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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 357 The Nether Realm (8)
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Chapter 357 The Nether Realm (8)

Vivienne quickly took the mana oath. Archer soon felt a connection between himself and the ant queen appear.

Once that was done he cast hundreds of Stone Wardens and ordered them to attack any creature that wasn't an ant.

The Stone Men rushed out of the colony and started butchering the Netherbeasts who were attacking his ants.

While they did that Archer felt the experience pour into him, which made him let out a sigh. After relishing the feeling he stood up as he stretched his body.

He opened a portal to the Netherfolk palace and even more Stone Men walked through it and started placing chests in front of him.

After that, they handed him hearts which he started eating before storing the rest in his Item Box alongside the new treasures he gained.

Once he was done with that he sat back down as the queen looked happy before getting back to work.

The ants were ignoring him as he stuffed his face with the new hearts. He looked in his Item Box and saw that he had over four hundred of them.

Archer decided to return to Llyniel and turned to address Vivienne. "Vivi, I'm heading out now, but I'll be back once I've gathered enough mana. In the meantime, ensure that you and your children stay safe. My Stone Men will protect you."

Before he left he handed her a spare bracelet he made before and told her to contact him if she was in trouble.

After seeing her smile, he walked through the colony tunnels as the ants got out of his way.

Once he exited He ordered all the Stone Men to stay here and make sure no Netherbeasts got in.

Archer started to flap his wings and took off, he started flying back to the cabin Llyniel created on the mountain.

After a few hours of flying and killing many Netherbeasts on the way, he soon arrived at the cabin and dismissed his wings before entering.

When he did Llyniel turned around and a bright smile appeared on her face as she greeted him. ''Hello Arch. Dinner will soon be served. The spirits told me you would return.''

Archer enjoyed seeing her smile as she got back to cooking, he sat down while finishing eating all the hearts.

By the time he was finished, he felt sick and laid down to check his status.


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[Experience: 853,000/2000000]

[Level Up: 534>535]

[Sp: 149>549]

Seeing how many Status Points he has he spent them all on his mana. After doing that he checked his mana.

[Mana: 70000>86470]

Archer was happy and tried to cast Gate back to the Avalon Empire but he couldn't do it which frustrated him.

He activated Aura Detector and saw many pings getting taken out by the Stone Men who were guarding the mountaintop they were on.

That's when he heard Llyniel's voice. ''The food is done.''

Archer rose from his seat, strolled over to the table, and took his place, eagerly anticipating a hearty meal. Llyniel arranged plates filled with meat and vegetables on the table.

She put a large bowl of soup with chunks of beast meat in it. When the smell hit his nose he got hungry again.

He soon started eating and enjoyed it a lot, as he ate Llyniel looked at him with a smile and was really happy that he enjoyed the food.

The two of them ate for a while as they chatted and she asked how his leveling up was going.

Archer looked at her and shrugged. ''I don't know. I level up all the time but can't open a gate. I don't have enough mana yet.''

She sighed before they started to finish off the meal. Once they were done Llyniel shooed him away so she could clean up.

As he walked away Llyniel spoke. ''I'm sure you will get us back soon.''

Archer smiled before he made his way to the bath chambers to have a hot bath. He stepped into the room and stripped off.

He stepped into the hot water and got comfortable as the water washed over him causing him to let out a happy sigh.

After sitting in the bath for a while he started to wash himself before getting out and putting on some fresh clothes.

Archer dismissed his horns so he could put on his shirt before summoning them back as he's got used to them and his tail.

He wouldn't hide his features again as they are a part of him and Archer doesn't want to hide from anyone.

After getting dressed he walked out of the room and saw Llyniel sitting cross-legged on the sofa while reading a book.

He joined her and just watched her as his head was leaning on his hand. Archer loved the look of concentration on her face.

They sat like that until a massive roar could be heard close by causing Archer to jump to his feet and rush out of the cabin.

When he got outside he sensed his Stone Men getting destroyed so he activated Aura Detector and tracked the new creature.

Llyniel followed him outside as he cast Stone Warden again summoning hundreds of Stone Men to guard the wall and cabin.

He turned to her and spoke. ''Lyn. You stay here the new creatures are really strong.''

She nodded her head as Archer stepped forward and summoned his wings. He started flapping them.

Archer took off and headed in the direction of the roaring creatures. Silhouetted against the fading light, three colossal shapes emerged from the haze of the horizon.

Archer's breath caught in his throat as he recognized the unmistakable outlines of three unknown creatures.

Three of them, moving in unison, their colossal forms shaking the very earth beneath them.

Each creature was a nightmarish fusion of reptilian and monstrous features, with jagged spines protruding from their armored hides.

Their massive jaws snapped open and closed with a dreadful, grinding sound. Tremendous claws tore at the earth, leaving deep gouges in their wake.

When he got closer he scanned them.

[Netherbeast: Tarrasque]

[Rank S]

Archer knew this fight was going to be a hard one with three of the creatures. As they got closer he whispered to himself. ''Draco.''

He transformed into his dragon form that stood twenty meters tall and twenty-five meters long but the stronger he got the more he could control his own size.

The Nightmare Tarrasque came to a sudden stop as they saw him standing over them but that didn't stop them as they lunged forward.

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One crashed into him and took him down while biting into his neck while the other two bit onto one of his legs and his tail.

Archer was shocked but quickly reacted as tried to flap his wings but couldn't take off. The creature biting his neck bit down harder causing him to roar in pain.

When the pain increased he used his claws to tear into the creature's leathery skin, blood flowed out of the large wounds and stained the dead soil.

It staggered away as Archer slashed the Tarrasque causing it to roar in pain.

The one biting his head started stabbing him with its claws but Archer looked down and fired his dragon's breath into its face.

As the fire hit the Tarrasque's face sending it flying backward, that's when he turned to the one who was biting his tail.

He breathed fire into the thing's face causing it to let go. Once he was free he attacked the closest one and used his teeth to tear into it.

The creature quickly gave up and let out a submissive yelp. Archer threw it off to the side and looked at the two that were charging him.

Archer cast Blink and vanished only to reappear behind them, he fired hundreds of Eldritch Blasts into them.

They skidded backward as the spells hit them but Archer wasn't finished and cast Celestial Beam to make the two remaining creatures submit like the first.

But as he got ready to charge forward more Tarrasque's appeared and slammed into him. Archer was taken to the ground once again.

They all started biting into him and slashing him as he retaliated with his own claws. This time there were five of the things.

Their sneak attack enraged him, so he quickly cast Thunder Wave multiple times and sent the creatures flying.

He didn't let this opportunity go and got to his feet before firing a multi-element breath at one of them completely erasing it from existence.

Most of them backed off and joined the first but there were two left which Archer lunged out and tore them to shreds.

Blood covered the ground as the Tarrasques who surrendered watched the white dragon eat their friend's hearts.

Once Archer was done his violet eyes turned on the six remaining creatures who were looking at him in fear.

His wounds were healing themselves as he approached the Tarrasques. When he arrived there he spoke in a deep voice. ''Serve or die. Your choice beasts.''

The six Netherbeasts bowed to him which pleased him greatly. Archer noticed a few badly injured ones trying to get up.

He walked over to them and healed the two injured ones before ordering them to recruit more before returning to him.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]