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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 409 Mr King
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Chapter 409 Mr King

[Stormhaven Royal Palace]

King Balder Stormhaven sat on his throne as his advisors and nobles squabbled among themselves over the news of Bloodaxe Isle getting attacked.

He knew of the rumors from the mainland speaking of a crazy boy who is the guardian of the Avalon Empire.

However, Balder had been informed by the allied kings that the boy had disappeared due to a nefarious plot orchestrated by the Shadow Cult.

Still, he pondered privately, 'The cult had collaborated with the church and various other factions. How is it possible that the boy returned so quickly?'

As he thought to himself thunder boomed overhead and made the people in the hall jump in fright.

Balder stood up and made his way over to the window to see what was going on. When he got there he saw a storm forming overhead.

Then, in a spectacular display of nature's power, a massive thunderstorm unleashed its fury upon Stormhold.

Lightning danced across the sky, illuminating the city in eerie flashes, casting long, haunting shadows.

Thunderclaps boomed, shaking the ground and rattling windows, while torrential rain began to pour as the storm got worse.

Balder pivoted to face one of the nobles who had spoken, "Your Majesty, perhaps we should consider negotiation with the young man. I've heard that he brokered similar deals with neighboring kingdoms."

The king regarded the man with a weary expression, poised to respond when a sudden clap of thunder drowned his words.

Yet, in that tumultuous moment, a chilling aura of impending doom descended upon the hall and it was coming from the balcony.

King Balder and the nobles swiveled as one to face an unexpected presence in their midst.

Standing before them was a tall and handsome young man, his striking violet eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity.

His short white hair framed a visage of ethereal beauty, and atop his head, four pristine white horns adorned him with an aura of regality.

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A slender yet powerful tail extended from his lower back, its movement imbued with a sense of both grace and strength.

When Balder saw the boy grin he knew that this was the white dragon from the mainland and now regretted his rash actions.

[Back to Archer]

After Archer cast Call Lightning he searched the city for the bank and soon found it sitting in the noble district.

He descended to the street and entered before summoning his Neatherbeasts who he ordered to kill the soldiers.

Once he gave out his orders Archer made his way to the vaults and emptied them like the greedy dragon he was before leaving.

When he was finished with the bank he sent the beasts back to the domain before making his way to the palace to pay a visit to the Stormhaven King.

With a flap of his wings, he took to the air and saw the palace in the middle of the noble distract and flew toward it.

Archer witnessed the worsening storm, he noticed how it forced the citizens to seek shelter, thereby complicating the soldiers' tasks even further.

Drawing near the palace, he used his Aura Detector to scan the grand building, swiftly identifying a congregation of individuals within one of its halls.

He navigated toward that section of the palace and descended upon a balcony just as the weather intensified.

Approaching the elaborate door, he gently pushed it open to reveal a noble engaged in conversation with a man who appeared to be dressed as a king.

Once he was inside he leaned against the door frame and released his dragon aura into the hall and everyone felt it while thinking to himself. 'I will take all their treasure.'

The king pivoted, and his eyes widened in astonishment. Observing the man's reaction, Archer couldn't help but smile, his approach towards the group carrying an air of confidence.

"Mr. King," he inquired with a grin, "Will you choose to bend the knee or take up arms against me?"

When the nobles heard this one of the men stepped forward and spoke in an angry tone. ''How dare you! Who do you think you are!''

Archer looked at the man who spoke and he was his height but very muscular. He smiled at the man before casting Blink.

He vanished from the spot and appeared behind the muscular man as he pierced his chest before pulling out the human heart.

The large man collapsed to the floor like a sack of potatoes shocking everyone in the room. When the soldiers in the room saw this they charged forward with their weapons raised.

Archer saw this and laughed as he lunged at the closest soldiers. He used his forearm to block the man's downward strike.

As the sword connected with Archer's white scales, it shattered allowing him to slash at the soldier with his claws.

They sliced through both armor and flesh with ease, like a blade through warm butter causing the men to scream in agony.

Following that, Archer delivered a powerful strike with his tail, sending another soldier sprawling to the floor.

After that, he lunged at the remaining guards and stupid nobles who thought they could fight him but he tore them apart with ease.

That's when more guards appeared but these looked stronger to Archer so he started casting Eldritch Blast at them.

When he did that he cast Crown Of Stars and as soon as the spell activated it shot out and struck the attackers who couldn't defend against the violet mote.

Once all the soldiers were dead Archer turned to the king and repeated himself with a low growl. ''Bend the knee or die. Pick now!''

The Stormhaven King and noble all knelt before him causing a smile to break out on his face before speaking. ''Good. Good. Now show me your treasury.''

After Archer spoke a random nobleman jumped up and protested. ''You cannot touch the kingdom's wealth during Frostwinter. It will affect the people, they will starve.''

When the man dared to speak, Archer fixed him with a piercing glare before casting Blink to appear right in front of him.

With a commanding tone, he responded, "Silence, human! I will claim what I desire. The Avalonians shall ensure your well-being, not me."

He turned his head from the noble to the king with a neutral look before asking. ''What is your name?'' 

The Stormhaven king looked at him with a confused look on his face before replying. ''Balder Stormhaven.''

Archer nodded in acknowledgment and then gestured for Balder to lead the way, a silent command the king promptly obeyed.

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They walked for about ten minutes until they arrived at a massive, imposing golden door that stood twice as high as Archer.

Balder reached for the key, but before he could use it, Archer intervened. He cast Null Void, causing the door's magical defenses to disintegrate.

The Stormhaven King watched in awe as the enchantments vanished. Then, with astounding strength, Archer effortlessly kicked open the door.

As the door thundered to the ground, Archer stepped inside the chamber and was met with a breathtaking sight – numerous chests, gleaming with untold treasures.

Being the loot goblin he is his insatiable desire for riches and loot took over, and without hesitation, he swiftly stored all of the chests in his Item Box.

Once he was done with the treasury, Archer turned to Balder and commented with a big smile. ''Wait for the Avalonians. If you cause any more trouble I will return.''

After he spoke he cast Gate to the outside and stepped through as he felt the cold wind hit his face.

Archer cast Cosmic Shield around him and heated up the inside before he took off and flew toward the Fjordhelm Kingdom.

As he glided above the tumultuous sea, the unruly waves below seethed and bellowed, a testament to the ceaseless wrath of the ocean.

The sky overhead was shrouded in thick, brooding clouds, and the wind howled, carrying the scent of salt and brine.

In the distance, he could see the silhouette of the island, the home of the Fjordhelm kingdom.

The rugged cliffs and towering, snow-capped peaks stood as sentinels against the relentless assault of the sea.

Archer descended lower, feeling the growing turbulence in the air as he approached the island.

The wind whipped through his hair, and he could taste the tang of salt on his lips. The island's rugged beauty became more pronounced as he drew nearer.

He could hear the crashing of the waves against the rocky shores filling the air with a thunderous symphony.

As he drew nearer to the island, Archer glided over the cliff's edge, revealing a vast expanse of flat terrain stretching out in all directions.

Before him lay rolling fields of snow-covered land, their pristine beauty a stark contrast to the tempestuous sea he had just traversed.

Archer halted his flight, hovering in the frigid air as he took in the breathtaking sights that unfolded before him but what caught his eye was a castle in the distance.

He set his course for the castle, but as he closed the gap, a barrage of spells and enchantments erupted from its walls.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]