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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 354 The Nether Realm (6)
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Chapter 354 The Nether Realm (6)

After he finished with the first set of guards he knew where the capital was and cast Gate to go there. He stepped through the portal and appeared outside a run-down-looking city.

The walls were crumbling as guards walked atop them. That's when he smiled and cast Null Void around him so they couldn't cast any spells at him.

Archer quickly cast Celestial Serpent which looked like an eastern dragon and sent it toward the city to take out as many of the humanoid creatures as it could.

The spell rushed over the wall and slammed into a group of incoming guards.

He stopped controlling it and let it run wild as he sensed an army of Neatherbeasts charging at him from two different directions.

Archer's grin widened before casting Meteor Swarm directly above himself. After waiting for a little while a loud roar could be heard as the meteors started to fall from the heavens.

The swarm that Archer had summoned descended like a rain of fiery vengeance. They fell with incredible speed, blazing through the darkened sky.

The Netherbeasts looked up in terror, realizing their impending doom too late. The meteors crashed into the ground with explosive force, unleashing waves of searing flames.

Fire and debris erupted in all directions, obliterating the two hordes of creatures in a blazing inferno.

Archer, safe and unharmed in another location thanks to Blink to watch as more meteors continued to wreak havoc on his pursuers.

The ground trembled, and smoke billowed into the air as the relentless onslaught of meteors continued.

Once they stopped falling and the dust cleared Archer rushed into the city butchering any creatures he saw while burning many others.

He used Soul Eater on any high-ranked Nightfolk and found out where Llyniel was being held.

There was a cave under the palace and the weird creatures planned to ambush him when he entered.

As Archer carved his path through numerous Nightfolk, he steadily approached the palace.

However, when he finally saw the view of the palace from the sky, a shock of disbelief coursed through him.

Decaying walls surrounded a lifeless garden, reminiscent of a world in the aftermath of an apocalypse he used to read back on Earth.

Every trace of green had vanished from view. Once he touched down, Archer cast Stone Warden, commanding them to eliminate any lurking Nightfolk they encountered.

Inside the palace, Archer swiftly located the entrance he had been seeking. He paused to check if anyone was emerging from it.

However, before he could do anything else, he was ambushed. Reacting with lightning speed, he dodged to the side and lashed out with his tail, striking the Nightfolk.

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The force of the blow sent the creature hurtling into a nearby wall with a resounding crash.

Archer soon noticed he was surrounded and the creatures lunged at him but he cast Thunder Wave.

When the spell struck the enemies they were sent flying as he cast Crown Of Stars which instantly activated and started shooting out.

The violet motes struck many of the downed humanoids which annihilated them without an issue.

After killing the group he cast Aura Detector. That's when he picked up Llyniel's mana underground and wondered what to do.

With a shrug, he entered the cave entrance within the rundown palace. Archer felt mana pulsating from within.

He strolled down the tunnel until he came to a large chamber and saw Llyniel inside a cage and looked panicked.

Upon seeing him, her worry subsided, and she began to gently wipe her tear-filled eyes.

It was at that very moment when he heard a voice coming from his right. "Dragon, you've arrived alone. Now, we can at last lay claim to your heart."

Archer turned to see a Netherfolk standing there with a deformed smile on its creepy face.

That's when mysterious torches turned on and saw hundreds of them surrounding him causing his bloodlust to rise when he saw Llyniel with puffy eyes and bruises up her arms.

The creature spoke in an eager voice. ''Now that you are here. We can finally find a new home and live free.''

Archer quickly cut him off. ''Stop monologing. I don't care for your reasons, they may be good for you and your people but you stole something that belongs to me, now you shall pay.''

He grinned as he cast Element Bolts made from fire and sent them toward the stunned Netherfolk.

They crashed into them sending some flying as the leader lunged at Archer who quickly dodged the attack.

He took a deep breath and fired his dragon's breath at the humanoid creature causing him to fly back as he blocked the attack.

But before he could kill anyone else a strange magic pulsed throughout the chamber.

That's when Archer smiled as he cast Null Void causing a massive mana barrier to come out of him and extinguished any magic it came in contact with.

His sudden actions caught the Nightfolk off guard but their leader recovered and charged at him swinging a strange-looking sword.

He used his claws and clashed with the leader sending sparks flying everywhere.

The leader's strikes were fast and unpredictable, but Archer's agility and combat experience allowed him to parry and counter the attacks.

As the battle raged on, the large chamber served as their arena. Archer used every skill he had honed over years of fighting and what Teuila taught him.

He dodged blasts of dark energy, countered with his own spells, and closed in for devastating melee attacks.

The leader, too, was a hard opponent, using a combination of dark magic and expert swordsmanship.

As the minutes turned into what felt like hours, sweat beaded on Archer's brow, and his breaths grew heavier.

The leader seemed relentless, and Archer knew he had to dig deep into his reserves of strength to prevail.

He summoned every spell he had learned, casting them with precision and power. Their fight was a symphony of magic and steel, a clash of wills and determination.

Archer's claws gleamed with each strike, reflecting his unwavering resolve. The Netherfolk leader's attacks grew more desperate as he pressed the advantage, slowly wearing him down.

Finally, with a final, decisive blow, Archer broke the creature's sword and sent him sprawling to the ground with his tail.

The leader lay defeated, panting, and powerless, while Archer walked over to him. The surviving soldiers rushed toward him.

But he cast Soul Sunder on all of them and shattered their souls into nothingness. Archer went on a killing spree as he butchered the rest of the creatures until the chamber was quiet.

Once he was done he walked over to the cage Llyniel was in and opened it. Once she was free she flew at him and started hugging him.

She soon started crying as she held onto him and mumbled. ''I was scared but I knew you would come.''

Archer hugged the worried girl as he summoned Stone Men and ordered them to loot the Netherfolk city and kill any remaining.

He walked outside and sat down on the steps with her on his lap before he started to stroke her soft brown hair.

As the two sat there he checked his status as he kept feeling the experience pouring into him.

[Experience: 1613000/2000000]

[Level Up: 532>534]

[Sp: 145>149]

[Element Bolts: 7>8]

[Meteor Swarm: 2>3]

[Crown Of Stars: 5>6]

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[Celestial Arrow: 1>3]

[Mana Manipulation: 6>7]

[Celestial Serpent: 1>2]

[Soul Sunder: 2>3]

[Null Void: 0>1]

[Soul Eater: 0>2]

[Immunity: 2>3]

Happy with the results he tried casting Gate but nothing, he then tried opening a portal to the domain but it just flickered and died.

That's when he decided that he needed to level up some more. So he would have to kill many more beasts.

After waiting for a little while the Stone Men returned with chests. They had all sorts of hearts, gems, coins, and treasures inside.

Archer stored all the loot as he stood up still holding Llyniel and started flapping his wings and flew out of the city.

He ordered the Stone Men to loot it and return to the palace once they were finished. Before he left he summoned more of them to make their job easier.

After that, he flew toward a distant mountain. By this time Llyniel had calmed down and with a sweet voice, she whispered into his ear sending a shiver down his back.

''Thank you for rescuing me, Archer.''

He looked down with a smile and spoke in a possessive tone. ''You're mine after all, so I won't let anyone take you away from me.''

When she heard him her face went red and buried her head into his chest causing him to laugh as they approached the mountain.

Archer descended and landed on the peak before putting the little wood elf down who wouldn't look at him.

''Would you be able to create somewhere to stay? I need you to be safe while I level up so we can return home?'' He asked with a charming smile.

Llyniel looked up at him with red cheeks and gave him a quick nod before walking away. She soon started creating a wooden house for them to stay in.

After an hour she was done and the area was surrounded by a thick vine wall. Archer saw this and cast Stone Warden for some guards.

He issued orders to his Stone Men, directing them to stand guard at the wall, a command they promptly obeyed.

Then, Archer pivoted and began walking toward the house, accompanied by the somewhat embarrassed wood elf trailing behind him.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]