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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 369 No Mercy
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Chapter 369 No Mercy

Ella, Sera, and Leira watched the men around them melt into foul-smelling sludge. But Sera acted fast and transformed into her dragon form.

She looked at the two girls and spoke. ''Get on and hold on tight.''

The two girls nodded their heads and jumped on her back as she fired her Dragon's Breath at the Ratling assassins.

Sera quickly took off and flew toward the floating island but was cut off when the three saw horrifying-looking Ratlings flying toward them.

These grotesque creatures boasted stone-gray, scaly skin that mimicked the appearance of weathered stone.

Their long, sinewy tails ended in sharp, blade-like appendages, which they could use both for balance and as deadly weapons.

They had sharp, elongated snouts and sported rows of jagged teeth, and their eyes gleamed with a malevolent intelligence.

Like true gargoyles, they had large, leathery wings that sprouted from their hunched backs.

The creatures shot out spike projectiles. Sera quickly dodged them and flew out of the city as she was being chased.

With each powerful beat of her wings, Sera gained altitude, soaring above the towering spires and buildings of Starfall City.

The Ratling Gargoyles pursued her relentlessly, their stone wings propelling them forward with unnatural speed.

Sera's heart raced as she realized that these creatures were not just a threat to her but to the girls on her back.

She banked to the left to get away from them as they fired stone projectiles at her but Sera swiftly dodged it.

The chase was a harrowing one, with the Ratling Gargoyles snapping at her heels and clawing at her tail.

Sera's fiery breath lashed out, forcing a few of the creatures to veer away, scorched and wounded.

But the Ratling Gargoyles were relentless, and their numbers seemed endless. Sera decided on a risky gamble.

She ascended even higher into the sky, drawing the creatures higher and higher until they were almost at the edge of the atmosphere.

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Then, with a powerful burst of energy, Sera executed a breathtaking maneuver after telling the girls to hang out tight.

She folded her wings and plummeted towards the ground, her speed increasing exponentially.

At the last moment, she spread her wings wide and pulled up sharply, causing a shockwave of air that sent the pursuing Ratlings crashing into the ground.

With her pursuers taken out, Sera banked away and made her escape, leaving the creatures far behind.

She flew straight to the palace and entered through its protective shield. Once she descended into the courtyard Sera slumped on the ground.

The other two got off her as their legs were shaking and they started being sick. Sera returned to her humanoid form and started laughing at them.

When they saw her laughing Laira gave her a dirty look which made it even worse. Ella just gave her a look making Sera calm down.

Once they recovered the group saw the imperial guard rushing over to them but as soon as they saw Leira they bowed to her.

Soon enough the empress appeared with a big smile on her face as she saw the three girls. ''Little ladies you shouldn't be out in the city at this time. Luckily the Spellblades dealt with the creatures.''

As Chloe was talking she led the three inside and saw the emperor sitting in the lounge looking glum.

When the empress saw this she stopped speaking to the group and asked her husband. ''What is wrong darling?''

That's when Osoric explained the situation which shocked the girls and Chloe but she soon shook her head and spoke. ''Don't worry, the walls can hold against them until reinforcements can reach us.''

As they were talking the emperor's advisor entered the room and spoke. ''Your Majesty. They have started their attack.''

When he spoke they all heard explosions in the north and west. The group rushed over to the Elysian Elevator and took it down to the city followed by the imperial guards.

As they touched down in the city they rushed over to the city's wall and looked out over the enemy armies.

It was a sea of people, Ella had to guess that there were over a million men as they swamped the grasslands outside the city.

Avalonian mages and archers started firing once the emperor gave the order. Volleys and volleys of spells and arrows rained on their enemies.

The projectiles hit the enemy's frontlines but soon a shield appeared over them thanks to the Duskmire mages.

But that didn't stop the Avalonians as they continued to fire. Hours passed as the Icehaven, Frostfallen, and Stormahven Kingdoms finished setting up their siege engines.

That's when they opened fire and bombarded the city's protective dome and after hours of getting hit, it started to crack under the barrage.

The empire's mages tried to seal the cracks but it was no use as it was soon destroyed.

That's when Ella pulled out her bow before she powered up a mana arrow and started letting loose as they flew into the siege engines, blowing them up with massive explosions.

Sera and Leira didn't just watch as the redhead started firing fireballs into the exposed soldiers while the cat girl rained down lightning.

Eruptions were going off all over the place as the defenders and attackers traded spalls, arrows, and mana blasts.

But days later the Silverpeak army arrived from the south. They united with the rest of the enemy armies, intensifying the pressure on the defenders of the city.

While the soldiers engaged in fierce combat, the group returned to the palace to watch the battle unfold as it turned chaotic on the walls.

[Duke Leonard Ashguard POV]

Leonard and the soldiers under his command passed through the Everpeak Mountains that separated the Mistwood Duchy from the Crownlands (Central Duchy).

The Duke was working alongside the Nightshade Legion. As they marched along a road some of their scouts returned.

They approached Leonard and spoke with heavy breaths. ''My Lord. The enemy army is approaching, we need to form up for battle now.''

When he heard that he gave out the order to form up for battle and started to prepare. After an hour the Avalonians were set up on the field next to them.

They placed the weakest soldiers in the center while the heavy infantry were on the wings and when the enemy army appeared Leonard narrowed his eyes.

''It's the Silverpeak and Frostfallen Kingdoms. They already arrived at the capital, we must hurry or it may fall.'' The Duke spoke to his second in command.

The man replied. ''My Lord. What is the play? How will we end this battle quickly?''

Leonard grinned as he answered as the battle started. ''Double Envelopment Aric.''

The armies of the Avalonian Empire, battle-hardened and hungry for revenge, had gathered to confront the combined forces of the Silverpeak and Frostfallen Kingdoms.

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The tension in the air was noticeable as the two sides prepared for what would become a decisive battle.

With his sword raised high, Duke Leonard's voice boomed across the ranks of his men.

"Soldiers of the Avalonian Empire! Today, we face a formidable foe, a coalition of kingdoms that seek to challenge our might. But we are the defenders of our motherland, and we shall not falter!"

His men, their armor glistening and weapons ready, responded with a resounding cheer, their spirits unwavering.

The Duke's eyes narrowed as he outlined his strategy, "Listen closely, my warriors! We shall employ a tactic as old as war itself—a double envelopment. We will hit them from the front and then swing around to encircle them. Show them no mercy, for they threaten our homes and our families!"

With a resolute nod, he signaled his commanders to execute the plan. They surged forward, their war cries reverberating across the valley.

They clashed with the Silverpeak and Frostfallen forces in a ferocious battle that sent shockwaves through the earth.

As the battle raged on, Duke Leonard led a vicious cavalry charge, striking at the heart of the enemy lines.

His warriors fought with unwavering resolve, pushing the enemy back and creating chaos among their ranks before pulling back.

With the enemy's center pushed their center back, Duke Leonard's second-in-command, General Aric, led a flanking maneuver.

Avalonian soldiers poured around the enemy's exposed flanks, cutting off their escape and closing the noose.

The enemy forces were now surrounded on all sides and found themselves trapped. From the high ground, Duke Leonard watched as the enemy forces realized their dire situation.

He raised his sword high once more and shouted, "No mercy! For Avalon!"

The Avalonian soldiers pressed their advantage, closing in on the beleaguered enemy.

Despite their desperate attempts to fight back, the combined forces of the enemies could not withstand the relentless assault as soldiers died all over the place.

The Avalonians were in a wild fury as they cut down the enemy soldiers who stood in their way and didn't relent as they pushed forward.

In the end, the battlefield fell silent, save for the victorious cheers of the Avalonians.

Duke Leonard had led his troops to a resounding victory and continued on with his march to help the capital.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]