword clashed with the man before her, and in the heat of the battle, realization struck her — he was the Demi-God of the Church of Light.

However, it was too late. He overcame her defenses in a sudden surge of power, striking her down to the ground.

As she struggled to rise, he punched her again, and Sia felt like a building just hit her. When Albert saw this, he went into a primal rage.

Fueled by paternal fury, charged the Demi-God with his Warhammer. Swinging like a madman, he attempted to pry the assailant away from his daughter.

But the dragon, acting with startling speed, intervened. With a forceful slap, it sent Albert crashing to the ground.

Undeterred, Albert quickly rose, determination etched on his face. He rushed forward again, attempting to thwart the Demi-God's assault.

Meanwhile, Sia, lying on the ground, could only watch in horror as the Demi-God mercilessly cut down her soldiers.

He left only her and Albert as the sole survivors in the wake of the devastating onslaught, but that's when her guardians appeared.

Scar and Shiva lunged at the approaching man with feral intensity. However, he proved a formidable enemy, effortlessly batting them away with overwhelming strength.

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Despite their ferocity, the man's brutal onslaught subdued the tigers. With cold determination, he approached Sia, who lay defenseless on the ground.

Grabbing her by the neck, he lifted her with ease, his malevolent gaze fixed upon her.

The tigers, now subdued, watched helplessly as the seemingly unstoppable force ruthlessly quashed their attempts to protect their mistress before them.

With a cruel smirk, he subjected Sia to a merciless beating, each blow designed to break her will.

As she lay battered on the ground, he leaned in and spoke with ominous intent, "The Church will use you against the boy so we can finally kill him."

Amidst the grim moment, a voice pierced through the tension. "No, you won't. She is my future sister, and I won't allow it."

Sia and the Demi-God shifted their attention to the unexpected speaker. Stepping forward from the shadows, a high elf emerged, adorned in a regal imperial gown.

Her violet eyes reflected deep hatred as she confronted the Church's High Inquisitor. Without hesitation, she surged forward, delivering a powerful punch that shocked both the man and Sia.

The high elf's fist connected with a resounding impact against the Inquisitor, staggering him.

Before anyone could react, she seized him with otherworldly strength, and in a blink, they vanished into thin air, leaving only a fleeting echo behind.

In the sudden absence of the High Inquisitor, the incensed and disoriented dragon charged forward. Its massive form loomed over Sia, poised to strike.

However, in a selfless act, Albert, recognizing the imminent danger, jumped in the way, absorbing the blow meant for his daughter.

The dragon's fury was unleashed upon him, and Albert braced himself against the powerful onslaught, determined to shield Sia from harm.

The dragon's colossal claws struck Albert unrelentingly, hurting him through the air. His body soared before crashing to the ground with a heavy thud.

The impact resonated through the clearing, leaving an unsettling stillness in its wake as Albert lay sprawled on the ground, bearing the brunt of the dragon's ferocious attack.

That's when Sia saw the dragon approaching the badly injured Albert, struggling to stand up.

She panicked and called out to the one person who could help. "Help, husband! The church is attacking us, and Father is injured. They're high-ranked, so be careful!"

After those words, a portal materialized, and Archer stepped through it. The dragon reacted instantly, its tail whipping out with remarkable speed, striking him hard.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]