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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 385 The Orientia Continent
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Chapter 385 The Orientia Continent

The port itself was a marvel to behold. Massive stone pillars stretched out into the sea, forming a protective barrier for the ships that docked within.

Ships of all shapes and sizes were anchored in the harbor, their sails adorned with intricate designs that told stories of distant lands.

As the ship slowly made its way to the dock, Aricen and Selene noticed the grandeur of the city's skyline.

Towering pagodas and temples reached for the heavens, their golden roofs gleaming in the sunlight.

Eastern dragons, both sculpted and painted, adorned the city's architecture, a testament to the reverence of these mythical creatures.

The ship's crew expertly navigated the narrow waterways of the port, guiding the vessel to a designated dock.

As the gangplank was lowered, Aricen and Selene were among the first to step onto the wooden planks, their excitement palpable.

They were greeted by the warm smiles of the city's residents, who were eager to welcome newcomers.

The air was filled with the melodic sound of traditional music played on stringed instruments, adding to the enchanting atmosphere of Tigerclaw Bay.

Aricen and Selene couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder as they began their journey through this captivating port city.

The bustling streets, the vibrant colors, and the rich culture that surrounded them promised a wealth of experiences as they embarked on their mission to spread the Fireheart Faith.

[Ganeshan Empire - South-West side of Orientia]

Princess Ahsoka Ganeshan, the fifth royal of the Ganeshan Empire, embarked on a visit to Tigerclaw Bay's bustling trade port.

Her purpose was clear - to buy any new goods she found in the markets that were from distant western lands.

Princess Ahsoka, renowned for her deep appreciation of exotic goods, held a genuine fascination for items that journeyed from faraway realms.

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However, her interests extended beyond mere acquisitions. Ahsoka was a formidable warrior, proficient in two distinct magical arts - Vayu Kriya, the magic of wind, and Agni Kriya, the art of fire manipulation.

These mystical talents were further complemented by her mastery of the sword, making her a formidable presence in both the political and martial arenas of the empire.

The imperial family was Bengal Tiger Demi-Humans while the citizens were normal tigers or made up of all different races as the east is more open than Pluoria.

Ahsoka walked through the streets with her hand on her sword as her imperial guards followed behind her.

Shopkeepers bowed when she entered to buy any Western goods, she found a book about the history of a far-flung empire called Avalon.

She bought the book alongside a spellbook she couldn't understand but still took it. Ahsoka stored them in her bracelet and decided to use the script translator when she returned to the palace.

As they walked out of the shop an odd-looking couple approached them, her guards stepped in front of the strangers.

But a cat woman smiled as she spoke but Ahsoka couldn't understand them, so she took to a translator and handed it to the woman.

She put the necklace on and then bowed toward her before speaking. ''Thank you kind stranger but we are here on behalf of the Fireheart Faith that has come from the Western Continent of Pluoria.''

The woman took a book out of a ring and handed it to Ahsoka who looked at it. She saw a very detailed picture of a white dragon standing over a city as if it were its guardian.

She looked at the woman and asked. ''What is this Fireheart Faith?''

When the cat woman heard her question she smiled before answering. ''It's very simple actually. Care for your family and friends, live life to the fullest, and pursue your dreams while supporting the church.''

The woman took a breath before continuing. ''It's a friendly religion with no hatred toward any other religion.''

Ahsoka nodded her head and thanked the woman before continuing her shopping trip as the couple went on with their day.

[The Kitsunia Kingdom - North-West side of Orientia]

In a training ground, two women engaged in a fierce sparring session.

One possessed vibrant, short fiery-orange hair, complementing her striking, sapphire-blue eyes her name was Sakura Kitsunia.

Long, agile fox ears adorned her head, their tips twitching with every swift movement. She was built like a warrior with a muscular body and used a katana as her weapon.

The woman's opponent was her cousin Satsuki Kitsunia, who was also a fox demi-human who had long wavy snow-white hair with the same sapphire-blue eyes as the orange-haired girl.

But the second woman was thicker than her cousin and had enormous boobs that bounced around whenever she moved.

She was using a spear and magic to fight. With a mutual understanding, they began their spar, their weapons met in a flurry of strikes and parries.

The steel rang out in harmonious cadence as they moved, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

Their movements were a dance of precision and control. Satsuki's strikes were calculated and swift, while Sakura's fluidity and agility allowed her to deflect and counter with ease.

The training ground seemed to come alive as their skills were put to the test. Amidst the intensity of their bout, Satsuki spoke with a smile, "You've improved, Sakura."

Sakura, her focus unwavering, replied, "As have you, Satsuki. Your technique is as sharp as ever."

Their camaraderie was evident in the way they spoke, their respect for each other deepening with each clash of their swords.

They had sparred together countless times, each encounter strengthening their bond.

As the spar came to a pause, a serene voice broke through the forest's stillness. "Satsuki, Sakura, it's time to rest," called Himiko, their cousin and the crown princess of the kingdom.

With a nod of agreement, Satsuki and Sakura sheathed their swords and made their way to Himiko.

The serene beauty of the training grounds was a testament to their dedication and the unity of their spirits.

When the two women sat down a maid brought some tea for them. Sakura looked at Himiko who had light brown hair and striking red eyes that seemed to hold all the answers. 

Sakura spoke with a smile as she got comfortable. ''How is your Magi training going sister? Is the old woman hard on you like she was with the rest of us?''

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Himiko looked at her sister who seemed to find trouble wherever she went but she still loved her nonetheless and smiled before replying.

''Yes, Sakura. She is a tough teacher but it helps me learn. Mother said I had to pass the old woman's test to move forward in my training.''

As the other two spoke, Satsuki noticed that her sister Yuki was reading a strange-looking book.

The girl had the same white hair as Satsuki but had the same red eyes as Himiko. She was slim but curvy in all the right places but she was a Magi who specialized in illusion and fire Sorcery.

After observing the woman Satsuki asked in curiousity. ''Yuki. What are you reading?''

The two other women stopped talking as their ears twitched and turned to the girl with a book in her hands.

Yuki raised her gaze and responded to the inquiry, her voice carrying a note of intrigue.

"It's a book that a peculiar couple bestowed upon me during my visit to the bathhouse. They appeared friendly and possessed a Ganeshanian artifact for translation. They entertained me with tales of a white dragon dwelling on the Western Continent."

Himiko grew curious as foxes do and asked. ''Can I see the book cousin?''

The white-haired girl nodded her head and handed it to her. The princess started reading as Sakura inquired. ''Yuki. What was this couple saying?''

Yuki looked at the short-haired girl and answered. ''They spoke about family, kindness, and sharing their belief in following your own dreams. But what was more interesting was the boy they mentioned.''

She stopped talking as she took a sip of the sweet-smelling tea. Once she was done Yuki continued.

''They spoke of a young man who ended a continent-wide war by destroying many kingdoms and burning armies. It was said black smoke rose to the air and could be seen all over the land and he was named the guardian of the Pluoria Continent.''

When she finished talking the three girls heard a voice come from behind them. ''Yes, it is true my little foxes. My spies confirmed it.''

They all turned around to see Queen Akane Kitsunia standing there with her sister Haruka. 

The queen was the depiction of beauty with the perfect face and the greenest eyes that shone like emeralds and her smile could ensnare any man who she wanted.

Her body was perfect, she was curvy but had a slim waist and thick thighs with a pair of giant boobs that looked unnatural but suited her perfectly.

She wasn't just beautiful but smart, cunning and conniving. It's how Akane managed to hold onto power.

Akane held the esteemed title of Orientia's most renowned beauty, closely followed by Haruka Kitsunia, Ahsoka Ganeshan, Satsuki, Himiko, Sakura, Yuki Kitsunia, and Mai Xianlong, hailing from the North in the Xianlong Dragon Empire.

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