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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 446 Dragonheart Potions
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Chapter 446 Dragonheart Potions

Archer made his way through the palace corridors, the weather outside worsened, and he was guided by a maid who warmly welcomed him.

He continued to stroke the Hydra sisters who clung to him. Their journey lasted for about ten minutes until they reached a door.

The maid knocked and a few seconds later a booming voice from within called out, "Come in!"

She opened the door and gestured for him to enter. Stepping into the room, Archer found the emperor and empress engrossed in paperwork.

As they noticed his presence, their heads snapped up in astonishment, their gazes drawn to the three little creatures clinging to him.

Osoric set aside his paperwork and looked at Archer with a curious expression. "Welcome, my boy! What are these tiny creatures?"

Archer settled into a chair before he began to explain, "These are Hydras. I helped in their hatching, and we've had a deep bond ever since."

While he spoke, Chloe's attention was focused on Azura, who was nibbling at Archer's ear, causing him to shiver.

She commented with a smile, "They seem to love you. What are their names?"

Archer pointed at each of the little Hydras and introduced them, "Azura, Sable, and Raven. They're lively little girls who seem to love lounging on?me."

Chloe couldn't help but laugh before Osoric got down to business, asking in a serious tone, "Why did you kill my nobles? And was there no other way instead of crucifying them?"

Archer looked at the blonde man and chuckled to himself. "Well, they were corrupt and deserved it. Why not make a statement? It will keep the rest in line."

The emperor gave him a skeptical look and asked, "What proof do you have?"

When Archer revealed the evidence, he noticed a wide range of emotions passing across the emperor's face, which made him quietly amused.

On the contrary, Chloe wore a disapproving and furious expression. As the situation unfolded, both of them seemed on the brink of boiling over.

"They deserved a harsher punishment; you were too lenient," Osoric remarked once his anger had subsided.

He continued, "Nevertheless, I am appreciative of your support during this crucial time for the empire. I assure you that I will demonstrate my gratitude at the forthcoming Frostwinter Festival, providing us with the perfect opportunity to adequately reward you."

Archer responded with a nod, conveying his recognition of Osoric's understanding. It was at that moment that Chloe chimed in, "How was your first day at the college?"

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"It went well. I found out about magical recipes which interested me," he replied to the older woman, who was smiling at him.

However, at that moment, Archer recalled Professor Grom's tale and directed his gaze toward the emperor before inquiring, "Just how prosperous was Frostholm?"

Upon hearing his question, both adults were taken aback, their eyes widening in shock.

Chloe was the first to voice her concern, her tone filled with worry. "You're not contemplating going there, are you? It's extremely dangerous, Archer, and you mustn't."

He smiled before shaking his head. "I have no intentions of going there anytime soon, perhaps in the future."

Both the emperor and empress let out sighs of relief, and their conversation with Archer resumed.

Half an hour later, they concluded their discussion, and he bid them farewell before departing from the palace.

As he walked out, the Hydra sisters began to chirp, prompting him to stroke each of them, bringing delight to the little creatures.

It was during this moment that he observed a peculiar change in their eyes. Azura had violet eyes like his, while Raven possessed blue eyes, and Sable's eyes were a vibrant yellow.

After admiring the charming little things, he created a portal to the domain and stepped through it.

Once on the other side, he witnessed the pink-haired princess storming out of the treehouse with an expression of anger.

That's when he saw the rest of the girls including Sia, Halime, and Nala engaged in an animated conversation with each other.

He guessed Hecate was preparing to open the shop. Archer asked the sisters to wait in the treehouse while he sorted out whatever happened.

The sisters looked at him with glowing eyes before giving him a lick and jumping off him to go make their way to a comfortable chair in the corner.

After doing that he went outside and made his way toward Nefertiti as he trudged through the ankle-high snow.

When Archer got close he heard her casting magic in anger as the explosions got louder. He approached her and wrapped his arms around her slim waist.

His actions caught her off guard and she spun around to see him. He smiled when he saw her and asked. "What's wrong, my Succubus?"

When Nefertiti heard Archer's question, she smiled, then apologized, saying, "Husband, I'm sorry you had to witness that. I was just angry."

Archer chuckled at his wife and playfully kissed her nose, causing her to giggle. He inquired, "What's been bothering you so much?"

Nefertiti protested, "I don't want you to have any more women. You already have enough!"

She clung to Archer, her emotions plain in her actions. When Archer heard her, he frowned, then spoke gently, "Nefi, I love you, and you know that, no matter how many women I have. How could I ever forget about my Succubus?"

He went on, "I appreciate how much you care for me. Starting today, I'll make more effort to spend time with each of you and make up for the times I've been away."

Upon hearing this, her smile grew before hugging him even tighter, reassured by his words.

After that, the two of them walked back to the treehouse after Archer had repaired all the damage to the forest.

As they entered, all the girls turned to them, smiling, and attempted to get up, but he gestured for them to remain seated.

Archer motioned for Nefertiti to take a seat and positioned himself in front of the group, addressing them with a firm tone, "I'm not certain what happened during your meeting, but I'm asking that none of you engage in arguments. I'm not expecting you to become friends or even talk to each other, but I do expect each of you to maintain a basic level of civility."

They all nodded in agreement as he continued, "I understand that some of you may not want more women to join the harem, which I can appreciate. However, in the end, the decision isn't up to anyone here but me. Rest assured, it doesn't mean I'll neglect any of you if more join. I have an idea for a new spell that will allow me to attend to each one of you without anyone missing out."

After he finished speaking, Talila spoke up, her voice tinged with concern. "So, we don't get a say in anything? Are you going to control us and not allow us to express our own opinions?"

Archer fixed his gaze on the brown-skinned, silver-haired mixed elf, and she met his stare with her captivating blood-red eyes.

He offered a warm smile and reassured her, "No, I don't wish to control any of you. I welcome your opinions and input on everything."

Nala spoke up, "So you don't mind us pursuing our paths? For instance, if I wanted to return to the Lionheart Kingdom and assist my father, would you have an issue with that?"

Archer chuckled and replied, "No, not at all. I'd ask if you need any help and would be willing to do anything for you before sending you there myself."

He then added, "Feel free to ask the others. I don't mind whatever choices they make."

Everyone nodded with smiles, appreciating his words, as he continued to explain, "I will never do anything to stifle your goals and dreams.''

Archer looked at each girl before continuing. ''Just like Hecate, who loves potions, I opened a shop for her. I've created a garden for Llyniel and Ella's mother is now living a good life. I've helped everyone's kingdoms and even put an end to the war, all for you girls. Of course, not for free, as everything in life comes at a price."

Halime asked a question, "What if we reject a girl joining the harem?"

Archer smiled and replied honestly, "That's the only time I won't listen. If I like the girl and want her in the harem, then I will take her. However, as you all already know, I won't accept random girls. I want to get to know them first, as was the case with Nala and Halime."

He looked at the two in question, who were grinning with delight, which made him chuckle. "Well, I'm not just going to claim these two. I want to get to know them better. Oh, and Nala, it's not up to your father if I marry you. It's my decision."

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Upon hearing her father's name mentioned, Nala's smile grew wider, and she playfully remarked, "He will want to fight you for the lack of respect."

Archer couldn't help but burst into laughter, setting off a chain reaction of giggles among most of the girls, including Nala herself.

Sera, full of enthusiasm, jumped up and began shadowboxing as she chimed in, "He'll beat up the Lion King and show him who's boss!"

She bounced around the room, performing exaggerated fighting moves that elicited even more laughter from everyone present.

The laughter lightened the mood, and once everyone calmed down, Sia spoke up, "What if I want to stay in the Avalon army? Will you let me?"

Archer looked at the Dragon-kin woman, who was grinning because she already knew the answer and just wanted to hear him say it.

With a charming grin of his own, he replied, "I wouldn't stop you and you know this. Now, don't ask silly questions."

She chuckled, her impressive curves swaying playfully. A few of the younger women couldn't help but cast envious glances her way.

Seeing their reactions, Sia woman couldn't contain her amusement and remarked, "You all will grow, and some of you are already blossoming."

After her words, she turned her gaze to Nefertiti, Teuila, and Talila, who possessed large boobs.

The other girls couldn't help but direct their envy toward them, prompting Archer to burst into even more laughter.

Once his laughter subsided, Archer rose to his feet and addressed the group while calling for the Hydra sisters. "I'm heading over to Hecate's shop, but I want all of you to understand my feelings before I go."

Azura, Sable, and Raven hurried towards him, the three small cat-sized beasts climbed up and took their usual spots, bringing smiles to everyone's faces.

Everyone nodded and said they would come with him because they wanted to see the new shop.

Hey smiled and cast Gate to the alley near the shop. The group stepped through the portal, finding themselves in a dimly lit alleyway just a short distance from their destination.

They exited the narrow alley and stepped onto the bustling main street, their eyes fell upon a shop with a name that brought a smile to Archer's face – "Dragonheart Potions."

The girls couldn't contain their excitement when they laid eyes on the shop, and they eagerly dragged him toward it.

Their anticipation filled the air as they entered the shop, eager to explore to see what Archer and Hecate had done with the shop.

Everyone's eyes widened as they took in the enchanting sight before them.

Inside, they found Stella, along with Eione, Thalia, and Xanthe, working diligently to organize potions and place them on the shelves.

The girls couldn't help but be amazed by the magical array of elixirs, crystals, and potions that adorned the shelves, shimmering with a mysterious aura.

Archer, too, was impressed with the interior of the shop. The blue and white paint job gave the place a soothing and mystical ambiance.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]