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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 313 Huge Mistake
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Archer swooped down into the camp as his spell Crown of Stars activated and the violet motes shot off taking out any guards it saw.

He landed in the center of the camp and started firing Eldritch Blasts into the incoming soldiers.

Explosions and screams could be heard but he didn't stop there as lunged for the closest soldier and tore him apart.

The Misthaven soldiers, disoriented and struggling to regain their composure, were easy prey for Archer's wrath.

With an air of cold resolve, he raised his hand, and a shimmering aura surrounded him.

The Crown of Stars motes hovered above his head, casting an eerie, violet glow over the battlefield.

Soldiers, their armor still smoking from the explosion, began to realize the impending danger, but it was too late.

Archer's eyes locked onto the largest cluster of remaining enemies, those attempting to rally at the center of the camp.

With a swift motion, he conjured his Element Bolt once more. This time, the bolt of pure thunder was larger, more powerful, and crackling with potent energy.

It spiraled in the air above him, gathering strength, before he unleashed it upon the Misthaven soldiers.

The bolt streaked downward, a blazing spear of violet lightning aimed directly at the heart of their formation.

Its impact was cataclysmic. The ground shook as the bolt struck, and a blinding explosion of arcane fury erupted.

Soldiers were flung in all directions, their bodies sent tumbling like ragdolls. But Archer rushed forward and started attacking the dazed humans.

Claws, tail, and teeth wiped the remaining soldiers out. Once he was done he looked around and spotted the commander's tent.

Archer walked over to it and entered, once he was inside he saw a basic-looking tent with a big bed. 

He didn't see anything so he cast Stone Warden and summoned his stone loot goblins. When they appeared he ordered them to loot the camp.

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After that, he used Mana Manipulation and made a chair he could sit on. Archer waited for a while they returned holding a dozen chests that he stored away.

Archer dismissed all the Stone Men and cast Gate to Sia's bedroom. He stepped through it and saw Sia sitting at a table with a cup of tea in front of her.

She turned around and smiled when she saw him. ''Hello, my husband. Thank you for defending me but you didn't have to kill him.''

She gazed at him as he recounted the man's words, her initial anger receding as she discovered that he had passed away, leaving her with a strange mix of emotions.

Archer sat opposite her and asked her a question. ''Sia. Do you want to be my woman?''

Her eyebrows raised as she heard him but replied. ''I already am. Idiot?''

He grinned at her reply before speaking. ''I want to hear you say it.''

Sia giggled and stood up, she approached him with a seductive smile and sat on his lap facing him.

She leaned forward and whispered into his ear causing him to shiver. ''I want to be your woman Archer.''

He shivered all over when he heard her. She unexpectedly moved and sealed his lips with a kiss which he returned in kind.

The couple shared a passionate kiss and Sia poured all her love into it. She waited for this moment for years and was extremely happy.

They kissed for a while until they separated with a trail of saliva still connecting them. Archer saw desire and love in her eyes.

She smiled at him as she spoke. ''It's good to see you, darling. How have you been?''

As Sia sat there he informed her of everything that happened since he left with Thorin. When he was done she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

''You have to be careful Arch, you can't keep getting hurt but enough of that. How are you here?'' She asked.

He sighed before answering. ''My regeneration healed me.''

Sia nodded her head and the two continued to talk for an hour before he had to go. Archer kissed her before opening a portal.

When he stepped through he saw the girls in the living room. They all turned to him and Nefertiti spoke. ''Where have you been?''

Archer laughed as he made his way over to a sofa and sat down to get comfortable as he answered. ''I went to see Sia but she had some issues that I took care of.''

It was Ella who spoke next. ''Have you slept?''

He shook his head with a smile. ''No, but I'm fine I don't feel tired at all.''

They all nodded before Sera inquired. ''When do we go to the college? And I wonder if they will redo the ball.''

Archer shrugged. ''I don't know, maybe they will put it on again and we will go in a couple hours.''

Ella stood up and made her way to the kitchen followed by Sera and Hemera. They started sorting breakfast out.

He had finished his talk with the girls and decided to take a moment to relax. He noticed Teuila and Talila sitting together on the sofa, chatting and sharing a book.

With a contented smile, he walked over to them. "Mind if I join you?" He asked.

The pair shared a glance and then smiled. "Sure," Teuila said, moving over to make space on the sofa.

Archer gratefully accepted the invitation. He gently laid down on the sofa, resting his head on Talila's soft thighs and extending his legs to comfortably rest on Teuila's lap.

The girls adjusted their positions to accommodate him, making sure he was as comfortable as possible.

Talila chuckled softly, running her fingers through Archer's hair. "You must be tired after all that fighting."

Archer closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of Talila's fingers against his scalp. "A little, but being here with you two makes me feel rejuvenated."

Teuila reached for the book they had been reading, placing it aside for the moment.

She began lightly massaging Archer's legs, her touch soothing and relaxing. "You've been through so much, Archer. We're here to take care of you now."

Archer couldn't help but smile at their kindness. "I'm a lucky man to have you all by my side."

They continued to pamper him, Archer drifted into a peaceful state of relaxation.

The warmth of their presence and their gentle touches enveloped him, creating a sense of comfort and tranquility.

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In that moment, he felt like he was exactly where he was meant to be, with two incredible women who cared for him deeply.

As Teuila and Talila continued to pamper Archer, their soothing touches and gentle care began to work their magic.

Archer, feeling utterly relaxed and content, couldn't resist the drowsiness that crept over him. Talila's fingers continued to caress his hair, her touch as soft as a lullaby.

Teuila's rhythmic leg massage was like a gentle rocking motion, lulling him into a state of deep relaxation.

His eyelids grew heavy, and a peaceful calm settled over him. The world around him faded away, replaced by the comforting sensation of being cared for and cherished by them.

With a happy sigh, Archer gave in to sleep. His breathing slowed, and he peacefully drifted off on the sofa, comforted by Teuila and Talila's caring smiles.

[The imperial palace - Starfall City]

''He did what!'' The emperor shouted at Thorin who informed him about the Field Marshal's death at the hands of Archer.

Osoric sighed as he started rubbing his temple, he looked at his old friend and spoke. ''What exactly happened? And wasn't he injured in the college infirmary?''

Thorin nodded his head. ''Yes, he was but then turned up at Sentinels Reach and overheard the Marshal disrespect Sia and he dealt with the man. Rather brutally if I may add.''

The emperor sighed once again. ''Yes I heard, he set the man a light and threw him off a tower.''

He turned his chair to gaze out at the city and said, "Your brother made a huge mistake. I'm starting to wonder if the boy's banishment drove him insane."

Thorin nodded his head as he commented. ''Yes, Leonard is a prideful man and couldn't see how talented the boy actually is.''

That's when Osoric turned back to Thorin and spoke. ''Well Sia has been put in charge of Sentinels Reach and thanks to the boy attack the Misthaven's camp put us in a favorable position.''

The two men nodded their heads as Thorin started laughing causing the emperor to look confused before he got the reason. ''He will extort you again. The greedy little shit loves his gold.''

As they were speaking a knock on the door was heard and Osoric called out. ''Come in!''

A young man with blonde hair, purple eyes, and cat ears on his head. He was the first prince of the Avalon Empire, Caspian Avalon.

He stopped in front of the emperor and commented. ''Is it true you enrolled Leira's fiance in the College of Magic?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]