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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 442 Explorer
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Chapter 442 Explorer

Avidia is a vast and diverse landmass that stretches across the southern hemisphere of our world.

It is a land of extremes, where a stunning array of biomes coexist in a harmonious yet contrasting tapestry of natural beauty.

The distinctive geography and climatic conditions of Avidia have nurtured an astonishing array of ecosystems.

There were blistering deserts and luxuriant jungles to vast grasslands and serene meadows, along with enigmatic swamps and towering mountain ranges.

Throughout Avidia, the diverse cultures of the continent's inhabitants have adapted to their surroundings, harnessing the unique resources and challenges presented by each biome.

People have learned to coexist with the natural world, drawing inspiration from the breathtaking landscapes that make up this magnificent southern continent.

This is where Marzena Blackfire, the former Queen of the Acadia Witch Kingdom found herself chasing rumors she heard in the central continent.

Her journey brought her to Avidia upon hearing news of recently discovered ruins from the old world which excited Marzena.

Being an elder witch, she decided to pass on her throne to her daughter, Vespera, as her research had remained unfinished since the day her husband passed away.

He met his demise in the final battle of the Witch-Draconic war on the Astridia continent, where the Darkwing Emperor, who reigned over the shadow dragons, brought about his end.

It marked Marzena's first time losing her composer, as she harnessed her Voidflame to reduce the shadow emperor to ashes upon witnessing her husband's lifeless body.

The Darkwing Empire retreated from the war as she burned their soldiers to ashes and the black flames washed over them.

After this, the Scorchclaw and Neptunia Empires continued until Marzena paid a visit to their capital cities and dropped large rocks from the sky onto them reducing them to rubble.

She stood as the only Demi-god in Astridia, and that was the sole reason dragons had refrained from declaring war until recently when the Neptunia Empress achieved the same status.

Marzena shook her head, muttering to herself, "I will still surpass that old woman. She's a newly born Demi-God."

With that determination, she disembarked from the ship she had commandeered from the central continent.

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During her time on the ship, she immersed herself in the study of everything she knew about white dragons.

Over the past four years, she had heard rumors about a new white dragon that had appeared in Pluoria.

Her heart swelled with joy because her granddaughter held the position of headmistress at the College of Magic and could collect information on the boy.

She instructed her daughter to gather everything about the boy and send it to her. As she delved into the boy's exploits, Marzena found herself thoroughly astonished.

However, her voyage across the turbulent seas reached its conclusion as they sailed into Sunspire's harbor and moored at the nearest dock.

Marzena disembarked from the ship and stepped onto the sun-bleached wooden planks of the dock.

The air was thick with the stifling heat of the southern sun, and a shimmering haze danced above the horizon, obscuring the view of the magnificent city of Sunspire.

Despite the oppressive temperature, the anticipation of exploring the old world's ruins filled her with excitement. From the wooden docks, she could see the sprawling city before her.

The Dawnstar Kingdom's capital city Sunspire was a masterpiece of architecture, its buildings standing tall and proud under the relentless sun.

The city's design was intricate and elegant, with ornate spires, domed rooftops, and colorful mosaics adorning the structures.

The buildings seemed to bask in the radiant light, their stone facades gleaming and reflecting the sunlight.

Marzena noticed that the streets were wide and cobbled, bustling with activity. Merchants peddled their wares under vibrant awnings.

The people of Sunspire moved gracefully through the city, wearing flowing garments designed to provide some respite from the heat.

As Marzena observed the city's residents, she was struck by their resilience. They appeared unfazed by the punishing sun, navigating the streets with a certain grace that was unique to their homeland.

The scent of exotic spices and the sounds of bustling markets filled the air. Marzena could feel the energy of the city, its heartbeat pulsing with life and culture.

In the distance, the grand palace of the Dawnstar Royal Family rose above the cityscape, a symbol of power and authority.

She shook her head, recollecting the rumors that suggested the expansive jungle on the border of the Emberwyn Kingdom concealed the lost ruins.

With a smile, she set out towards the western gate, taking in the sights along the way as no one bothered her.

Marzena travels in her disguise, inspired by her granddaughter Ophiela, who also used one when she was out and about.

She appeared as a commoner girl with short brown hair, a slim build, and wearing a leather adventurer's outfit.

After walking for twenty minutes Marzena exited Sunspire City through the west gate and made sure no one was around.

Once she had cleared the area, she waved her hand, invoking her hex magic, which enveloped her body, lifting her into the air and granting her the ability to fly.

Marzena glided above the blistering terrain, her magic serving the dual purpose of maintaining her cool and enabling her flight.

The landscape beneath her was a barren expanse, with little to offer but harsh sun and sparse tufts of egress littered the desert.

However, in the distance, she spotted a vivid green jungle, a stark contrast to the surrounding aridness.

She banked her flight and descended gracefully toward the jungle's edge. Her landing was gentle, and she approached the thick foliage on foot, her senses alive with anticipation.

As she ventured deeper into the jungle, a group of bandits emerged from the shadows which surrounded her with lecherous smiles.

Their menacing faces and crude weapons did nothing to shake Marzena's composure. She grinned wickedly, allowing them to approach.

"You there! Hand over your valuables and you can live!" one of the bandits demanded, his voice filled with false bravado.

Marzena, with a convincing act when an idea came to mind, adopted the appearance of a scared and vulnerable young girl.

Her eyes widened, and she feigned a tremble in her voice. "Please, don't hurt me. I'm just passing through."

The bandits chuckled at her apparent vulnerability, inching closer. It was then that Marzena unleashed her dark power.

She extended her hand, and black flames erupted from her fingertips. The lethal hex she cast engulfed each bandit in a deadly embrace, reducing them to ashes in mere moments.

Marzena's innocent facade faded, revealing the true power that lay beneath her unassuming exterior.

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She continued on her journey, leaving the jungle bandits as nothing more than a pile of smoldering remains.

After that, she started her hunt for the old world ruins. Marzena had spent weeks tirelessly searching for the elusive ruins.

Every day was a new adventure, as she scoured the jungle, deciphering ancient maps and following vague legends passed down through generations.

The hot and humid days took a toll on her, but her determination never wavered.

And then, one fateful day, as she burned her way through thick underbrush and vines, she stumbled upon the hidden entrance.

The sight that met her eyes left her breathless. There they were, the long-lost ruins, emerging from the jungle's embrace.

Marzena's heart raced with excitement, and she couldn't contain her joy before jumping up and down like a little girl who had just discovered a treasure trove of hidden secrets.

Her violet eyes sparkled with delight as she gazed at the ancient structures, their intricate carvings and mysterious glyphs.

She couldn't wait to explore every corner, to unlock the mysteries and treasures hidden within.

Marzena's weeks of relentless searching had paid off, and she was filled with an exhilarating sense of accomplishment and wonder as she stood before the long-forgotten ruins.

Before approaching the entrance of the ruins she calmed down as her instincts and knowledge told her that it was time to be cautious.

She knew that ancient structures like these often held traps meant to deter intruders and didn't want to fail before entering it.

With a deep breath, Marzena raised her hands, and her eyes glowed with a faint, eerie light as she channeled her hex magic.

The Hex Magic radiated outward, creating a faint, ethereal aura around the entrance.

Her eyes scanned the area with her heightened senses. It was at that moment that she noticed the subtle indicators of hidden traps.

Her heart quickened as she recognized the unmistakable signs of ancient pressure plates and other hazards, expertly concealed beneath the overgrown foliage.

With a precise wave of her hand, Marzena unleashed her hex magic again, this time with a focus on disarming the traps.

The traps, once hidden and lethal, were now exposed to her power. She watched as the pressure plates shifted harmlessly into the ground and the mana wires lost their power.

With the traps now disarmed, Marzena could proceed into the ruins with confidence, her hex magic ensuring her safe passage.

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