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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 355 The Battle For Starfall (2)
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Chapter 355 The Battle For Starfall (2)

When the duo approached the wooden house Llyniel created they entered to see a simple but pleasant living room.

It had two bedrooms, a kitchen, and bath chambers which pleased Archer as he walked over to a sofa to sit down.

He started to get comfortable while Llyniel made her way to the kitchen and started making some tea.

Archer pulled out some bread and started eating as he relaxed. After a little while she returned with the tea and two wooden cups.

She placed them on the table in front of him, Archer got curious about how strong she was and scanned her.

[Name: Llyniel Oakwood]

[Race: Wood Elf]

[Age: 29]

[Rank: Expert]

[Exp: 2680/9000]

[Level: 63]

[HP: 800/800]

[Mana: 3500/1400]

[Magic: Woof Elf]

[Strength: 700]

[Constitution: 700]

[Stamina: 600]

[Charisma: 1000]

[Intelligence: 700]

'Oh not too bad, she's not a fighter though.' Archer thought to himself.

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Llyniel poured him a cup and handed it to him with a cute smile on her face. Archer thanked her as he accepted it.

He raised the cup to his lips and indulged in a sip, finding great satisfaction with the sweet and bitter flavors that danced in his mouth.

The two of them continued to drink and talk as Llyniel told him about the Oakfield Kingdom and how beautiful the forests were.

Archer smiled as he watched her talk animated about her home and thought she was completely adorable.

Her gentle, delicate voice had a soothing effect on him, lulling him into a state of relaxation and pure enjoyment.

Llyniel realized she was talking too much and got embarrassed but Archer spoke before she ran away. ''It's okay. I love your voice so continue.''

Upon hearing his comment, she hurriedly made her way to the kitchen, her actions prompting a chuckle from Archer as he rose from his seat and strolled toward the exit.

He looked over to Llyniel who was trying to look busy and spoke. ''I will be back soon. I'm going to level up for a bit.''

Archer stepped out and summoned his wings, he looked around and saw the weather was calm so he took off to hunt down beasts and capture some.

[The girl's POV]

They all made their way to the palace guided by Vylan and his guards. As they were walking they saw soldiers rushing toward the wall.

While another group rushed out to clean up the battlefield. They were happy that none of the dragon-kin died thanks to their new armor.

The dwarves made it as a thank you to Archer for taking them in and giving them a place to practice their trade.

As they were walking Nala approached them with a tired smile after shooing away Lioran and his fiancee's.

She looked at them as she spoke. ''Can I join you, please? My brother is annoying me.''

Everyone nodded and continued walking to the palace while chatting among themselves as they walked into the palace.

That's when they saw a human man and a cat demi-human woman and all guessed they were Leira's parents.

When they arrived at the entrance the emperor stepped forward to speak to them.

''Ladies. Thank you for helping the city in its time of need. I'm sure we would have lost a lot more soldiers as we were in the middle of preparing our forces.''

They all nodded before Osoric turned to Sia who was staring at him. ''General. I'm sure the boy is fine and causing trouble wherever he is.''

Sia just narrowed her eyes before giving the man a nod. That's when the empress Chloe interrupted him. ''Why don't you girls come in, we can get to know each other.''

Ella was the one to answer. ''That would be fine. We will wait until Archer returns.''

Chloe nodded and led the group into the palace while the emperor just watched on while shaking his head.

He looked at his son who was looking at the group and slapped the back of his head as he warned the boy.

''Don't eye a dragon's treasure. We want him on our side, we don't want him rampaging throughout the empire when he returns.''

Vylan nodded his head and thought to himself. 'Who is this boy everyone is so worried about?'

He shook his head as he followed behind everyone as Chloe spoke to the girls about the attack on Starfall.

She looked at Teuila and asked. ''You're the Aquarian princess?''

Teuila nodded her head causing her to continue. ''What's it like seeing snow for the first time? It's calmed down but it happens all the time.''

''It's okay I guess. I bought clothes so I wouldn't get cold.'' Teuila answered as they entered a large lounge room.

Chloe motioned for the girls to sit down as she shooed Vylan and Osoric away saying that she wanted to get to know the girls.

He sighed and walked away as she closed the doors. She walked over to the sofa opposite the girls and spoke.

''Well now we are alone, it's best we get to know each other even better as Leira will be marrying the same boy as you lot.''

While she was talking Sia interrupted as she stood up and sat in a free seat and relaxed. ''Why are you treating me like a little girl Chloe? We're friends right?''

The empress turned to the dragon-kin woman whom she'd known since their days in the College of Magic.

She sighed before retorting. ''Yes, Sia we are friends. But I didn't expect my friend and daughter will marry the same boy.''

Sia shrugged. ''You've known this for years. I've spoken to you many times about marrying little Arch.''

Chloe sighed as she heard the dragon-kin woman's reply and turned to the other girls. ''Well, it's good to finally sit down with you all. I hope you lot get on with Liera, she is a lovely girl.''

They spoke late into the night and were offered to stay in the palace tonight as guests which they accepted.

A maid took them to the rooms they would be staying in but they all chose one room apart from Sia and Hecate who wanted separate rooms.

The maid was confused but didn't say anything as she left the girls who all started to settle down.

As they laid their heads down, an hour later a bell started tolling and they all heard shouting. Everyone rushed out after getting into their armor.

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Leira led them out of the palace and saw in the distance that another army was there but this time it was much larger.

Sera squinted her eyes as she saw large creatures that were the size of houses their massive, insectoid forms looming ominously on the horizon.

These abominations, with their chitinous armor and long, spindly legs, were the stuff of nightmares.

Their breaths caught in their throats as they realized the magnitude of the threat.? Down below, the city guards were already in action.

They manned the mana cannons. The air crackled with energy as soldiers charged the cannons.

Sera and the girls watched in marvel as the cannons roared to life, sending bolts of fiery energy streaking across the sky.

The brilliant blasts of magical energy arced toward the oncoming swarm of Corpser-like creatures, illuminating their grotesque forms in eerie, otherworldly hues.

Explosions of light and sound erupted as the mana bolts struck their targets, creating a dazzling display of colors and chaos.

The creatures screeched and hissed in agony as their chitinous armor cracked and shattered under the onslaught. But for every creature that fell, it seemed two more took its place.

That's when Sia spoke up. ''It won't be as easy this time. The creatures look stronger and they even have flying creatures.''

When they heard her they nodded but to everyone's shock, Sera jumped off the floating island and transformed into her dragon form.

She charged toward the swarm while they rushed to the elevator to follow behind her. As they rushed to the battlefield large boulders smashed against the city's protective dome.

It took them twenty minutes to reach the wall. That's when they saw Sera firing her breath into the horde of flying creatures.

She took out many but soon a bigger flying creature appeared that looked like some deformed wyvern.

Sera lunged forward and started fighting the creature but it was too strong for her as he sent her flying toward the city and crashed outside the gate.

Everyone panicked and jumped off the wall to help her as she was dazed and tried to stand up but collapsed.

When Ella arrived she started casting a healing spell on her as the others protected them.

That's when Nala screamed out. ''We have enemies incoming girls. Get ready.''

Sia, Teuila, Halime, Talila, and Nala got ready to fight with their weapons as the others started attacking.

After casting her magic Ella started firing her mana arrows, causing explosions while Hemera and Hecate combined their magic and rained down moon and sun spells.

Nefertiti started chanting and four arcane elementals appeared. Once they were ready they charged forward as she started shooting arcane blasts into the swarm.

Halime was scared but gathered the courage to cast Poison River and cut off the swarm from getting to the rest of them.

While she did that Leira cast fire and lightning blasts into the Ratlings that got close and burnt them to a crisp.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]