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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 390 Kruthik
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Chapter 390 Kruthik

Archer flew for a couple of hours until he saw the Aetheria castle guarding their northern border.

He descended closer to the floor as the snow was getting heavier which helped him get closer, when he did he spotted numerous soldiers guarding the walls.

A few soldiers were standing outside the main gate holding torches but the fires did nothing to the snow.

With his dragon features concealed, Archer landed gracefully on the ground and donned a cloak to obscure his identity.

He then approached the castle with a sense of purpose, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As he continued his journey on foot, Archer noticed a span of imposing mountains to his left, stretching eastward. Not far from the road, the sea raged with its relentless waves.

A vast expanse of snow-covered terrain lay between him and the churning waters, and on the distant horizon, he discerned the silhouette of a towering cliff.

Without hesitation, Archer invoked the power of Blink, and in a heartbeat, he vanished from his original location.

In the next instant, he reappeared, standing on the very edge of the formidable cliff, peering out into the vastness of the snowy landscape and the tumultuous sea beyond.

Before long, he cast it once more, and just like that, he materialized atop the craggy ridge, gazing out over the vast expanse of the sea below.

Archer stood there as the wind howled, carrying with it a symphony of fury, as the wild waves crashed relentlessly against the jagged shoreline below.

The heavens themselves seemed to weep, as heavy snowflakes descended from the sky, their pristine beauty starkly contrasting the violence of the tempestuous sea.

Yet, Archer was undeterred as the snowflakes met the shield, they danced and shattered, unable to penetrate its protective aura.

The waves, their frothy crests illuminated by the pale moonlight, surged forward with unrelenting force.

With awe and humility, Archer watched the waves rise and fall, their power both beautiful and fearsome.

After watching the scene for a little while he made his way to the border castle, once he was there he hovered in the air and scanned the wall.

There were loads of soldiers guarding it but they were spread out as the castle was massive. Archer swooped down and grabbed a man off the wall.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He quickly ascended until he was high in the sky. Once Archer was high up he cast Soul Eater on the Aurelian soldiers.

When he did that he tossed the body into the Monster Army part of the domain before shifting through the new information he gained.

That's when he realized the Aetheria Kingdom wasn't wealthy in the slightest and had no way to stop the empire unless Goldenvale helped.

While he was at this he decided to cast Soul Eater on a high level noble to get more information on the kingdom.

Archer knew where an Aetheria Duke was stationed in a coastal fort in the south. He made his way there.

By the time he got there the moon was high in the sky and the weather was getting worse so he returned to the domain.

He appeared inside the quiet treehouse and took his cloak off before scanning the treehouse and noticed Llyniel was sleeping peacefully while Hecate was awake.

After fighting for a little while and gaining all the treasures he wanted to vent, so he made his way up the stairs and walked into her lab.

Hecate turned to him with a charming smile before she spoke. ''Hello, My Love. How was your day?''

When Archer heard, he didn't know what to say but liked her pet name. He shook his head before talking. ''I got presents for you.''

Following his words, he scanned the room for an empty table and began to take out all the stuff he bought from his Item Box, leaving Hecate utterly astonished.

The Moon Elf looked at him after ten minutes of pulling stuff out of thin air and asked. ''Did you buy a whole shop?''

Archer looked at her with a smile and nodded his head. ''Yes. I bought everything you would need to start your own and brew more potions.''

Hecate listened attentively, her excitement growing as she examined the ingredients he had purchased for her.

While she did that Archer sat down by the window and watched the snowstorm which put him at peace.

He looked in his Item Box and saw that he had over a thousand hearts. Archer decided to save them up for now.

After that, he spoke to Hecate. ''My Moon Witch. Would you like to go to a new world and take their ingredients? You may find new stuff.''

Hecate stopped going through crates and looked at him in shock before asking in an excited voice. ''Can I come with you?''

Archer smiled before nodding as he stood up and cast a Gate to the Nether Realm. Hecate saw the violet portal and felt her hand being grabbed.

He dragged her through it and ended up at their old cabin on the mountaintop. When Hecate saw this she was amazed at its charm.

She looked at Archer and asked. ''Is this where you and Llyniel stayed?''

''Yes. Now let's go, I know some good forests you can search in while I hunt for beasts.'' He answered as he led her outside.

When they were outside Archer opened a portal and summoned a Netherbeast they could use to travel.

A massive Roc stepped out of the portal and bowed toward him which shocked Hecate.

That's when he scanned the beast.

[Night Roc]

[Rank: AA+]

As he did that Hecate pivoted toward him, intending to ask a question, but before she could speak, he explained. "I encountered their leader, and once I emerged victorious, they chose to follow me."

She nodded her head as the bird lowered its body to the floor as he led her on top of it.

As they stepped up, Archer addressed the Roc. "Guide us to a dense forest abundant with plant life, a place you are familiar with," he requested.

The Roc nodded its large head and took off as it flew west. Archer sat down on its back and invited Hecate to join him.

When she got closer he grabbed her and pulled the elf into his lap, Hecate got comfortable and laid against him.

Archer lifted her chin and planted a kiss on her plump lips causing her to shiver all over, when he kissed he could taste potions causing her to smile internally.

They separated when the Roc squawked at them causing Archer to look at it and see a massive forest below them.

Archer told it to descend into a clearing and it did that. When the beast landed the forest went quiet.

He jumped off first and scanned the area before opening a portal to summon dozens of Chull and Ant Warriors.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ettins joined them as they surrounded the clearing to await Archer's order. ''You will guard my wife and make sure she is safe. You know what the beasts are like so keep an eye out.''

All the Netherbeasts roared and made clicking sounds in response. Archer then opened another portal to bring more of the Monster Army.

Hundreds of Netherbeasts appeared and he assigned the strongest ones to guard Hecate to make sure she was okay while he went hunting.

He also ordered them to capture any beast they could, so he could kill or force them into his monster army.

Archer cast Mana Manipulation and dug dozens of deep holes so they could throw the beasts in.

That's when he turned to Hecate before speaking. ''Go find any good materials and I'll be back soon. I need to level up.''

The Moon Elf nodded her head and wandered off before she already found a new planet she hadn't seen.

Archer noticed some Chull Warriors following close by while some Girallons made a large circle around her.

Filled with relief over her safety, he summoned his wings and launched into the air. Archer soared through the skies, dispatching numerous beasts as he sought out adversaries to conquer.

As he killed he got deeper and deeper, the sun was blocked and the jungle went black but thanks to Archer's dragon's eyes he could see like it was daytime.

Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath their feet, and from the underbrush emerged a group of monsters, their chitinous exoskeletons gleaming in the dappled sunlight.

These insectoid creatures moved with a swift and predatory grace, their razor-sharp mandibles clacking menacingly. 

Archer looked at them and scanned them.

[Kruthik Worker]

[Rank: C]

As he followed the Kruthik deeper into the heart of the jungle, the landscape changed. The trees grew taller and older, their trunks gnarled and covered in moss.

The air grew thicker with the scent of earth and decay, and the sounds of the jungle seemed to fade into the background.

Finally, Archer arrived at the Kruthik colony. The entrance to their underground lair was concealed beneath a tangle of roots and leaves.

He watched as the monster slipped into a burrow, their chitinous bodies disappearing into the darkness below.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]