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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 379 The Everfallen Kingdom
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Archer walked down the dark stairs until he came to a door but soon he heard soldiers coming from the top of the stairs.

He summoned smaller Netherbeasts and ordered them to kill all the soldiers in the castle and collect their hearts for him.

They bowed and rushed off to complete his orders as looked at the door. He started hearing shouting but ignored it.

Archer was blocked by a door but not for long as he booted it off the hinges and looked in. That's when he saw dozens of prisoners trapped in the cells.

He scanned for Sia and found her at the back and quickly made his way there while ignoring the pleas from the other people.

Soon enough he reached a cell that they were held in and saw Albert was battered but Sia was fine.

She was still sleeping when he ripped off the cell door before stepping in under the watchful eyes of the other prisoners.

Archer walked over to Albert and cast Aurora Healing on him. A bright light enveloped him and soon all his injuries were gone.

He walked over to the slumbering dragon-kin woman and bent down in front of her as he gently moved some of her black hair out of her face before kissing her forehead.

His kiss roused her from slumber, coaxing her bright blue eyes to flutter open and land on his face.

However, it took a moment for her groggy mind to fully grasp his presence as she gradually awakened.

Sia rubbed her eyes and finally came to. When she saw Archer she lost it and lunged at him and started hugging him like there was no tomorrow while mumbling into his ear.

''I knew you were fine husband. Sorry, I got caught again. I couldn't leave Father or my soldiers behind.''

Archer smiled as he cast Aurora Healing over her while she cuddled him but soon they heard a groan from behind them.

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They separated and spotted Albert waking up, he sat up and rubbed his head as he looked around and spotted Archer.

The Santa Claus-looking man got a big smile on his face as he stood up as he spoke. ''My Grandchild! Thank you for coming to help us boy.''

In a dimly lit cell, where cold stone walls bore witness to their shared ordeal, his grandfather extended his arms and enfolded him in a heartfelt bear hug.

Tears welled in the older man's eyes as he held Archer close, his overwhelming gratitude and relief evident.

"Archer, my boy," he rasped softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "You've saved me and my daughter. Thank you."

Archer, taken aback by the unexpected embrace, wavered briefly, a flicker of hesitation in his eyes that Albert quickly recognized.

He leaned in, his voice a gentle reassurance. "You will be fine, Archer. What transpired with your Father and Mother won't repeat itself among the rest of us."

When he heard this he hugged the older man back before letting him go and spoke in a casual voice. ''You two go to my domain and wait for me while I finish off the Everfallen Kingdom.''

Archer opened a portal to the domain and the two hugged him again before walking through. 

Once they were gone he turned to the other prisoners and spoke. ''I will free you all and transport you out of here.''

He cast Gate to the road outside the city before ripping off the cell door and freeing the people.

They rushed through the portal before Archer smiled to himself and whispered. ''Draco.''

Archer transformed into his dragon form bringing down the castle causing everyone inside to be crushed to death.

He stretched his wings out and roared to summon the three Hydra sisters. That's when he heard loud stomping coming toward him.

After waiting for a few seconds Azura crashed through the closest build and he was shocked at their size.

They were three times the size of an elephant which he got excited about before the other two appeared next to her.

He asked them to grow smaller and enter the domain which they happily did, Archer soon took to the sky.

The city below him trembled in fear and awe, he soared through the sky, his massive wings beating with thunderous force.

His scales shimmered, reflecting the sunlight like a living gem. With a resounding roar that echoed off the buildings.I think you should take a look at

Archer unleashed a burst of searing flames that devoured everything in its path. Buildings crumbled into fiery wrecks as his fiery breath washed over them.

The streets below were a chaotic frenzy of panicked soldiers, desperately fleeing from his anger.

Archer's enormous claws scraped against the ground as he landed, creating deep furrows in the earth. He moved with a primal grace, his eyes scanning the chaos he had unleashed. 

Despite the destruction. He was a force of nature, both awe-inspiring and terrifying, and as he moved through the city, he left a path of devastation in his wake.

He spent hours attacking the city and soldiers he could find. After doing this for a while he was laying down in the city square.

Archer had summoned an army of Stone Men and Netherbeasts to deal with the remaining soldiers.

The Stone Men brought him piles and piles of treasure, which he kept storing away the loot he saw the Netherbeasts bringing a group of people.

He saw that they were dressed like royalty and smiled before returning to his humanoid form as he summoned a chair using Mana Manipulation.

Once he got comfortable he motioned for the beasts to bring them forward. When he spotted them he grinned even more.

There was what he assumed was the king and his sons while a group of scared women were behind him.

The king turned around to shut them up but Archer interrupted his rant. ''Shut up human. Don't you dare talk anymore? Understand.''

When the man heard him he stopped speaking and nodded his head as he looked around at all the nightmarish beasts circling them.

''Well, Mr. King. It seems like you messed up. Why don't you have the common sense not to touch a dragon's woman? And you even kidnapped my grandfather.''

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Archer stood up and continued as he strolled around the captives with a charming smile on his face as he continued. ''I've only just met him but he seems like a nice man, even though he's a bit touchy.''

He shook his head and walked over to the king before stopping in front of him. The man pleaded. ''Please don't kill us. Let my family live and take my life.''

Upon hearing this, Archer offered a sinister smile and a subtle nod to the man. Swiftly, he employed his tail as a lethal instrument, thrusting it with deadly precision into the man's heart.

The man let out a pained grunt before collapsing to the ground with a resounding thud. Archer looked up at the family who he swore looked relieved but ignored it.

While he was walking an older woman stepped out. She had auburn-colored hair with a pair of brown eyes.

She wasn't as tall as him but the woman wasn't short as she stopped in front of him and spoke. ''White dragon king. Thank you for releasing us from such a man.''

When Archer heard this his eyes opened in shock, and he shook his head before replying. ''I killed your husband and you're thanking me? Why?''

The woman laughed before replying in an honest voice. ''He forced me to marry him as he held my family hostage but they are dead now and I choose to survive for my children.''

Archer looked at the woman and wondered what to do with them so he shrugged and asked. ''You can go live in the empire or my domain. Your choice.''

The woman and three little boys stared at him with confusion in their eyes. He laughed before answering. ''Well, I don't kill innocents. My domain is just a land where you can live free and happy but you have to swear a mana oath not to betray me.''

When the queen heard his offer she nodded her head and started her oath alongside her children which pleased him.

He opened a portal to the domain before called for Ella and she soon appeared. She stepped through it and saw the chaos Archer had caused and shook her head with a smile.

She approached him and kissed his cheek before asking. ''What did you want Arch?''

Archer smiled as he asked her to take the queen and her children to Jethro and set up somewhere to live for the family.

Ella gave him a nod before leading the family away. That's when he turned to the remaining captives and spoke with an evil smile on his face. ''Give me all your rings now and you will live.''

The group quickly handed over their stuff causing his smile to grow even more before he ordered the Netherbeasts to eat them.

[Sorry for only dropping one today. I'll try to aim for 3-4 tomorrow]

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]