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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 459 Elemental Affinities and Mana Control
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Chapter 459 Elemental Affinities and Mana Control

Archer watched as Hemera paused her contemplation, her murmurs fading away. She redirected her attention toward him, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"Why are you sitting on a chest? Especially with such treasure?" she inquired.

He started laughing as he stood up and pointed to the chest. ''Sorry, I was watching you and couldn't help myself. But here you can have this.''

Archer opened the chest and took six Sinfire Gems before sliding it toward her. Hemera quickly stored it in her ring.

She looked at him with a big smile and spoke with a voice full of love. ''Thank you for the sex and gems. They will be helpful for my studies. You may want to give those Lunar Gems to Hecate.''

Upon hearing the girl's gratitude, he burst into laughter, reveling in their lack of shyness.

Hemera, observing him, tilted her head inquisitively. Archer took her hand and suggested, "Let's head back now. We should have our next lesson."

The sun elf nodded in agreement as he opened a portal. Together, they stepped through, reappearing at the library table where he had been sitting.

He noticed more students were inside thanks to his heightened hearing, which, despite annoying him at times, he had grown accustomed to.

Hemera looked at him and spoke in a happy voice. "What's your next class, Darling?"

Archer quickly answered as he saw a group of three older students sitting a few tables away.

"I have Elemental Affinities and Mana Control, my sun. What about you?"

"I have Combat Magic, but after, do you want to meet for lunch?" Hemera asked.

He nodded his head as he answered with a smile. ''Of course. We can eat with the others.''

After speaking, he led her out of the library. Archer saw Margaret sitting at the desk, and she looked up and said bye as they left.

Once they were out, Hemera kissed him before making her way to class. Archer did the same and ran across a scene that made him laugh.

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Sera was shouting at a human boy who looked confused and frightened. The dragon girl passionately intended to cook him for bad-mouthing her sweetheart.

Upon hearing this, Archer narrowed his eyes but let her deal with it. His decision proved wise when the redhead slapped the boy.

The boy slammed to the floor as she lunged forward while dodging another boy's punch and used her slender red tail to swipe his legs, causing him to drop.

Once on the floor, Sera kicked the boy in the head, sending him skidding along the floor, which caused some of the students to watch the cheer.

That's when another two boys appeared, but this caused Sera to laugh. While this was happening, all the other students watched in excitement as they cheered on the dragon girl.

Sera, a fiery whirlwind of punches and kicks, finished the fight. Her movements blended precision and strength, skillfully taking down her opponents.

The onlookers swept up in the unexpected display of martial prowess, erupted into an even louder cheer.

As the cheers echoed through the air, the professors swiftly appeared on the scene, their stern expressions revealing their disapproval.

Professor Ashguard and Silvercrest swiftly broke up the fight, which was already over, calling for a healer to tend to the four injured boys.

The stern expressions of the professors conveyed their disapproval of the unruly situation.

Turning her attention to Sera, Professor Ashguard inquired, "What happened here?"

With a wicked grin, Sera spilled the beans, "Oh, they insulted Archer, and you know that's like poking a dragon with a stick. Had to school 'em a bit."

Her eyes gleamed excitedly as she continued, "And you're asking for trouble. Let me show you what happens!"

She launched into a vivid demonstration with a burst of energy, throwing powerful shadowboxing moves and delivering a series of well-timed kicks.

Her animated explanation turned into an impromptu martial arts performance, capturing the attention of the onlookers.

"First, you insult our sweetheart," she declared, throwing a jab in the air. "Then, you get a taste of this!"

Sera punctuated her words with a swift roundhouse kick, sending imaginary foes flying. "And trust me, it's not a flying lesson they signed up for!"

The students gathered around, eyes wide, as she continued her dynamic display. "And if you think that's all, oh no!"

Another punches and kicks followed, accompanied by exaggerated sound effects and theatrical flourishes.

Archer watched with amusement and pride, knowing that Sera sometimes got hyper, which he loved about her.

The cheers from the crowd indicated that her performance had struck a chord, turning the threat of retaliation into a sidesplitting spectacle.

As the laughter echoed, Sera finished her demonstration with a dramatic bow, eliciting even more applause from the entertained audience.

After she finished her dynamic display, Jade and Gianna exchanged glances, simultaneous thoughts crossing their minds. 'We have a jokester. But she is entertaining.'

Jade shook her head with amusement and addressed the redhead with a gentle smile. "Well, Sera, if they insult your beloved, challenge them to a duel."

The dragon girl looked up at Jade and replied, "Okay, but they were here, and so was I, so I dealt with them."

Turning around, she spotted Archer standing there, watching her with a smile. Sera couldn't contain her excitement and rushed toward Archer with excitement.

Playfully, she lunged at him. Archer, with a grin, opened his arms wide and caught the dragon girl in a warm embrace.

Sera, uniquely displaying her affection, began nibbling on his neck. Archer shivered when he felt her do that.

While Archer was pampering, Sera Jade ushered the students forward, instructing them to attend class before they got a warning.

Afterward, she approached the couple and addressed them, saying, "It's time for class for both of you as well."

Sera reluctantly climbed off him, and they nodded before walking to class. Archer had Elemental Affinities and Mana Control alongside Sera, Ella, and Leira.

The two left the crowd behind while Sera giggled as Archer complimented her performance.

As they made their way down the corridor, the bustling energy of students and the distant murmur of activities surrounded them.

Sera, ever the playful dragon, couldn't resist a bit of good-natured teasing.

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"So, Archer," she began with a sly grin, "do you ever worry that your own reflection might fall in love with you? I mean, you're practically the poster child for handsome."

With a hint of amusement in his eyes, Archer decided to play along. He gently poked Sera's sides, causing her to laugh. "Well, I've been told my charm is legendary. But, I promise, I try not to let it go to my head."

After recovering from the unexpected tickle, she chuckled, "Legendary might be an understatement. I bet you could even sway your mother with those looks of yours."

Archer disapproved mockingly, "Now you're just being outrageous. Let's not bring my mother into this."

Their banter continued, laughter echoing through the corridor as they approached the classroom.

The teasing exchange between Archer and Sera added a touch of humor to their walk, creating a light and jovial atmosphere that lingered as they stepped into the upcoming class.

Upon entering, a hushed murmur of students engrossed in pre-lesson tasks enveloped the room.

Surveying the surroundings, Archer and Sera's attention was drawn to Ella and Leira stationed at the back.

The genuine joy in their friends' smiles mirrored the shared excitement of the approaching lesson. With a welcoming gesture, Ella beckoned them to join at their table.

Archer graciously accepted the invitation, strolling over and gracefully taking a seat while observing the subtle blush on Leira's cheeks.

With a warm smile, he greeted the girls, "Hello, El and Leira. How was your last lesson?"

Ella responded with enthusiasm, her voice carrying a joyful tone, "It was fun. But it's even better now that we're with you."

Archer's smile widened, appreciating the camaraderie. His attention shifted to Leira, silently acknowledging her presence as Sera conversed with Ella.

He shifted his attention to Leira while grinning, avoiding direct eye contact before leaning in to murmur into her quivering cat-like ear, "How do you feel about my dragon tattoo?"

Upon hearing his question, her tail straightened, and her ears turned towards him before she averted her gaze, responding in a hushed tone. "I like it. I can feel a connection to you, my dragon."

Archer's face lit up with joy at her words, and he seized the cat girl's hand, expressing his happiness. "I'm glad you like it."

Observing his smile, she shook her head and voiced her thoughts. "The others told me about it, but it's different hearing about it to experiencing it."

He nodded understandingly before elaborating on all the benefits of the tattoo.

Leira, taken aback by the surprising details, found herself smiling by the end, expressing her gratitude with a gentle kiss on his cheek.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]