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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 384 Fireheart Faith & The Far East
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Chapter 384 Fireheart Faith & The Far East

[Avalon Empire - In the distant future after the war ended]

A married couple in their late twenties was traveling with a large group of traders who were traveling to the southern part of the empire to board a ship east.

The male was a human named Aricen Orion, while the wife was a cat demi-human that went by the name Selene Orion who was informing him on many things about the new faith.

They were new devotees, but were shocked by the amount of freedom they were allowed when they joined.

Couples were allowed to have children or travel the land to spread the word of the Fireheart Faith that popped up in the empire.

But as long as they preached the wholesome words of their goddess and brought in new believers.

It was a new religion that began when Archer cleaned out hundreds of bandit groups after the war and the corrupted nobles.

He found thousands of slaves whom he saved and let go, due to his actions they started worshipping him and Tiamat.

Most joined the Fireheart Faith who welcomed them with open arms. After  the continent-wide war was brought to an end by Archer who destroyed kingdoms and burned armies.

Every kingdom bowed down to him but that's a story for another time. Due to his actions, thousands of people started to pray to Tiamat to thank her for him.

He saved an uncountable amount of lives and thanks to that the Dragon Goddess recovered her power and flourished.

She named hundreds of people as her dragon priests and priestesses. These people traveled the land preaching the goddess's words.

Which was simple, Care for your family and friends, live life to the fullest, and pursue your dreams while supporting the church.

The Goddess doesn't care for the power, she just wants dragonkind to thrive and bounce back under the white dragon's protection.

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One day Tiamat visited the head priest and told them that they should spread the word to all of Thrylos and named Archer her Chosen One.

When the priestess visited Archer at the College of Magic, he gave them the gold needed to fund their organization as he wanted them to grow more influential than the Chuch of Light.

The head priestess dispatched her dragon priests and priestesses all over to join trade caravans and spread the Fireheart Faith.

When the emperors and kings heard about the faith they invited them into their realms with open arms as most of them were connected to the boy thanks to their daughters.

They funded the construction of new churches dedicated to Tiamat, and many of the empire's citizens grew curious about the new priests and priestesses.

The people witnessed them offering aid to those in need and sharing their message about the importance of family and a myriad of other wholesome values that resonated with the common citizen.

Archer funded many orphanages across the empire and other kingdoms, and sunk loads of gold into fixing his image.

When the head priestess met with him, he informed her that he wanted to repair his reputation and was tired of being called a dragon demon king.

The older woman who was in her forties suggested he help the poor and lost children, so he just threw more gold at the problem and let her deal with it.

Selene informed Aricen about everything that had happened as they journeyed alongside a recently established merchant group that engaged in trade with the Eastern Continent of Orientia.

Upon learning that the young couple belonged to the dragon faith, the merchant leader extended a warm welcome to them.

But it wasn't like that with everyone as the Church of Light worshippers hated the new faith because they accepted all races.

While the Church only allowed humans to join. They started launching attacks on the dragon priests and priestesses but they were soon stopped by the soldiers of the empire.

Emperor Osoric Avalon made a proclamation, decreeing that the Church of Light and its followers were to be exiled from Pluoria, their presence no longer welcome.

They were escorted to the Starfall harbor and sent to the central continent with the threat of being killed if they returned.

However, the other continents extended warm welcomes to them, embracing the exiled followers of the Church of Light with open arms.

As Selene finished her explanation, Aricen now comprehended the situation more fully as the trading caravan had made it to Harborwatch and boarded the vessel.

The merchant leader gave the couple a room of their own as they took to the sea and made their way east.

Selene put her bag down on the bed and looked at Aricen before talking. ''When we reach the east we must spread the Faith because Headpritess Aurora said he will visit the same lands one day.''

Aricen nodded with a smile as he looked at his wife and spoke. ''Yes, My Love. He saved us and many others, people deserve to know of his exploits. I have the book that Priest Duncan created and thanks to the white prince himself, we have millions of copies to share with new people. I have thousands in my storage ring, what about you?'' 

Selene smiled as she answered. ''Yes I have many myself, this way we can show the world dragons are not evil, they may be greedy but they are far from bad. It's the Church of Lights propaganda that makes everyone think that way.''

Aricen agreed with her and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her forehead. The journey would take a few weeks and the ship was large enough not to make them feel trapped.

Weeks passed by as the ship traveled along the central continent's coasts until they reached the eastern side and journeyed into open water.

One morning the couple woke up to a rocking ship and after eating breakfast they made their way to the top deck to get a look at the open sea as they shook side to side. 

Aricen and Selene stood together at the ship's railing as the vessel sailed through the tempestuous sea.

Dark, churning waves crashed against the ship's hull, sending salty spray into the air. The once-clear sky had turned ominous, with thick, gray clouds obscuring any sign of the sun.

Selene clung to the railing, her cat-like ears twitching in discomfort at the roar of the storm. Rain soaked her fur, and her clothing clung to her body.

She glanced at Aricen, her eyes wide with fear. Aricen's grip on the railing tightened as he scanned the raging sea.

Rainwater dripped from the ends of his tousled hair, and his soaked clothes clung to his frame.

The ship rocked violently as it battled the relentless waves. The crew worked tirelessly to keep the vessel steady, their shouts and orders barely audible over the storm's fury.

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The sails strained against the howling wind, and thunder cracked overhead, rattling the ship.

Despite the chaos around them, Aricen reached out and took his wife's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"We'll make it through this, Selene," he shouted over the roar of the storm. 

Selene nodded, her fear subsiding as she squeezed his hand in return. She trusted in their newfound faith and in the goddess Tiamat's protection.

Together, they would weather the storm, just as they had weathered the challenges of their past.

Hours passed, and the storm showed no signs of abating. But eventually, the tumultuous sea began to calm.

The rain lessened, and the clouds parted to reveal the moon's silvery glow. Exhausted but relieved, Aricen and Selene watched as the ship's course remained steady.

As dawn approached, the ship's crew spotted land on the horizon. The merchant explained that they only traded with one kingdom in the east.

That's when the Ganeshan Empire's coast came into view, and the port city of Tigerclaw Bay, with its bustling harbor, emerged from the mist.

Cheers erupted from the crew as they realized they had survived the tempest and made it to their destination after weeks at sea.

Aricen and Selene shared a smile, their faith unwavering as they prepared to embark on their mission in the Ganeshan Empire.

They knew that their journey was far from over, but they were determined to spread the Fireheart Faith and share the story of the white dragon with the people of this distant land.

The ship, battered but resilient, finally approached Tigerclaw Bay. As Aricen and Selene stood on the ship, the sight before them took their breath away.

Tigerclaw Bay was a magnificent Asian-like port city that appeared to have sprung from the pages of a magical tale.

The city's architecture was a fusion of elegance and intricacy, with ornate pagodas, vibrant red lanterns hanging from every corner, and colorful silk banners fluttering in the sea breeze.

The scent of exotic spices and the lively sounds of market traders filled the air. The city's streets were a maze of narrow alleyways and bustling market squares, where merchants peddled their wares with enthusiasm.

Aricen and Selene watched in awe as the local residents, dressed in vibrant silks and traditional attire, went about their daily routines.

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