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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 375 The Monster Armies Debut
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Chapter 375 The Monster Armies Debut

Llyniel was excited as she rushed around the garden showing the spirits who followed behind her.

They were gossiping about Archer who they kept peeking out now and then. When he was watching Llyniel he heard footsteps behind him.

He turned around to see a panicking Hecate rushing toward him. When she saw him notice her she spoke.

"Hemera and Talila are in trouble, trapped at the border of the Solari Empire. They're encircled by the Republic's allies, and Starfall City is on the verge of falling. Inside the city, Ella, Sera, and Leira are also trapped, but Sera is unconscious due to something one of the enemy commanders did to her."

When Archer heard this his temper exploded before asking about the others, but Hecate looked away and hesitated as she knew he was going to go mad when he heard the rest.

But he spoke in a voice that was on the brink of losing it. ''Tell me now Hecate! What has happened.''

''Sia and Albert Silverthrone were captured as the south fell. Teuila is fighting a losing battle in Aquaria, as Seastone Port City is being attacked from land and sea.''

She gazed at Archer, who was trembling with anger, but she pressed on.

"Nefertiti sustained severe injuries while aiding the army's breakthrough, but unfortunately, their efforts did not succeed, and took refuge in the Sobek Castle while barely hanging on."

Archer looked at her and spoke. ''I'm not angry with you but these stupid kingdoms think they can take advantage of my absence and now they will pay.''

He sent out a message to his Monster Army telling them to prepare for war before he continued talking. ''How do you know all this?''

Hecate smiled as she explained. ''Well, Ella told me everything. She kept in contact with everyone and I didn't go to Mediterra. I don't like it there.''

Archer smiled before he kissed the Moon Elf on her forehead but the anger surged forward when he realized Sia had been captured again.

He woke up the three girls and put them on the ground. Hecate was amazed when she saw the little creatures but didn't ask as it wasn't the time.

When the Hydra's woke up they looked at Archer with question marks in their eyes as he spoke. ''My beauties. How big can you get now?''

After speaking the three started to glow before they started to grow large until their body was the size of elephants which pleased him.

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But Llyniel and Hecate were shocked before taking a step back. But Archer asked the sisters. ''Do you want to fight with me?''

All fifteen heads bobbed up and down as he smiled before telling them to wait until he called for them.

He gave Hecate and Llyniel a kiss before speaking, "Stay here. I'll go find everyone. I could use magic to summon them, but I don't want to make Nefi and Sera's injuries worse."

The two girls nodded their heads as he walked away from them, followed by Azura, Sable, and Raven.

While Archer was walking he used the tattoos to see if everyone was okay and when he did that his anger skyrocketed even more.

Sera was hurt badly, while Teuila was injured and Nefertiti was suffering due to the attack she had received.

When he felt all their emotions it disturbed him as there was worry, panic, and all sorts of negative emotions flowing into him.

As he entered a clearing he cast Gate to Starfall City before whispering to himself. ''Draco.''

Archer transformed into his dragon form, and a bright white light blinded the three Hydras who were standing behind him alongside Hecate and Llyniel.

His massive wings stretched out with his four strong-looking limbs. His four beautiful horns reflected the sunlight.

He was angry as he stepped through the Gate and let out an earth-shattering roar that shook the ground.

Archer emerged from the portal as a formidable army bore down upon the city before him. At that moment, a wicked grin crept across his face, and he drew in a deep, ominous breath.

With a deafening roar, he released a colossal torrent of flames that washed over the enemy army.

The violet flames surged forward, a wall of blistering heat and roaring fire, consuming everything in its path.

The enemy soldiers, caught off guard by the sheer ferocity of the attack, screamed in terror as they were engulfed by the inferno.

Armor melted, weapons turned to slag, and the once-advancing army now found itself in a nightmarish sea of flames.

The ground itself seemed to tremble under the onslaught as Archer's dragon breath raged on.

But he didn't attack again as he returned to his humanoid form so he could speak to the enemy and also the Avalonians.

Archer summoned his wings and rose to the sky but before he got higher, a dozen spells flew toward him.

With a wide smile, he outstretched his arms, welcoming the spells that the enemy cast.

However, much to the mage's dismay, the spells merely bounced off him, sending them into a state of panic, while Archer observed their futile efforts with a grin.

He looked at the army and used mana to power his voice. ''You humans have invaded something that belongs to me and now you shall pay. Also, who are the Stormhaven Kingdoms soldiers?''

A commander stepped forward with courage in his heart and spoke. ''I am the general of the Stormhaven army. If I remember correctly you are the Avalonian's guardian?''

When Archer heard the man's words he smiled but nodded his head causing the commander to continue speaking.

''Our king will pay you handsomely and will allow you to marry any Stormhaven princess of your choosing.''

Archer grinned when listening to the general. That's when he came up with a dastardly plan to get free gold from them.

''Okay, Mr. General. Bring me all the gold and treasure you have on you and you may leave this graveyard.''

The human nodded and started issuing orders and five minutes later a pile of treasure was sitting in front of Archer.

When he saw this his eyes shined but he quickly stored it away and spoke. ''Thank you for the generous donation to the cause. Makes things easier for me but now you all shall die for hurting my wife.''

Archer suddenly opened a big portal behind him and called out. ''My beauties. Come have some fun and food.''

That's when everyone looked at him like he was mad until they started hearing the sounds of roaring coming from the portal.

Three Hydras the size of large elephants stepped through it and eyed the army with hunger, their fifteen heads moved around like serpents as they looked around.

Archer turned to them and spoke. ''Eat as many as you want. just don't go near the walls.''

Azura, Sable, and Raven nodded before charging forward after letting out a horrifying roar as they smashed into the soldiers.

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Their scales glistened like black obsidian, and their violet eyes burned with an otherworldly, malevolent fire.

The ground trembled beneath their large forms as they closed the distance with alarming speed, their serpentine necks weaving and hissing menacingly.

The enemy soldiers, who had been confident moments ago, now found themselves gripped by a paralyzing fear.

As the Hydras drew closer, the enemy ranks descended into chaos. Arrows were launched desperately, but they harmlessly bounced off the impenetrable hide of the sisters.

Swords and spears were raised, but the soldiers were dwarfed by the towering, writhing monsters that advanced upon them.

The Hydra heads lunged forward in unison, venomous fangs bared and unleashed torrents of scalding Acid/Fire/Lightning/Ice/Dark beams that scorched the earth and consumed entire sections of the enemy's front lines.

Men and horses screamed in agony as the multi-element attack made it through their armor and flesh.

Amidst the chaos, the Hydras struck with deadly precision. Each head seemed to possess a mind of its own, snapping at soldiers and crushing them underfoot.

The enemy army, once organized and defiant, was reduced to a terrified, frenzied mob.

As the girls continued their relentless assault, the once-confident enemy soldiers were now fleeing for their lives, leaving behind their fallen comrades and broken formations.

The unstoppable force of nature had descended upon them, and there was no escape from the wrath of the three Hydras.

But as the enemy started to flee but were stopped when another portal opened and more horrifying creatures rushed through.

The battlefield was already a gruesome scene of destruction, with the three Hydras wreaking havoc among the enemy ranks.

But the horrors were far from over. As the portal to Archer's domain surged with energy, it expanded further, heralding the arrival of even more nightmarish abominations.

From the violet colored portal emerged creatures that defied description. Their forms were grotesque and ever-changing, a twisted fusion of nightmares and pure malevolence.

Some had elongated limbs ending in razor-sharp claws, while others slithered on countless serpentine bodies.

Tentacled horrors, eyeless monstrosities, and all sorts of different beasts poured forth, their presence casting a pall of dread over the battlefield.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]