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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 341 Like A Hooligan
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Chapter 341 Like A Hooligan

''No it doesn't snow in the Aquaria Kingdom due to being so far south, Nefertiti would have seen snow during her childhood due to the Zenia Empire bordering us,'' Hemera talked as everyone was paying attention.

She explained for a bit longer before finishing and the group continued to eat as Archer got back to spending his Status Points.

He put thirty points into HP, and twenty to the rest apart from Charisma which got ten. When he finished that he felt stronger.

Archer continued to eat until he was full, when he stood up he saw the girls all relaxing on the sofas.

Some were sleeping peacefully as the fireplace was roaring blowing hot air throughout the treehouse which he noticed started getting cold now.

Approaching a nearby window, Archer gazed out and beheld the onset of a fierce snowstorm.

He watched as the snowflakes amassed on the balcony, gradually blanketing the entire expanse of his domain.

As he stood at the window, Archer's thoughts drifted back to his former life on Earth. The power of this unfamiliar snowstorm beat anything he had ever encountered there.

Driven by nostalgia and reflection, he ventured out onto the balcony and settled into a seat.

He cast Mana Manipulation before sitting down, causing the snow to vanish before he took his place.

As the chill continued to seep in, Archer summoned his wings to cover himself, shielding himself against the downpour.

When he was thinking to himself he decided to start spending his Status Points.

[Sp: 120>0]

[HP: 12000>12300]

[Strength: 8700>8900]

[Constitution: 8500>8700]

[Stamina: 8400>8600]

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[Charisma: 6750>6850]

[Intelligence: 8500>8700]

Pleased with the upgrade he started watching the domain turn white until he heard someone walk out on the balcony.

Archer looked up to see Leira walking toward him with a smile on her face. She had her hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing a thick cape.

He chuckled as she made her way over to him while complaining that her tail was cold. Leira sat down next to him and spoke. ''Why are sitting in the snow?''

''Because I find it relaxing, never seen snow like this,'' Archer commented as he grabbed hold of her and wrapped a wing around her.

As he was about to talk Nefertiti and Ella walked out to join the two. The pink-haired girl sat on his right and Ella sat on his lap.

Archer looked at the three girls and sighed before casting Cosmic Shield around them and wrapping his other wing around Nefi making her extremely happy.

The snow was getting worse as it evaporated when it touched the spell but it was still cold so he held his hand up to cast a fire orb that would keep them warm.

When the three saw this their eyes lit up and started watching the snow again before Ella asked a question. ''Why did you save all those beasts?''

Archer laid back on the chair with the girls before answering. ''Well, why not? They may be useful in the future, If not they can stay and help out in the domain.''

Ella's nod signaled her anticipation as Leira shared thrilling news with the trio. "With Frostwinter's arrival, we can look forward to the upcoming winter festival just a few months away.''

Leira got excited as could celebrate the festival with Archer and the girls this year and not with her guards, once she calmed down Leira continued.

''This festivity ranks among the grandest in the capital, and also when Elderbloom arrives, colleges, and academies throughout Pluoria will engage in a competition among the younger generation. The prize? Qualification for the prestigious Celestial Magic Tournament in the Nightshade Empire."

Archer nodded her head and remarked. ''Yeah your Mother told me about that but how many colleges are there on Pluoria?''

That was when Hemera expressed as she entered the Cosmic Shield. ''There are over one hundred top schools, academies, and colleges but the College of Magic is at the top. It's why they are hosting such a competition.''

The four listening people nodded their heads as Archer motioned for Hemera to get closer and he pulled her onto his lap when Ella made room.

Soon they were joined by the other four girls who exited from the treehouse, when Archer saw this he shook his head and cast Mana Manipulation to create a large sofa.

They all sat down and started talking before tiredness took over all of them. Archer led the gang of cats to his bedroom.

Archer stripped down while the girls got into their nightwear before all piling into the large bed and laying all over him.

He smiled before falling asleep as the snowstorm got worse, the cold didn't affect any of them as Archer's body radiated heat.

[Sia's POV]

Sia was riding her Dawnbreaker alongside her soldiers as they made their way through the Misthaven kingdom capturing what was left of their forts and castles.

They were making their way to a castle that guarded the way to the capital and when they saw it the Avalonians were shocked.

The Dawnbreakers all came to a stop as the castle's imposing walls, once a bastion of Misthaven power, were reduced to scorched remnants.

Towers that had once loomed over the countryside now lay in ruins, their jagged edges silhouetted against the darkening sky.

Ashes swirled in the breeze, a haunting reminder of the fires that had consumed this once-mighty fortress.

Sia's footsteps echoed in the desolation as she ventured further into the ruins.

The courtyard, where the enemy's soldiers had once drilled and marched, was now a desolate expanse of broken stones and burnt debris.

A Misthaven flag that had once borne the royal sigil lay torn and singed. Sia stood still as her second-in-command Valeria spoke up from behind her. ''Was this Archer's doing commander?''

Sia nodded her head as she answered. ''Yeah the Misthaven High Mage kidnapped me and he went mad. You saw the scorch marks on the way here and the charred bones.''

Valeria gave her a grim smile before they went to explore the ruined castle. The two of them soon were finished and continued on their way.

Before they left the Royal Avalonian Army started building what they could so they could take over the area.

Their journey was like this as they came across more burned Misthaven Soldiers. The Avalonians brought aid and handed it to the citizens before moving on.

Sia rode through the heart of the Misthaven Kingdom. Her loyal soldiers followed closely behind, their expressions filled with a mix of trepidation.

They had heard tales of the destruction caused by Archer, who had transformed into a fearsome dragon during his madness.

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Now, their mission was to take over the Misthaven Kingdom. As they ventured deeper into the kingdom, the landscape bore witness to the devastation that had unfolded.

The once-thriving forests were now reduced to ash and charred remains. Trees, some still smoldering, stood like eerie sentinels, their branches twisted and lifeless.

The very air they breathed was tainted with the acrid scent of burnt wood and scorched earth.

They quickly took over the Misthaven Kingdom and returned to Sentinel's Reach because the army secured it.

[Imperial Palace - Starfall City]

Emperor Osoric Avalon was sitting in his study organizing the continent-wide competition that would be held during Elderbloom.

As he was signing forms he heard a knock on the door and shouted out. ''Come in!''

His advisor Gerrin entered the room and bowed at him before speaking. ''I have some things to report to you, your Majesty.''

Osoric sighed before looking at the man and nodded.

Gerrin nodded and spoke. ''Well, General Sia Silverthrone has taken the Misthaven Kingdom and returned back to Sentinel's Reach.''

The emperor saw that the man still had more news before talking. ''What else is it?''

The advisor gulped before filling him in. ''Well, Archer Wyldheart has robbed the three exotic beast stores in the city. He killed one of the owners stealing all their wealth.''

Gerrin pulled out a piece of paper to read and continued. ''Lastly, he took all their beasts into some kind of portal and vanished. The guards can't find him and the college hasn't seen him since he registered for his room.''

Osoric thought to himself. 'Why is this boy robbing shops like a hooligan? He has enough gold and I bet my daughter was with him.''

He looked at the young man and spoke in a fed-up tone of voice. ''Was Leira there?''

''Yes, she and several other young ladies were with him as he committed these crimes,'' Gerrin answered.

The emperor was frustrated but he knew he couldn't do anything as the boy would just wander off and leave the empire to its fate.

''It's probably one of the reasons why peace was established due to that little shit. Just leave it be and tell the city guards to ignore him, he will retaliate if we try anything. He is a dragon after all'' Osoric commented as he got back to work.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]