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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 358 The Nether Realm (9)
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Chapter 358 The Nether Realm (9)

Archer ordered the Tarrasques to return to their homes and to answer his roar when they heard it.

They all nodded before running off. He watched them vanish before taking off to go hunting again.

He sent a message to Llyniel. ''Going hunting for a bit.''

Archer took off and started hunting the Netherbeasts while subjugating even more of them this time around.

After a few hours, he was sitting in a clearing still in his dragon form as he crushed a gorilla-looking creature into a bloody pulp.

He felt all the experience pour into him as he relaxed but soon started flying back to the cabin to chill out.

When Llyniel saw him a big smile appeared on her face as he descended and returned to his humanoid form.

She greeted him with a hug before they made their way into the cabin. Weeks passed by as he kept leveling up and collecting even more Netherbeasts for his army.

Archer hated being separated from his girls but he knew all he had to do was hunt to return, so that's what he did with a passion.

His temper was getting worse until he started taking it out on the local Nightbeasts who grew to fear him.

They started to stay clear of his mountain, allowing Llyniel to start a large garden and spend her days getting to know him.

That's when weeks stretched into months as he grew in level but still couldn't cast Gate but didn't give up.

[Six months later]

Archer was sitting on top of a different mountain that he flattened out to make it comfortable for his large form.

During these months he leveled up his Dragon Form twice and is now an imposing thirty-five meters long and thirty meters tall.

Archer opened his eyes and saw far into the distance, there was a horde of rare Netherbeasts rushing at him, he yawned as he stood up and cast Blink.

He vanished from the mountaintop and appeared in front of the horde, forcing them to halt their march.

Archer just looked at them and let his Dragon Aura do the job for him. When the Netherbeasts felt it they became scared.

But he presented them with the same deal he's offered every other beast he's come across which led the horde to quickly accept.

After that, Archer decided to fly home and see how Llyniel was doing. She has been busy in her garden and training her nature magic.

With a flap of his massive wings, he took off and headed back to the mountaintop. Before he got close he returned to his humanoid form and descended into the garden.

He saw the little elf whom he had grown very fond of, Archer cared about her as she always fussed over him to make sure he was okay.

Even when he was away for days at a time she would send him constant messages to make sure he was not hungry or tired.

Archer just watched as she tended to some flowers she grew herself. She was singing an elven song which caused him to relax.

Once Llyniel was done she stood up and turned around with a bright smile on her pretty face as she spoke in a sweet voice. ''Hello Arch. How was the hunting?''

A warm smile appeared on his face as he observed the gentle curve of her own lips, those delightful dimples accentuating her cheeks.

Lost in the moment, he found himself momentarily entranced until he shook his head free from the trance.

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"It went well," he replied, his tone filled with optimism. "I'll go check on it now; after all, I haven't done so in months."

She nodded. ''It was for the best it wasn't doing you any good. You were getting angrier every time to checked.''

He agreed with her and walked into the cozy cabin, Archer slumped onto the sofa and checked his stats after a while.

[Experience: 1853000/2000000]

[Level Up: 535>576]

[Sp: 0>2081]

[Hp: 15000>18000]

[Mana: 86470>150000]

[Strength: 9700>10500]

[Constitution: 9500>10000]

[Stamina: 9500>10500]

[Charisma: 7800>9000]

[Intelligence: 9500>10500]

[Void Blaze: 6>7]

[Cosmic Shield: 7>10]

[Blink: 8>10]

[Eldritch Blast: 7>9]

[Plasma Missiles: 6>8]

[Thunder Wave: 6>8]

[Call Lightning: 5>7]

[Element Bolts: 8>10]

[Dragon's Breath: 9>10]

[Meteor Swarm: 3>5]

[Crown Of Stars: 6>9]

[Celestial Beam: 3>6]

[Elemental Fury: 2>4]

[Solar Flare Barrage: 5>7]

[Celestial Arrow: 3>5]

[Chain Lightning: 2>4]

[Frost Nova: 3>5]

[Stone Wardens: 7>10]

[Azur Cannon: 2>6]

[Azur Comet: 3>5]

[Flashpoint: 2>6]

[Mana Manipulation: 7>10]

[Starfall: 1>3]

[Celestial Serpent: 2>5]

[Void Rift: 2>3]

[Soul Sunder: 3>6]

[Null Void: 1>4]

[Aurora Healing: 2>6]

[Soul Eater: 2>5]

[Aura Detector: 7>10]

[Dragon Form: 4>6]

[Analyze: 3>6]

[Anti-Magic: 2>6]

[Immunity: 3>5]

His eyes opened wide when he saw all the gains he got and smiled. Not long after Archer started spending his Status Points.

He put them all into mana. After doing that he checked his new mana.

[Mana: 150000>212,430]

Pleased with the results he lay down and slowly fell asleep. By the time night came Llyniel came in from the garden.

She noticed that he was sleeping and slowly walked over to him. Llyniel looked down at his sleeping face.

Llyniel leaned forward and planted a kiss on his forehead. As she did that her cheeks went red before she stopped and ran off to her bedroom.

But as she fled Archer's eyes opened with a smile. He heard the door close before he went back to sleep.

The following day he was woken up by the smell of meat. He opened his eyes before sitting up as he saw Llyniel making breakfast.

She turned to him with a smile before talking. ''Good morning Arch. Breakfast is ready.''

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Archer chuckled at her happy greeting and made his way over to the table to sit down. When he did she placed a plate with what looked like bacon and eggs.

Before he started eating he asked. ''You still have a lot of food in your storage ring?''

Llyniel giggled before answering in a happy voice. ''Yes. I have enough to last us years if needed. Mother made sure I was well prepared.''

He nodded as he started eating the food. For the last six months, he enjoyed Llyniel's cooking and looked forward to it every day.

Not long after they were finished Archer made his way outside as she started cleaning up, Archer wanted to try Gate again.

He gave up on casting it but still tried and shockingly it opened but quickly sputtered out.

That's when he realized he would soon have enough mana to return home and got excited.

Archer summoned his wings and took off to kill more Netherbeasts. But this time around he only killed a few hundred and subdued thousands more.

Once he hunted a little bit he sat on the branch of a dead tree.

He was working out the number of Netherbeasts he had under his command and guessed it was in the millions as he had been doing it constantly for months.

Worry tugged at Archer's thoughts, concern for the girls he cared deeply about gnawing at the edges of his mind.

However, he held fast to the knowledge that they would be just fine. Still, the desire to see them again weighed on him.

Yet, his spirits swiftly lifted as he reminded himself that the day of their reunion was drawing near.

That's when in the distance close to his and Llyniel's mountain he heard a spine-tingling roar. He panicked and cast Gate to the cabin.

He entered the portal and saw Llyniel fighting some shadow-looking creatures as the Stone Men kept the bigger Netherbeasts busy.

Archer quickly cast Celestial Beams at the shadows, which destroyed them instantly when the bright beam slammed into them.

Once that was done he cast Stone Wardens and summoned hundreds more. Archer ordered them to reinforce the other Stone Men down the mountain.

But that still wasn't enough and he got an idea. Archer stood back and took a deep breath before letting out an earth-shaking roar.

He was summoning his new army, but for a few seconds, nothing happened until all different roars could be heard.

Llyniel heard this and was shocked as she made her way over to Archer. She asked in a shocked voice. ''How many beasts have you collected since we have been here?''

Archer looked at her with a grin before answering. ''I don't know. Maybe a million or more, I wasn't counting.''

That's when a massive flock of birds appeared and swooped down on the large creatures. They attacked them and dodged when the Nethergiants swung their fists.

After that, a horde of ants burrowed up from the ground and brought the giants to the ground as they swarmed over them.

The ants ripped the giant's flesh off the skin before killing them. Archer and Llyniel just watched the battle unfold.

All different Netherbeasts swarmed over the shadow creatures and pinned them down while others got the giants to kneel.

When Archer saw this a big smile appeared on his face as he took to the air and looked over the mountainside.

He spoke to all the subdued creatures. ''Die or serve me like the others. Your choice.''

The struggling beasts shuddered when they heard his voice but they all agreed and joined his monster army.

That's when he remembered that he had three Hydra eggs in his Item Box to hatch and decided he would do it when he returned home.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]