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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 447 Mischievous Snake Girl
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Chapter 447 Mischievous Snake Girl

As Archer entered the shop, he spotted Hecate at the counter, engrossed in a ledger, while all twelve girls began to explore the large store.

He approached the Moon Elf with a warm smile and said, "Hello, my witch. I love the new name of the shop. Did the Dragon-kin have a hand in it?"

Hecate looked up, her smile widening as she nodded in response. "Indeed, they did. They worked late into the night, and the city guards paid them a visit out of curiosity. But as soon as they heard your name, they made a swift exit."

"Excellent," Archer replied with a curious tone. "Are we prepared to open?"

Hecate nodded her head, prompting a smile from Archer. He turned around and called for Sera, and the redhead came running towards him with enthusiasm.

Sera came to a halt before Archer, her voice filled with cheer as she asked, "What's up, sweetheart?"

Archer smiled and then made a request, "Could you please inform everyone down the main street that the Dragonheart Potions shop is now open?"

Upon hearing Sera's response, the dragon girl flashed a smile and nodded. "Of course, but you'll owe me one, though."

Archer chuckled at her playful comment and agreed, "Deal," before she darted out of the shop with incredible speed, leaving everyone in laughter.

Hecate chimed in with a giggle, "She was certainly excited about it."

[Sera's POV]

After leaving the shop, Sera found herself unsure of where to start but shrugged off her uncertainty before breaking into a run.

She dashed through the bustling streets of Starfall City, her vibrant red hair flowing behind her like a fiery banner.

Her voice carried boundless enthusiasm as she proclaimed to all who would listen, "The Dragonheart Potion store is now open, and it's proudly owned by the White Dragon's wife!"

Her spirited announcement immediately caught the attention of those in her vicinity.

Pedestrians came to a sudden halt, shopkeepers leaned out of their doorways, and even mystical creatures paused in their activities to hear the news.

Sera's message quickly spread like wildfire throughout the city, drawing a crowd of intrigued onlookers.

That's when her excitement reached its peak, and she decided to take her announcement to new heights, quite literally.

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With a confident and daring leap, she summoned her magnificent red wings, their impressive span casting a shadow below.

She soared gracefully into the sky above Starfall City, her fiery red hair and wings catching the sun's golden rays.

As she glided through the air, her powerful voice carried her message far and wide, echoing through the streets and alleys below.

With a triumphant roar, she declared, "Hear ye, good people of Starfall City! Dragonheart Potions is now open, and it's under the ownership of the White Dragon's wife, Hecate Wyldheart! Come one, come all, and discover the magic that awaits!"

Her airborne proclamation captivated the attention of those on the ground, and people all over the city looked up in awe, listening to the dragon girl's message.

Sera's spectacular display and announcement painted the people with excitement, ensuring that the entire city was aware of the grand opening of Hecate's potion shop.

After she was done advertising the shop, Sera gracefully descended and touched down just outside the entrance of Dragonheart Potions.

She dismissed her wings, and her fiery hair cascaded around her like a blazing waterfall. As she strolled back into the shop, the passerby looked at her in sheer amazement.

Whispers of awe and wonder rippled through the onlookers, and some even pointed in her direction as they shared their astonishment.

[Back to Archer]

Archer, who had been engrossed in a conversation with Hecate and overseeing the final preparations within the shop, caught a glimpse of Sera as she entered.

Sera's face lit up with a bright smile as she eagerly explored the enchanting interior.

Hecate quickly spoke up, expressing her gratitude. "We heard your announcement. Thank you for doing that."

She replied with a cheerful tone, "That's okay, Hec. It was fun to see the people's reactions."

The unexpected interaction between the two girls surprised Archer as he observed, never anticipating that Hecate would open up in this manner.

Nonetheless, he was delighted to witness it and continued to pamper Azura, who responded with cute chirps.

It was during this moment that he glanced at the potion list that told him the price and effects of the potion.

[Two gold - Healing Salve - Speeds up the natural healing process for wounds]

[Five gold - Health Potion - Restores a portion of the drinker's health]

[Five gold - Mana Elixir - Replenishes magical energy or mana]

[Six gold - Speed Elixir - Increases the drinker's speed and agility]

[Eight gold - Antidote - Cures various poisons and toxins]

[Ten gold - Invisibility Potion - Renders the user invisible for a limited time]

[Ten gold - Sleep Draught - Induces deep and restful sleep]

[Ten gold - Potion of Night Vision - Grants the ability to see in the dark]

[Twelve gold - Strength Tonic - Enhances physical strength and endurance]

Archer was content with their progress, and that's when Hecate brought up the subject. "When we eventually turn a profit, I'll split it with you," she said.

Upon hearing her offer, Archer smiled and replied, "No, keep it and reinvest it in expanding our stock and improving the shop."

Hecate nodded before giving him another kiss before getting back to work leaving Archer sitting there with Azura.

With their collective efforts, the girls successfully organized the shop, placing all the potions neatly on the shelves, each one ready to be sold.

The atmosphere within the shop was brimming with anticipation and enchantment. As Archer admired the store, he couldn't help but notice a queue beginning to form outside.

Recognizing the growing excitement among the customers, he swiftly made his way to the front door.

Archer gathered the girls and gave them instructions for the upcoming grand opening.

He summoned small, Stone Men and ordered them to hide throughout the shop. This move was intended to keep a vigilant eye on any potential troublemakers.

Teuila, Nala, and Talila assumed positions at the entrance to make sure everything ran smoothly while extending warm welcomes to the customers.

Meanwhile, Llyniel, Sia, Nefertiti, and Hemera retreated to the domain after saying goodbye to Archer with kisses.

Ella, Halime, and Sera, on the other hand, chose to stay and help out in the shop until they could get more staff.

Leira wanted to return to the palace to see her parents, so Archer cast Gate before she kissed him and stepped through.

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Archer and Hecate stepped outside and addressed the gathered patrons, his voice carrying with a touch of magic.

"Ladies and gentlemen. It is with great pleasure that I announce the grand opening of Dragonheart Potions, your one-stop destination for mystical elixirs and enchanting brews."

The crowd broke into enthusiastic applause, their excitement palpable.

Archer continued, "And now, I am honored to introduce my wife and the heart of this establishment, Hecate Wyldheart."

He turned to Hecate with a warm smile, acknowledging her. She gracefully stepped forward, acknowledging the crowd with a nod and a charming smile.

"Thank you all for being here today. We look forward to serving you and providing the most wondrous potions and elixirs in Starfall City."

With the announcement made and the crowd's excitement at its peak, Archer and Hecate returned inside the shop.

Archer took a seat behind the counter, where he found the three little Hydras eagerly awaiting his attention.

They chirped happily, all their tiny heads bobbing as they interacted with him. In the shop, customers were enthusiastically purchasing various potions, their faces lit up with delight as they paid.

Thalia, stationed at one counter, efficiently handled the transactions, and Xanthe, at the other counter, assisted with a welcoming smile.

Hecate was engrossed in conversation with customers, offering them advice and suggestions.

A few customers observed Archer playing with the little creatures and couldn't help but smile. Archer, in turn, shifted his attention to the girls who were assisting in the shop.

Ella skillfully guided customers around, while Sera provided her support to Xanthe, and Halime joined forces with Thalia at the counter.

After a few hours, the stock they had on the shop floor was gone and the girls started counting the coins.

As the day came to a close, the girls worked together to tidy up and prepare the shop for closing.

They meticulously organized the potions, wiped down the shelves, and ensured that the shop was clean and inviting.

The air was filled with laughter and camaraderie as they cleaned the shop, ready to welcome new customers the following day.

Archer was still sitting in the same chair but this time he was asleep with the three Hydra sisters laying all over him.

This scene made the girls smile as they went about tidying up the shop. Archer was resting comfortably when, in a moment of playfulness, Halime approached him quietly.

She gently poked his face, causing him to stir and awaken. He blinked his eyes open and looked at the mischievous snake girl with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]