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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 417 Memories
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Chapter 417 Memories

Archer stayed on the balcony examining most of his domain until Ella called out to him. He walked inside and saw all nine girls sitting at the table.

When they saw him they all smiled and told him to sit down. As he walked over to the table he kissed each one while whispering sweet words into their ears.

Once Archer sat down they started eating and chatting. An hour passed like this and he enjoyed the atmosphere of the dinner.

Everyone was smiling and talking among themselves. This scene made him smile but it brought back memories that were lurking deep inside his mind.

Archer remembered the times he and his family on Earth would have dinners like this and went quiet which caught Ella's attention.

She looked at him before leaning in and whispered. ''What's wrong Arch?''

He turned to her with a fake smile. ''Seeing this brings back my Earth memories and I remember them.''

Ella gave him a smile as she grabbed his hand and comforted him. ''Archer it's not like you'll never see them again. We will go back together with the others and bring them here.''

When Archer heard her words he didn't know what to say and was at a loss for words. He shook his head before replying. ''You're right El. All I need is more mana and we can return.''

She nodded in agreement but felt the need to add one more thing. "I believe it's time to share your past with everyone. It's only fair, especially considering they will be joining you in marriage."

He concurred, and after they had all finished their meal, he gathered them in the living room. "I have something to share," he announced.

Their nods of understanding prompted them to move to the sofas, where they settled in, ready to listen.

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In the cozy living room, bathed in the soft, warm glow of the fire, Archer looked at the faces of the nine girls who had become his new family.

He felt a sense of trust and connection, and he knew it was time to share a part of his past with the new girls but to tell the others everything.

Taking a deep breath, he began, "Let me tell you about a world called Earth. I lived a very ordinary life there, in a large and loving family. My parents, my siblings, and cousins—we were all incredibly close, and our home was always filled with laughter and love."

The girls listened with rapt attention, their eyes focused on Archer as he painted a vivid picture of his past.

"I had a childhood friend," Archer continued, a touch of nostalgia in his voice. "Her name was Alexa, and we were inseparable. We shared everything—our secrets, our dreams, and even our first kiss. Life felt simple and beautiful with her by my side."

As Archer spoke, his voice carried the weight of cherished memories. The room was filled with a deep, understanding silence as if they were all living those moments alongside him.

"But," Archer's tone grew somber, "our happiness didn't last. You see, there was another, Noah. He had always been envious of our bond, and his jealousy grew into something far more destructive. He couldn't bear the thought of Alexa and me together."

A collective gasp and shared looks of empathy swept through the room as the girls connected with his story.

"On the night we made our relationship official," Archer continued, his voice trembling under the emotional burden, "we could never have foreseen the depths of Noah's jealousy. We were walking home together, and in a shocking turn of events, he lunged at Alexa with a knife but I pushed her out of harm's way."

He paused, reliving that harrowing moment in his mind, shaking his head as he found the strength to go on. "And then, in a jealous frenzy, he mercilessly ended my life, stabbing me repeatedly. Alexa fought desperately to save me, but it was too late. By the time they rushed me to the hospital, I had already slipped away."

A heavy silence hung in the air, the room filled with the weight of Archer's tragic tale. His eyes met the girls' compassionate gazes, and for a moment, it felt as though they were sharing his pain.

"But," Archer continued, his voice resolute, "here I am with all of you. I believe that someday, with your support, we can find a way to return to Earth and reunite with the family I left behind, especially Alexa, who I still care for deeply."

As Archer finished recounting the tragic events of his past life, all nine girls turned their eyes to him, filled with sorrow and empathy.

At that moment, the weight of his story hung heavily in the air, and they understood the pain he had carried with him for so long.

Wordlessly, they rose from their places, one by one, their movements a synchronized dance of support and compassion.

They encircled Archer, forming a protective wall of love and understanding. Ella, always the supporting one, reached out and held him close, her embrace a reassuring shelter.

Teuila, Sera, and Nefertiti extended their hands to touch his shoulders and back, offering their silent strength.

Hemera and Hecate, with their calming presence, stood by his side, ready to offer comfort in whatever form he needed.

Talila, Leira, and Llyniel surrounded him, their eyes conveying a profound connection, their unity a testament to the bond they had formed.

Without words, their collective presence spoke volumes, reassuring Archer that he was not alone in his pain.

As they held him close, they silently vowed to help him heal and find a brighter future, together.

The bond between Archer and the girls deepened, their shared experiences creating an unbreakable connection.

After their separation, the girls settled into their positions while wrapping blankets around themselves, each finding a comfortable spot.

The chill of the night had started to infiltrate their treehouse, prompting Archer to breathe life into the fireplace, a burst of fiery warmth that combated the encroaching cold.

As the violet flames danced and crackled, the room filled with the comforting embrace of their warmth.

Archer took a seat, and it was Leira, her voice tinged with curiosity, who broke the silence. "So, how did you end up on Thrylos?"

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He met her gaze before offering a thoughtful response. "The Dragon Goddess Tiamat used her immense power to bring me here, though initially, I believed it was simply my soul that had arrived. It wasn't until I had a rather hard knock to the head that my memories unlocked themselves. So, in essence, I was born on Thrylos, but my memories are a fusion of my life on Earth and my early years on this world."

After he spoke that's when the curious Wood Elf asked a question. ''What is Alexa like? She must be special for you to remember her so fondly.''

Amid the soft, warm glow of the firelight, he gazed at the attentive faces of the girls who had become his fiancees.

He drew in a deep breath, his gaze drifting to the distance as he prepared to share a treasured fragment of his past.

"Let me tell you about Alexa," he began, his voice laced with affection. "We were friends since we were little kids, practically inseparable. We shared the kind of bond that defied words, the sort of friendship that begins in the innocence of childhood and endures through the trials of life."

As he spoke, his memories came to life in his mind's eye, and he couldn't help but smile at the recollection.

"We grew up together," Archer continued, "playing in the fields, exploring the woods, and sharing secrets under the moonlight. We were each other's confidants, always there to listen, to offer a shoulder to lean on, and to celebrate each other's victories."

The room was bathed in the warm ambiance of the fire, and the girls listened intently, captivated by the depth of the relationship he described.

"Our friendship," Archer continued, "evolved into something more as we got older. We fell in love, and that love was deep and genuine. We shared our dreams and our fears, but by the time we both realized our feelings it was too late."

As Archer's voice swelled with emotion, it became evident that Alexa occupied a unique and enduring place in his heart, a sanctuary untouched by the passage of time and the vast expanse of distance.

"But," he continued, his voice tinged with a somber note, "our happiness was abruptly cut short, as I was torn away from that life and thrust into this one."

In that poignant moment, the girls could discern the depth of anguish in Archer's eyes, and the gravity of his story weighed upon them.

''One day I will return to Earth one day and take my revenge on Noah.'' He commented before the room went quiet.

As the fire flickered in the background, Nefertiti's question pierced the silence. "Will you also marry her husband?"

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]