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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 342 The Netherfolk
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Chapter 342 The Netherfolk

Archer woke up the next morning under a pile of limbs. He looked around to see Sera on his chest and the other girls getting as close as they could.

He cast Blink to get out of bed without waking any of them up. Archer stretched his body as he made his way to the bath chambers.

When he entered he got into one of the baths sunk into the comfortable hot water and relaxed for a little while before washing himself.

After doing that he got dressed and walked into the living room to see Ella and Teuila walking out of the bedroom.

They saw Archer and smiled before greeting him with a morning kiss. The two girls went to take a bath as he started cooking.

He was making some sandwiches after creating some bread, Archer added meat and started eating after making enough for the eight hungry girls.

They started appearing one by one yawning and stretching their bodies, he spent that time watching them. Nefertiti walked out and her pink hair was all over the place.

She raised her arms to stretch, which caused her massive boobs to jiggle causing Archer to pay thorough attention to them.

Nefertiti saw this and smiled as she started to make exaggerated movements making them jiggle even more as she walked to the baths.

The next to walk out were Leira and Hemera who were wearing a green and white nightgown, he watched their bodies with lust causing them to blush.

But they rushed into the bath chamber but he still saw their perky asses and Leira's swaying tail which pleased him.

The last three girls walked out and smiled as they saw him but hurried to the baths. Archer placed the food on the table before making himself extra.

By the time they were done getting ready, Archer was bloated and waiting. The girls appeared and started eating.

Sera spoke as she swallowed the first bite. ''What is this? It's boring.''

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Archer shrugged before answering. ''I like it.''

He pulled out some ale he took from one of the Misthaven castles and started drinking like he was a thirsty man lost in a desert causing all the girls to look at him.

Ella commented. ''Why are you drinking so much? Won't you get drunk?''

Archer shook his head as he explained. ''It doesn't affect me. I just love the taste.''

They all nodded before getting back to eating. But Nefertiti was the next to comment. ''Sorry husband but I don't like this.''

She looked at Ella and asked. ''Can you make breakfast from now on?''

The half-elf acknowledged with a smile and rose to quickly prepare a meal. As she worked, each of the girls lovingly gave him a morning kiss before settling back into their seats.

But he used his tail to smack Sera's and Nefertiti's asses causing them to yelp, he to laugh but the girls went around getting ready to go to the college.

After an hour they were ready to leave. The sun was high in the sky as he cast Gate to the road leading to the college.

They all stepped through and saw hundreds of people walking along the road. Archer and the girls joined the crowd as they made their way into the college.

Soon they were standing in a large courtyard and four professors were standing on a stage.

That's when a group approached them and a blonde young man who had red eyes spoke. ''I'm Lucius Montague. First son of Duke Montague who has authority over the Summerfield Duchy.''

Archer looked at him and knew exactly where this was going so he answered. ''Fuck off. I don't want to deal with your shit today.''

[Lucius Montague POV]

[Days before his meeting with Archer]

Lucius was spoiled by his Father, the man paid absurd amounts of coin to hire the best tutors for him.

His ego swelled with pride as he possessed affinities in three elements: Earth, Water, and Fire.

This made him an unrivaled powerhouse within the Summerfield Duchy. As the boy and his guards traveled north they started hearing rumors of a white dragon.

Lucius was relaxing in his carriage as his friend asked him a question. ''Did you hear young master? The emperor has engaged Princess Leira to a dragon boy.''

He looked at Soren Dragonrider, the boy's family name was a joke as it was widely known among the nobles that a distant relative of their family once rode a wyvern and not a dragon.

''Yes, I've heard. It's a shame, she is a beautiful girl but maybe I can charm her and convince the emperor to wed her to me instead when I win the Celestial magic Tournament.'' Lucius replied as a plan was forming in his head.

Soren nodded his head while another boy spoke. ''Well, he isn't well-liked by the older noble families because they wanted their heirs to marry Leira but a boy who claims to be a dragon is her fiancee. He even stole from some of the nobles who control the bandits groups that he wiped out.''

Lucius looked at the other boy whose name was Branik Blackthorn who was from a family of dark mages in the south.

He spoke. ''What else have you heard about him?''

Branik started rubbing his chin before answering. ''Well, Father's advisor says that he untied a bunch of southern kingdoms while laying waste to others. He defeated the monsters who appeared in Mediterra recently.''

He turned to the window and watched the landscape before continuing. ''The emperor favors him but most nobles want to get rid of him but due to his unstable behavior they don't want to approach him.''

Before Lucius could speak Soren interrupted. ''I heard he is a pretty boy and collects princesses. Well, I can't wait to see what he is like.''

Branik chided him. ''The young master was about to speak and you interrupted him.''

The wronged boy looked at Lucius who was staring at him. When he saw this he apologized. ''I'm sorry young master.''

As the three got closer to Starfall City the rumors intensified. They heard about Archer's exploits and how he wiped out Misthaven Kingdom but they didn't believe it.

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When the carriage entered the College of Magic grounds they were shown to their rooms and settled in.

The affinity test was being held and Lucius saw the boy in question girls all around him and was shocked.

He looked at the group and counted seven girls who were all different. Lucius became jealous when he saw how close the princess was to him.

Branik commented. ''He doesn't look that strong. There's no denying that he is a dragon-kin. I doubt he is a dragon.''

Lucius nodded his head as Soren spoke. ''Look at all the girls he is with. Why are there loads of brown girls?''

[Unknown location in the Avalon Empire]

The leader of this group stood in front of a large crowd of people who were waiting for him.

He stepped forward and addressed the group, his gaze fixed upon them. "Dear brethren and sisters, the moment we've been expecting draws near. It is critical that we send the boy to the realm of the Netherfolk, where he will inevitably fall into their grasp. Once he is, our task shall be to patiently await the retrieval of the boy's heart, marking the beginning of our grand plan. With the support of the Church of Light and the Dragon Slayers, we will achieve everything the ancestors planned."

Another robed figure stepped forward and asked. ''How will we send him there? And how do we know he won't return and deal with our spies?''

The leader looked at the figure and responded. ''We created a new artifact thanks to Netherfolk who shared their mysterious magic with us. Once the boy is out of the way, they will launch attacks all across Pluoria and it shall become another Placidia.''

The same robed figure asked another question. ''What is the end goal here? If we mess up, we will be exposed and purged. But even worse if we fail to contain that mad boy he will go on a rampage as he did in the Misthaven where he wiped out many of us.''

When the leader heard this he started chuckling. ''Well, we have planted many spies in the College of Magic. They are instructed to get close to him and use the artifact at the right time which ignores his mana and will send him to the unknown realm.''

The leader looked around and spoke one last time. ''Our goal is to bring back our ancestors and continue the conquest they started five thousand years ago. With the help of the Netherfolk, we can achieve this but they want the boy's heart as payment.''

Once the meeting was over a figure vanished from the hall and appeared outside the cave.

They rushed off toward the capital to warn the emperor but before the person could get far they felt a sting and collapsed to the ground.

The leader appeared out of nowhere. ''You empire dogs think we're stupid. We knew you were here from the beginning, your boss warned us. No one can stop us from completing our goals.''

He raised his hand and burned the body to ashes.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]