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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 310 I Can’t Always Come To Your Aid
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Chapter 310 I Can't Always Come To Your Aid

The punches he felt sent him crashing to the ground, the pain was washing over him in waves.

When the Blightbeast finished punching him it sank its jagged teeth into his shoulder but it couldn't do as much damage due to his scales blocking some of its teeth.

But he still felt the creature crush his already damaged bones, causing him to cry out in pain but that wasn't the end of it.

The beast punched him again and the impact reverberated through his whole body.

As he lay dazed, the creature's relentless assault continued. Its powerful jaws tore into his flesh, ripping away chunks of his skin.

Each bite was like a vice grip of agony, and Archer's fearless resistance began to waver.

Bloodied and battered, his vision blurred as he struggled to fend off the Blightbeast's onslaught.

His strength was fading, and the excruciating pain made it difficult to concentrate. Despite his best efforts, he found himself overwhelmed by the creature.

The creature's bites left a trail of destruction across his body, a grim testimony to its dominance in the battle.

Archer was flung closer to the bridge and landed in a heap of broken blood and bones. He tried to get up a foot slammed him into the ground.

[The girl's POV]

When they saw Archer fighting the new creature they were worried but that turned to pure horror.

In just a few minutes, they saw the beast defeat him and brutally attack without mercy.

All seven girls were shocked, Ella, Hemera, and Hecate wore horrified expressions. They saw pools of his blood soaking the dirt.

The three couldn't move. But? Talila, Teuila, and Nefertiti were enraged and only had Sera to stop them rushing to him until Hemera helped her.

But Teuila slipped by them and rushed toward the creature. Her anger flamed into action as she lunged at the Blightbeast, her sword slashing with an unrelenting fury.

Her strikes were wild and powerful, a storm of rage directed at the monstrous foe. Nefertiti swiftly joined the fray, her fingers aglow with Arcane magic.

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Bolts of energy shot forth, hitting the Blightbeast with precise accuracy. Each arcane blast seared its flesh, making it roar in pain.

Talila's short swords became a blur, calculated strikes. She danced around the Blightbeast, landing hits with precision and skill.

Hecate stood strong, her hands raised to the moonlit sky. Moonlight gathered around her, weaving into a potent force that she aimed at the Blightbeast.

The creature shrank back as if the very moonlight was its bane. In unity, the girls fought, each contributing their individual strength.

Ella's arrows flew true, finding their targets in the body of the creature. Sera's fierce rush brought her close, her claws leaving deep marks.

Hemera's brilliant sun magic streaked forth, its brilliance contrasting the creature's darkness. The Blightbeast recoiled from the searing light.

Even though they worked together, the creature was really strong. It fought back, forcing the girls to defend themselves.

During the fight, Archer, who was hurt badly, was saved. The girls gathered around him, feeling determined.

They managed to break free from the Blightbeast's pursuit, yet its relentless chase left them feeling unsettled.

The girls' gazes turned towards a new presence on the battlefield – Thorin and Ophelia. A rush of hope surged through them as they watched the two of them step into the fray.

Ophelia's aura seemed to shimmer with mysterious energy as she unleashed a unique magic attack.

The air around her crackled with arcane power, and a surge of enigmatic energy shot toward the Blightbeast.

The creature recoiled as if struck by an unseen force, its movements disrupted.

Thorin, his form imposing, advanced with his sword held high. The blade gleamed in the dim light as he brought it down with precision and strength.

Each swing carried a weight of determination, and his strikes found their mark on the Blightbeast's body.

The girls saw a renewed vigor in their rescue team's efforts. Ophelia's mysterious magic kept the Blightbeast off balance, while Thorin's swordplay chipped away at its defenses.

As the girls watched, a flicker of relief crossed their faces. The battle's dynamics shifted with the arrival of Thorin and Ophelia.

The two newcomers fought with a synergy that indicated their experience and unity, and it gave the girls a moment to catch their breath and gather their strength.

Teuila and Talila dragged Archer across the bridge and toward the college in the distance. The girls sent the dragon-kin and tribe members back to the domain.

Ophelia and Thorin's battle was coming to an end as the two butchered the Blightbeast and the remaining swarm.

Thorin was going crazy as he swung his sword and took out many creatures while Ophelia cast her attack spells that washed over them.

When they got to the entrance of the college the girls all sat around Archer and watched him heal.

Nala approached the group and spoke. ''Will he be okay? That beast was something else, it was so strong.''

None of them answered as they watched Archer so she joined and sat next to Teuila and Sera who just looked at her with curious looks.

Teuila spoke up first. ''Who are you, girl? And why are you here?''

Nala smiled at them as she answered. ''My name is Nala Lionheart the second princess of the Lionheart Kingdom in the West.''

They all nodded but Nefertiti and Sera both commented at the same time. ''Another princess.''

The group started laughing but instantly stopped as they heard Archer let out a groan. They all saw his horrible wounds healing but it soon stopped.

As Nala saw this her blue eyes widened as she mumbled to no one in particular. ''How is that possible? Only a few races can heal themselves.''

Ella turned to her and answered. ''He's a white dragon, they are living mana but have a body. Archer can get hurt but it always heals.''

Nefertiti looked at the lion girl and felt her interest, she decided to join the College of Magic to keep an eye on him.

Archer soon stopped groaning but was still unconscious. That's when Thorin and Ophelia appeared with shocked looks on their faces.

Thorin quickly spoke. ''What is wrong with the boy?''

The girls shrugged because they didn't know themselves but they noticed the headmistress was staring at him.

Suddenly her eyes glowed and her face went white as she spoke with panic in her voice. ''He has been poisoned. Follow me.''

She turned on her heels and started walking. Thorin grabbed Archer and followed behind the witch.

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The girls did the same and rushed after them. After walking for five minutes they arrived at the infirmary.

It was a vast chamber, with high, vaulted ceilings adorned with intricate, glowing runes that cast a soft, soothing light over the room.

The walls were lined with tall, slender windows that revealed a mesmerizing view of the college's sprawling gardens, where mystical creatures roamed freely.

Flowers of every hue and size bloomed in abundance, their petals emitting a gentle, calming fragrance.

The floor was made of polished marble that seemed to ripple like a tranquil pond, and as they walked, it created a harmonious melody of soft chimes.

Tall, slender columns of white marble adorned with golden vines reached up to support the ceiling, giving the room an ethereal quality.

Rows of beds, each draped in flowing, silk-like canopies, lined the sides of the infirmary.

Crystals of various colors and sizes floated above the beds, emitting a soothing, healing energy that enveloped the room.

Ophelia told Thorin to place him on the bed, which he did instantly. She quickly checked him off and spoke. ''We need to get help from the imperial families mages. They will be able to help him.''

When the girls heard the woman they all started worrying even more but before anyone could say anything the two adults rushed out of the room.

They looked at each other and shrugged. Nefertiti was the first to speak. ''He will be fine right?''

No one answered apart from Nala who commented in an anxious voice. ''I'm sure he will be fine.''

The girls turned to her making her wonder what she said wrong. Ella was about to speak until a portal appeared in the middle of the room.

Everyone jumped back but soon was shocked yet again. An elf woman stepped out wearing priestess robes.

She had long flowing platinum blonde hair and violet eyes just like Archers. When Nala saw she mumbled. ''A high elf. Why is she here?''

''To save him. He is very important to me but the time for us to meet isn't now but in the future.'' The elf answered her question.

Nefertiti quickly reacted and started casting a spell but the elf noticed and snapped her fingers.

The spell was quickly blocked as the woman spoke again. ''Princess of the Zenians, be careful who you go to attack. We don't have time for this he is dying from the inside.''

When everyone heard her they all looked at him and saw his skin turning pale and was leaking some sort of puss.

She walked over to Archer and looked down at him with a small smile as she continued speaking. ''Why are you always getting in trouble husband? I can't always come to your aid.''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]