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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 346 Opening Up
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Chapter 346 Opening Up

Archer looked at the lion girl and started laughing but soon calmed down. ''Yes, I haven't mated with her yet. Why do you ask?''

''Cause I want to mate with you but I don't want to be in your harem,'' Nala commented like she was asking for something normal.

He looked at her and shook his head. ''I won't have sex with random girls. If you were mine then yeah I would, but we've just met.''

Archer stopped speaking as the server wheeled out a large trolley filled to the brim with all different food.

The young man placed as much as he could on the table before leaving. Nala looked at all the food like an excited child at Christmas.

But she shook her head and spoke. ''Why? It's only sex. I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind.''

Archer looked at her. ''I don't sleep around. If you are interested in being with me, we will get to know each other first.''

He grabbed a plate and started eating some bread before continuing. ''But if I see you with another man then it's over and you lost your chance with me.''

After speaking he continued eating and loved the bread as it was sweet but not too much. Nala was eating a meat pastry as she took in what he said.

She kept looking at him before finishing the food and moving to another plate before speaking. ''So you mean you can talk and meet other girls but I can't do the same?''

Archer answered instantly before he started eating again. ''Yes.''

Nala narrowed her eyes as she ate a piece of the sweet bread before commenting. ''That is very hypocritical you know.''

"Why does it matter? I'll do as I please. If you don't approve, that's your choice. I won't pressure anyone. All the girls are aware that I plan to have multiple wives, but they also know I won't neglect any of them," Archer responded honestly.

When he finished speaking he just ate and didn't bother with any more conversation as he let her think.

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Archer was constantly eating and loved the cafe's bread. He called the server over and asked. ''Can I buy as much as the cook can make?''

The young man looked at him in shock but commented. ''Well that would cost a lot but you still have to pay for your first order which was fifteen gold coins.''

He took out the coins and handed them over as he placed the large order for bread. Once he was done with that Nala finally spoke.

''Why should I join a harem and be the lowest-ranked girl?''

Archer chuckled before answering. ''There are no ranks. All girls are equal in my eyes, each one brings something to? our relationship.''

''Tell me what each girl brings to your life?''

He paused his meal, deep in thought, before speaking. "Ella has been by my side since we were just kids. She's always been there, loving and supporting me. Teuila, on the other hand, fuels my adventurous spirit, and she rescued me when I was at my weakest, not to mention she trains me, which I genuinely enjoy."

Archer took a sip of his tea before continuing with a big smile on his face. "Sera pulled me back from a dark place I was nearly stuck in, and I'll forever be grateful to her. Plus, I find comfort in her biting. Nefertiti has loved me since the day we met. She was a bit overbearing at first, but I've come to treasure it, just like I treasure her. She's always looking out for me and making sure no one's trying to deceive me."

Pausing briefly to finish his tea and resumed speaking. "Hemera, well, she's a bit of a nerd and loves knowledge just like me. That's something I adore about her, we spend time reading, oh she's also really cheerful and never fails to bring a smile to my face."

As he savored a bite of bread, Archer continued discussing the last four girls. "And then there's Hecate. She's a quiet but incredibly lovely girl who spends most of her time in her lab, engrossed in her research. She's been a tremendous help to me, and I appreciate her serene nature. But she also reveals a different, more personal side to me that I cherish."

He took another bite and went on, "And Talila, I crossed paths with her about three and a half years ago when I first started my adventures. I was immediately charmed by her. We eventually went our separate ways but recently reconnected, and I discovered she felt the same way. So, we decided to give it a shot."

Archer felt a bit surprised at himself for opening up so much, but he realized he genuinely enjoyed talking about his girls.

With a smile, he continued, "And then there's my aunt Sia. She's loved and cherished me all my life, and when we reconnected, a spark ignited between us. Now, we're together with the blessings of both my Grandfather and the emperor."

Taking a moment, he concluded, "Lastly, there's Leira. I haven't known her for long, but she seems like a lovely girl, and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better."

Nala was just looking at him as he spoke about the girls and got slightly jealous but shook her head and spoke. ''You truly care for each one don't you?''

Archer smiled. ''Of course, I do. That's why I don't favour any of them over the other that's not fair.''

''But you're the leader of the pride?'' She asked.

''Obviously,'' Archer said with a chuckle.

Nale nodded as she tore into another pastry before the server returned with two trolleys of bread.

The young man stopped in front of the table and told Archer the price. ''That will be one hundred gold coins for close to a thousand pieces of bread.''

Archer handed the guy the money before him and Nala continued to speak as he stored the bread away.

While sitting there he decided to add the message system to the bracelts that will allow him and the girls to communicate with each at the cost of mana.

[Lioran POV]

Lioran was sitting in a restaurant not too far from where Archer and Nala were seated. He was watching the two chatting as they ate.

Leonora looked at him and spoke. ''Why are we just watching the princess? He won't harm her and the two clearly get on.''

''Father wanted to engage Liona to him but it seems he likes Nala more which will shock him as she is a stubborn lioness,'' Lioran answered the girl.

Nalika was the next to speak. ''You got a good point but she won't join a harem. She's already said that.''

Lioran started laughing before replying. ''Just look at her. Have you ever seen Nala like this? THE Nala who chased us around the savannah when we were cubs trying to beat us up.''

When the two girls heard this they started giggling and agreed with Lioran. Leonora looked at him. ''Do you see him as a friend Lio?''

He nodded his head and gave them an honest answer. ''Yeah, I can see he hasn't had any friends in his life. From what Father found out he used to belong to the Ashguard house in the west. But he was banished and made his way into the world but never had a childhood. I heard he was thirteen when he got involved in a southern war.''

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The two girls looked at each other and nodded. ''Well, we support this friendship, after all, you only have us two and Caesar. It will be good to have another friend.''

[Llyniel's POV]

Llyniel was overwhelmed when everyone wanted to speak to her, they weren't being horrible it was just she wasn't used to it.

She just wanted to see Archer again and left the dress shop the girls were in and started walking toward the cafe.

As she was walking a nature spirit came to her and whispered. ''Bad people targeting your new friend Lly. You must hurry.''

Llyniel's eyes widened as she rushed toward Archer who she saw talking to the lion girl Nala. As she got close she saw him react and started casting spells at the rooftops.

Nala jumped up and pulled out her spear and launched it at the attackers.

Explosion rang out and the city went into alert as a bell started to ring. She saw a man dressed in all black leap at Archer.

She started chanting. "Aelirion eldarin, thalion verdan, Eld'ranil naur, calanir meldan."

Earth rose from nowhere and shot straight a the attackers but more kept coming, Llyniel saw Nala being separated from him.

Archer resorted to his claws and tail to attack the swarm of crazy humans.

Llyniel reached him and spoke in a loud voice. ''They are trying to trap you! Be careful.''

It was too late as loads of the attackers swarmed over them and one of them started activating an artifact but she saw him rush toward her.

She found herself in Archer's protective embrace, cocooned by the shelter of his wings as the artifact surged with power.

A large explosion ensued, obliterating a significant section of the street.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]