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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 440 A Dragon Vs The Shadowflame Sisters
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Chapter 440 A Dragon Vs The Shadowflame Sisters

Archer beamed at Hemera and Leira and planted gentle kisses on their foreheads before they hurriedly dashed off to cast spells.

He then took out the spellbook Shadowspawn from his Item Box and continued reading it as he sat down.

After half an hour he had finished reading it and learned it just as a notification appeared.

[Shadowspawn Learned]

When Archer saw that he checked the description of the new spell.

[Shadowspawn is a mysterious spell that allows the user to summon shadowy and ephemeral creatures]

With a satisfied smile, he rose to his feet and stretched his arms, putting the book away before approaching Professor Jade, who turned to him with a quizzical expression.

In a gentle, melodious voice, she inquired, "Have you already learned the spell?"

Archer nodded with a sly grin as he responded, "Certainly. Would you be interested in seeing it, even though it's rather unsettling?"

Intrigued, she regarded him with growing curiosity and gave a nod. The professor then turned to address the other students. "Everyone, please step back and observe."

The students obediently created some distance as Archer made his way to the center of the expansive training field.

It was surrounded by a small, tall hedge that separated it from the rest of the college. There, he began to cast the "Shadowspawn" spell.

That was when Dark, sinuous shadows coiled around him, slowly materializing into frightening, monstrous forms.

Ghastly creatures, with glowing crimson eyes and elongated, menacing limbs, materialized with an unsettling presence.

The students stared in amazement as the eerie shadows enveloped Archer. Their fear increased as they saw the creatures staring back at them.

Hemera, Leira, Nala, and Lioran looked on in amazement as the shadow monsters circled Archer like they were protecting him.

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Nonetheless, a few of the startled students, unable to endure the intense, eerie aura that had enveloped the field, hastily retreated in a state of panic.

The commotion had attracted even more onlookers to the Spellcraft's training field, as they gathered to see the spectacle unfolding before them.

The onlookers observed the creatures in fascination, impressed by their disciplined response when Archer gave the command for them to sit, which they immediately obeyed.

Despite the curiosity of the audience, Archer's attention remained on the Shadowspawn he had summoned.

However, the moment his Aura Detector registered three pings heading in his direction, he knew something significant was about to happen.

Just as tension filled the air, a potent spell materialized out of nowhere and struck one of the shadowspawn with tremendous force.

The impact sent the students nearby jumping back in surprise, their eyes widened as they witnessed the explosion.

The shadowspawn vanished with an eerie hiss, their dark forms vanishing into thin air, but additional spells materialized and dispelled more of Archer's conjured creatures.

Suddenly, a girl with a striking resemblance to Ophelia but with shorter hair and a more warrior-like appearance materialized directly in front of him, catching him off guard.

With a grin she threw a mana-charged punch, leaving Archer astounded by her sudden presence and action.

With a confident smile, he cast Shadow Shroud.?His body morphed into a fluid mass of shadow, revealing only his piercing violet eyes and a sinister, sharp-toothed grin, illuminated by the eerie violet light.

The punch passed right through him, causing a shocked look to appear on her face which caused him to chuckle.

Seizing the opportunity, Archer retaliated with a powerful punch of his own which shocked the witch.

She tried to block it, but the sheer force behind his strike sent her hurtling backward, crashing into the ground.

As the dust settled, the atmosphere grew tense, but then the Battle Witch Scarlett whom he met earlier appeared before him.

With a swift incantation, she conjured a brilliant blast made from the Light element and sent it hurtling toward him as her long pink hair flowed all over the place.

Archer, still shrouded in shadows, braced for the incoming attack with a smile. As the attack drew nearer, his spell dissipated, causing him to chuckle softly before casting Blink

In the blink of an eye, he reappeared behind Scarlett, but his sharp instincts warned him of an imminent attack coming from behind him.

He swiftly stepped to the side and narrowly avoided a massive blast that struck the spot he had occupied just moments ago.

Scarlett, however, had disappeared in the process. Archer turned around, only to see the brown-skinned witch he met earlier standing there.

Amaryllis regarded him with a seductive smile and spoke in her exotic, melodious voice. "My dear dragon, the queen wishes to put your abilities to the test to see if you can help us in the future, and the Shadowflame Sisters are here for precisely that purpose. I hope you don't hold it against us."

Archer's grin widened, and in a hushed tone, he whispered to himself, "Draconis."

With those words, his transformation into his draconic form commenced. Two magnificent, white wings sprouted from his back, and his hands morphed into razor-sharp talons.

Scales covered his body, and his tail grew in size and bulk. The onlooker's eyes widened in awe and amazement.

Hemera, Leira, and Nala couldn't contain their excitement, their faces lit up with wonder, while Lioran watched the unfolding spectacle with a sense of amazement.

Archer's smile grew even more as he spoke to the three girls. "Don't hold back, because I certainly won't and I'd be happy to help the queen if the price is right."

Amaryllis's face lit up with enthusiasm upon hearing his words, and she proceeded to introduce the new girl.

"This is Valencia Blackfire, my cousin, and Scarlett's older sister."

When he heard her, he responded with a nod and a charming smile. He took a moment to observe her more closely, noting Valencia's features.

She had short black and purple hair, along with her muscular physique and glowing violet eyes that looked like two stars.

Archer's gaze descended, he also observed the alluring curves of her body and her large boobs that were jiggling.

He turned toward the blonde witch and saw her wearing a tight black witch dress that clung to her body. Amaryllis observed his gaze and couldn't help but grin.

She playfully teased him, saying, "You're quite the cheeky dragon, aren't you? Two of your women are standing right there, and here you are, looking at little old me, a much older woman."

Archer chuckled, his charm unyielding. "Can't help it if I admire strong, beautiful women, especially if they look like you three."

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The three girls smiled at his compliment, and Scarlett blushed while looking away, once again taken by surprise.

Amaryllis, on the other hand, disappeared from her spot, while the pink-haired witch began to chant a spell.

Valencia continued to press forward and started fighting with him while smiling, displaying her remarkable combat skills in the melee battle with Archer as the two started fighting.

Her attacks were relentless, and although he managed to block most of them, he couldn't ignore the incredible power behind each strike.

It became obvious to him that Valencia was very strong, and as the battle unfolded, he realized that she was indeed close to his rank and skill.

That's when Amaryllis turned to Scarlett and spoke in an excited voice. ''Cousin keep him away from us while I try to help out Valencia.''

The two girls nodded and went to work as Archer struck out with his tail and hit the black-haired girl which sent her skidding backward just as a spell slammed into his body.

But it dissipated thanks to having Anti-Magic activated. Archer grinned and cast Blink to reappear behind a shocked Amaryllis.

Archer cast Plasma Missiles at her. She reacted swiftly, erecting a protective barrier to defend herself, but the sheer force of the spell sent her hurtling through the air.

She crashed down onto the ground with a thud causing her to let out a huff as she watched him go for her cousin.

He quickly turned his attention to Scarlett, charging towards her while launching a barrage of fiery Element Bolts made from fire.

Scarlett exerted herself to defend against the attack, conjuring a magical shield to block the incoming barrage.

The fiery bolts collided with the barrier, producing a spectacular display of magic amidst the intense battle.

Archer charged at the pink-haired witch but was stopped by Valencia who used mana to cover her fists and attacked.

Valencia unleashed a flurry of punches at him, her strikes coming relentlessly. However, he skillfully deflected and blocked each of her attacks, his defenses holding strong.

As she continued her assault, Archer anticipated her movements with excitement and expertly sidestepped one of her punches.

Seizing the opportunity, he cast Eldritch Blas directly into her stomach, sending her stumbling back from the powerful impact.

With renewed energy, he darted forward, engaging in a frenetic exchange of punches with Valencia while simultaneously launching Element Bolts at the other two witches.

The battlefield crackled with magical energy as the intense battle raged on. Archer was casting spells to keep Amaryllis and Scarlett at bay.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]