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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 460 Professor Riftwalker
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Chapter 460 Professor Riftwalker

Their moment was interrupted as the Professor entered the classroom and called for attention. "Okay, children, be quiet and get ready to learn."

Archer's gaze remained fixed on the short, brown-haired man clad in a black suit and adorned with a cloak.

With his sharp, blue eyes, the Professor surveyed the room until they landed on Archer, Ella, Leira, and Sera.

Glancing at Archer and the girls, the older man spoke heartily, "Looks like some new faces have joined the mix. I'm Professor Silas Riftwalker. It's time for introductions."

With boundless enthusiasm, Sera sprang to her feet, a wide smile illuminating her face as she exclaimed, "I'm Sera Wyldheart."

In her elegant manner, Ella followed suit, introducing herself with a graceful nod, "I'm Ella Wyldheart."

Leira, exhibiting the poise of a princess, introduced herself with effortless grace, "I'm Leira Avalon."

As the introductions unfolded, Archer stood with a charismatic smile, his gaze sweeping across the S-class students.

With confidence and a touch of playfulness, he spoke, "Well. I'm Archer Wyldheart, known by some as the most handsome dragon on Pluoria."

His words were accompanied by a wink, adding a lighthearted flair to the introduction.

Archer's charming smile and undeniable charisma stood out in the S class. As he introduced himself, giggles swept through the female students.

Their eyes couldn't help but linger on the handsome boy who seemed to command attention effortlessly.

Meanwhile, the male students, already feeling a twinge of envy, observed with a growing sense of disdain.

Archer's easy charm and the presence of the three stunning beauties beside him only fueled their resentment.

The atmosphere in the room became a mix of giggles from the enamored girls and glares from the jealous boys, creating a dynamic tension that lingered in the air.

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As the whispers and glares spread through the classroom, Professor Riftwalker sternly silenced the gossiping girls and shot disapproving glances at the envious boys.

After restoring order, he turned his attention to Archer with a serious demeanor.

"So, you fancy yourself handsome, huh?" The professor's voice dripped with a jealous undertone.

"Sure, you've got your charm, but let's not pretend you're the pinnacle of looks, especially in this college. I've seen men with more allure, you know."

Archer flashed a confident grin at the older man. "Honestly, the opinion of some random human doesn't bother me. I'm engaged to nine beautiful princesses, and there's no doubt that number will only grow." With a dismissive wave, he turned his attention to the female students.

"What do you think, ladies?" Archer inquired, a charismatic glint in his eyes.

The collective response was a chorus of admiration. "Godly and very handsome," they declared in unison.

The praise echoed through the room, and Ella, Sera, and Leira couldn't help but beam with pride, knowing that this self-assured man was their husband.

Archer, still grinning confidently, concluded with a casual shrug. "Look, I know I'm handsome and can't control that. It's just the hand I was dealt, you know? Some men are doomed to be alone, while others," he glanced meaningfully at Ella, Sera, and Leira, "end up with many wives."

The insinuation irked the professor, who ignored the dragon boy's remark, suppressing any visible reaction.

Despite the tension and disapproval in the air, Archer remained confident, unfazed by the older man's silent displeasure.

Professor Riftwalker began, his voice carrying a certain resonance that demanded attention. "Today, we delve into the fundamental principles of Elemental Affinities and Mana Control. As budding mages, it's imperative that you grasp these concepts with precision."

He gestured towards the large magical diagram on the chalkboard, displaying a wheel with different elemental symbols interconnected like a complex puzzle.

"Elemental Affinities," he continued, "are the innate connections between a mage and the primordial forces that govern our world. Each of you has a natural inclination towards one or more elements."

Pointing to the symbols on the board, he explained, "Fire, water, earth, air, lightning, ice, and more – these elements resonate within the very core of our being. It's crucial to discover your primary affinity as it forms the foundation for your magical prowess."

The students exchanged curious glances as they absorbed this information.

"Now, let's talk about Mana Control," Professor Riftwalker continued, pacing back and forth.

"Mana is the lifeblood of magic. It's the raw energy that flows through everything in existence. As mages, your ability to control and channel mana is paramount. It's not just about power; it's about finesse."

He conjured a small flame, the flickering fire dancing to an invisible rhythm. "Mana Control is the art of manipulating this energy to cast spells of varying complexities. It requires focus, discipline, and an intimate understanding of the elemental forces you seek to command."

The professor then turned his attention to a crystal orb on his desk. "Watch closely," he instructed.

With a graceful wave of his hand, the orb lifted into the air and began to spin, surrounded by a shimmering aura of water and air.

"This is an example of Elemental Fusion, a technique that combines two or more elements for a synergistic effect. Mastery of such techniques will set you apart as accomplished mages."

The students furiously scribbled notes, eager to absorb the shared knowledge. Professor Riftwalker concluded, "Your journey in mastering Elemental Affinities and Mana Control begins now. It's not just about studying theories but understanding the profound connection between yourselves and the very fabric of magic. Practice diligently, and the secrets of the arcane will unfold before you."

The room buzzed with excitement as newfound understanding spread among the students. Archer turned his attention to the cat girl, who conversed with Ella.

Noticing Archer's gaze, she smiled and responded, "How many lessons do we have a day?"

Leira giggled before answering, "Didn't you hear in Homeroom? We have three core subjects and two extra classes. However, due to someone causing a late start, we'll have to wait until tomorrow to begin the extra classes."

She shot him a playful look, a big smile, and continued, "But you should have paid attention earlier."

Archer nodded, acknowledging her explanation, and casually used his tail to stroke up her back, slipping it into her shirt.

Leira couldn't help but shiver when she felt Archer's tail, and as she looked directly at him, she found him grinning from ear to ear, realizing the cat girl enjoyed the playful gesture.

Swiftly, she swatted his tail away, prompting laughter from Archer. Unfazed, he decided to try the same with the other two girls, starting with Ella.

Archer's slender yet muscular tail moved with sinuous grace, finding its way to Ella and gliding onto her thigh, causing her to let out a surprised yelp.

Despite trying to concentrate on the professor's words, she couldn't ignore the sensation of Archer's tail tip delicately stroking her inner thigh.

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Brimming with unmistakable desire, her blue eyes locked onto Archer's, and she grinned as she teasingly remarked, "You naughty dragon. We can continue this back in the domain."

Completing her statement, Ella maintained her playful demeanor and affectionately stroked Archer's tail, creating a lighthearted yet charged atmosphere amid the classroom excitement.

As Ella playfully stroked his tail, Archer felt a shiver, eliciting laughter from the half-elf at his reaction.

Undeterred, he repeated the gesture with Sera, who responded by wrapping her tail around him lovingly, bringing a smile to Archer's face.

Turning to him with a playful grin and her ruby-red eyes glowing, the redhead commented, ''That feels good, sweetheart.''

The exchange of affectionate gestures further warmed the room's lively atmosphere.

It was at this moment that Professor Riftwalker resumed speaking. "To increase your mana capacity, you must level up and consistently utilize your mana."

Upon concluding his statement, Archer inquired, "What is the standard amount of mana someone should have?"

The professor regarded him with a neutral expression before responding, "That's a thoughtful question, Archer, and there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer."

Turning around, he gestured with his hand, revealing a list of various races and corresponding numbers next to them, leaving Archer puzzled.

Professor Riftwalker paced back and forth, focusing on the magical diagram on the board.

The room fell into hushed anticipation as he began delving into the intricate connection between races and their attunement to mana.

"Mana, like I said before is the lifeblood of magic, flows differently in each race," he began, his voice carrying a certain gravitas.

"Understanding your race's affinity to mana is crucial for harnessing your full potential as a mage."

He pointed to the list of races displayed on the board. "For instance, elves are naturally attuned to the ethereal aspects of mana. Their connection allows for finesse and precision in spellcasting. On the other hand, dwarves possess a remarkable resilience, allowing them to withstand more significant mana currents."

The board gave numbers on the varying levels of mana capacity associated with the different races.

"As for humans," the professor continued, "they possess a unique adaptability. While they may not excel in a particular type of mana, their versatility allows them to tap into various elements with relative ease."

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