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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 351 The Nether Realm (4)
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Chapter 351 The Nether Realm (4)

Archer woke up a few hours later to see the storm outside. The rain was pelting the shield and the clouds above caused the land to become black.

He used Aura Detector to scan all around them and picked up pings but were dealt with by the Stone Men.

Soon after he stood up Llyniel joined him and asked as she rubbed her eyes. ''Why is it so dark? I can barely see.''

''It's a storm.'' He replied without looking at her.

Archer spotted incoming creatures so he cast Celestial Arrows at them. When the spell collided with them it caused an explosion.

He turned to the elf and spoke. ''Let's try to find a city or something. I spotted ruins before but they looked hundreds of years old.''

Llyniel nodded her head and Archer picked her up before dismissing the Stone Men and started flapping his wings.

Archer took off and started flying in the direction all the Netherbeasts came from. As they flew the duo saw thousands of creatures tailing behind them.

This caused her to look at him and ask in a worried voice. ''Why are they following us? They can't attack us''

He looked at her before looking down at the swarms of creatures and came to a stop and hovered in the air before casting multiple Azur Comets.

Violet comets descended from the heavens, crashing into the earth with a powerful shockwave that obliterated any creature nearby.

After killing so many he felt the experience flow into his body causing him to grow excited. That's when he saw many more creatures heading toward him,

He started casting Element Bolts made from light magic and sent them soaring toward them like homing missiles.

They collided with the swarm causing them to fall out of the sky and crash into the ground.

Archer saw some remaining creatures under him and started casting Eldritch Blast into them. They were torn apart by the blasts and soon none were left alive.

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Llyniel saw the devastation he caused and it shocked her at first, but she soon realized that he was doing all this to protect her.

But she got it all wrong as Archer was protecting her but he was gaining so much experience that he was shooting up in levels.

The higher in level that he got the more of his draconic side started coming through and he looked at the elf in his arms that was holding him tight as she looked around.

Archer thought to himself. 'Mine.'

He shook his head and continued attacking the endless swarm until a spell flew at him but he always had Anti-Magic activated.

As it got closer he raised his arm and blocked it, causing the spell to evaporate into nothing.

Archer looked in the direction and saw a group of the same humanoid creatures standing there.

They stepped back when he vanished from the spot and appeared in the middle of them. He quickly put down Llyniel who remained close to him.

He cast Soul Sunder on all of them, seizing their very essence, causing them to drop to their knees in agonizing screams, their souls held hostage.

That's when he decided to test out his new spell Soul Eater. He ate all the thing's souls but soon had a horrible headache and dropped to the ground.

Llyniel rushed over to him and started casting healing magic on him but the headache started to calm down allowing him to get up.

He shook his head in amazement and soon realized the potential of the spell he created and got excited.

Llyniel watched all this and was dumbfounded so asked in a curious voice. ''Why are you happy?''

Archer looked at her with a smile. ''I tested out a new spell and it worked wonders. This plant is called Luminara and it's dying. There are three cities left standing and they are not far from here.''

Llyniel looked at him in shock causing Archer to laugh before he explained. ''My new spell is called Soul Eater. It allows me to take my target's important memories and discard the rest.''

She nodded before he continued speaking. ''They are trying to capture me to use my mana heart to power a portal so they can find a new home which is understandable, to be honest. But they messed with the wrong person and now they will all die.''

Llyniel looked down before speaking. ''Do you have to kill them all?''

''Yes, they are trying to target you and will send more to capture us,'' Archer replied to her.

She started to look worried but he promised her they wouldn't touch her as she was his, which left her confused and embarrassed.

But she followed behind him when Archer started walking toward the nearest Netherfolk City.

As they were trekking he thought to himself. 'They have no relation to the swarm. So it must be the Church and Slayers who are the middlemen.'

[The girl's POV]

Teuila and Talila were the first to arrive at Starfall's city walls and what they saw shocked them to their core.

An army so big that it was uncountable, Ella and Nefertiti arrived behind them. The two of them let out a loud gasp.

It was at that moment when a voice, filled with concern, carried a message across the city, ensuring that every ear could hear it.

''Today, I speak to you not as your ruler but as your protector. A shadow has fallen upon our beloved city, and in these trying times, it is my solemn duty to ensure your safety and well-being.

I implore each and every one of you to seek refuge within the safety of your homes. Lock your doors, gather your loved ones close, and remain vigilant. The threat that looms over us is grave, and our unity and determination will be our shield.

To our valiant soldiers, the guardians of our realm, I call upon you to prepare for battle. You are the bulwark that defends our land, our people, and our way of life. Your unwavering dedication to duty is our greatest strength, and in your hands, we entrust our future.

The road ahead may be arduous, but I have faith in our resolve. Together, we shall weather this storm and emerge stronger than ever before. Let it be known that our empire is not easily broken, and our spirit is unyielding.

May the gods watch over us, guide our hands, and grant us victory in the face of adversity. Stay safe, dear citizens, and to my soldiers, prepare to defend all that we hold dear.''

When the girls heard that they grew concerned and decided to help the city instead of fleeing to the domain.

But that's when Hemera returned there and twenty minutes later returned with Hecate, Thalia, and Xanthe in toe.

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They all looked at her and nodded before Hemera spoke. ''The general wants to fight as do the dragon-kin. They want the frontline and will hold the gate with the earth dragon.''

All the girl's eyes widened as they remembered Archer recruiting them. Hemera jumped off the wall and landed outside the gate followed by the other girls to the shock of the soldiers.

When they were all down a large portal opened and several earth dragons stormed out and started shooting earth breaths into the incoming swarm.

The beams struck the creatures with a thunderous impact, resulting in explosions. The air was filled with resounding roars, and from the portals above, wyverns burst forth into the sky.

They flew toward the flying creatures and started battling. Archer's wyverns tore through the ranks of creepy-looking beasts.

That's when the soldiers on the wall witnessed something that would go down in Avalonian history.

Archer's army marched out in white-colored dwarf-made armor and lined up in front of the city gate followed by wild looking archers.

Then people in long white robes walked out of the portals while chanting in an unknown language that seemed to rile up the dragon-kin.

The soldiers formed a shield wall with spears that shot out from gaps in the shields. When the girls saw this they were happy and prepared.

Ella, Talila, Nefertiti, Leira, and Hemera stood behind the shield wall, as they were getting ready someone else appeared who was very angry.

Teuila turned to see Sia march out of a portal walk up to them and demand. ''What has happened to him?''

Hemara was the one who explained everything to her and Hecate. When the two women heard this their tempers exploded.

Teuila, Hecate, Sera, and Sia jumped over the wall to fight. A bright flash was seen and Sera was in her dragon form.

She took off to join the wyverns while firing her breath down at the Ratlings and Rat Ogres.

As the swarm got closer Ella, Talila and the archers started firing volley after volley after General Mohamet gave the order while he stood atop an earth dragon directing the soldiers.

When the archers fired another group appeared and it was one hundred dwarves Archer and Sagana rescue over the years.

The dwarves lined up and started taking stuff out of their storage rings. The Avalonians grew curious as they saw them setting something up.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]