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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 339 Causing More Trouble
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When they saw Archer they all cowered and started getting scared, he went to scan them but heard Hemera speak.

''They are known as the Froskur, they live in swamps and are very resourceful. You could house them in the domain and use them to farm swamps for materials.''

Archer looked at the creatures and noticed that they were humanoid frogs who were about two feet tall.

He approached the cage and crouched down before speaking to the little frog people. ''Hello. Can you understand me?''

An older-looking Froskur stepped forward with wide eyes as it spoke. ''How do you speak our language?''

Archer heard this and smiled before explaining. ''I'm a white dragon and can understand most languages but honestly, I don't know how it happens.''

The Froskur nodded its head before speaking. ''Tall men captured our tribe in the Mistwood Marsh far in the west.''

When he heard the frog man he got curious and asked. ''Is more of your tribe there?''

The old Froskur nodded its head. ''Yes, they are hiding in the swamps.''

Archer nodded but that's when he saw the five girls staring at him before Nefertiti spoke. ''Why are you making weird noises at the creatures?''

He was about to speak but one of the baby Owlbears walked over to him and nudged its head on his leg causing him to smile and pick up the puppy-sized bear.

The bear started making happy little noises as it cuddled up to him causing the girls to smile and speak.

''So cute.''

''It's already attached to him.''

''So it's not just humanoid women he attracts.''

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Leira was the last to talk and when they all looked at her causing her to shrug as she spoke. ''That Owlbear is a little girl who seems to have taken a liking to him.''

Laughter erupted from all the girls as Archer continued to gently stroke the creature, and in response to Nefertiti's question, he replied, "I can communicate with them, so we were engaged in conversation."

She nodded before Archer went back to talking to the  Froskur and asked. ''Why do the humans capture you?''

The frog man looked at him before speaking with a voice full of hatred. ''They send us to the mines or collar us and make us search for treasure in the sea.''

Archer felt sorry for the creatures and decided to help them. ''I can give you a swamp to live in and make sure no one will hunt you?''

The Froskur looked at him with suspicion before replying. ''Why do you want to help us? What benefit will you get?''

When he heard the words of the creature he chuckled before nodding his head. ''Because I can? But I will expect you to help me if a time arises.''

The old frog man looked into Archer's eyes and saw no lies so he nodded. ''Very well. We will come with you, will you rescue our brothers and sisters?''

Archer smiled. ''Yes, I will go after I clear out the other beast shops. Now go wait with the others at the front of the shop.

As he was doing this the five girls watched him talk in some weird language and started talking to each other.

That's when he ripped off the cage door and let the Froskur out. He freed them and pointed them in the direction they needed to go.

They marched out and were talking among themselves as they stole looks at him and the girls.

As they were done he was about to look for more beasts but the human shopkeeper reappeared holding three storage rings.

He handed him the rings and Archer scanned them. When he did he saw loads of gold and silver.

There was another with three eggs inside which caught his attention. He turned to the human and asked. ''What are these eggs?''

''They are Hydra eggs but I can't get them to hatch.''

Archer was excited and wanted to try to hatch them himself so he looked up at the shopkeeper as he put the rings in his Item Box. ''How many beast shops are there in the city?''

The man was confused but answered. ''Three including mine.''

He nodded before using his tail to pierce his heart. The shopkeeper looked at him and wondered why he was killing him.

Archer saw this and an evil smile appeared on his face before giving the dying man an answer. ''You went to attack my fiancee  so you have to die.'' 

When he finished talking he pulled out his tail and let the man drop to the ground with a thump.

He flicked his tail to get the blood off it and turned to the girls with a big smile. ''Let's get these back to the domain and prepare for college.''

They all nodded their heads as Archer told them to keep an eye out before jumping through a portal.

When he entered the domain the little Owl Bear looked around before jumping off him.

Archer was in an empty part of the domain and closed his eyes as he spoke to the bear. ''Don't wander off girl. Just watch.''

She nodded her furry head and sat down by him and saw the landscape change as he started to imagine a massive swamp for the frog people.

He didn't want to build their homes so he would let them do it for themselves. Archer turned to the ball of fur and spoke. ''Now it's time for your home girl.''

Next to the swamp, he created the Owlbears their forest they can live in and with the constant influx of wild beasts, they can eat all they want.

Once he was done he remembered the Flumphs and decided to let them find their own home in the domain.

Archer opened a large portal to the shop. The girls walked through it followed by all the beasts he found so far.

The Froskur looked at the swamp with excitement and amazement in their frog eyes. They all turned to him and bowed.

The old frog man shuffled up to him and spoke. ''Thank you, Master Dragon. We will help you in any way we can as long as we have a safe place to call home.'' 

He nodded and told them to make themselves at home before he looked at the group of baby Owl Bears and spoke in a cheerful voice.

''The forest over there is your new home little bears. Go live free and without worry.''

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All the bears looked at each other and sprinted off but the little female bear jumped on him licking his face before joining the others.

That's when Teuila spoke from behind the six. ''What have you gone and done now Darling?''

Archer turned around and smiled when he saw the blue-haired girl standing there followed by Talila.

He answered them. ''Well, I rescued a bunch of beasts from an exotic beast shop and gave them a home here in the domain.''

Teuila smiled as she approached him and gave him a kiss, she leaned into his ear and whispered in a seductive voice. ''I want more training.''

Archer leaned back with a grin and nodded his head before doing the same to the other six girls.

The afternoon sun was high in the sky and all the girls apart from Leira headed back to the treehouse to relax and cook dinner.

Archer looked at Leira and was drawn to her beauty. She had wavy purple hair with the brightest green eyes.

She was slender but curvy and had nice-sized boobs. Archer saw her cat ears twitching and her tail swaying behind her.

He shook his head before speaking. ''Do you want to join me and see what beasts we can get from the other shops?''

Leira nodded her head with a smile as he opened a portal back to the shop but before he could leave a Flumph latched onto his head causing the two to laugh.

He pulled it off and spoke. ''Make yourself at home anywhere you want. There are other beasts to hunt so you will have food.''

The Flumph rubbed its tentacle on his face as he heard the same voice as before. ''We go find home. Come visit us, Master.''

Archer smiled as he spoke. ''I will. Now go find your home and be happy.''

It nodded and floated off with the others and entered the Owlbear forest. The two of them entered the portal and saw the shop was now quiet.

The shop had grown eerily silent, and Archer observed that these were just regular beasts. A notion crossed his mind, contemplating the idea of releasing them into the domain.

And so, he decided to take action. casting Mana Manipulation he skillfully opened all the cages, ensuring that portals were positioned in front of each of them.

Despite the cages being open, the beasts seemed hesitant to move. It was Leira who broke the deadlock, firing a powerful lightning bolt into the air, resulting in a deafening explosion.

Startled by the commotion, the beasts panicked and rushed through the portals to freedom.

With their task complete, they departed from the now-empty shop. Archer received a message from Sera, who wanted to join them, complaining that the other girls were occupied.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]