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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 304 What’s The Reason
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Chapter 304 What's The Reason

The group was eating and chatting, the servers brought over goblets of some fruit juice that tasted like strawberries.

Archer turned to Nefertiti and asked. ''How's your classes coming along Nefi?''

The pink-haired girl stopped eating before she answered. ''It's going good husband, we have our tests in a few months and the teachers are saying I'm doing really good.''

When she finished talking she smiled at him, Archer replied. ''That's good, I'm really proud of you.''

She got excited as she heard his words and went back to eating as she started to think to herself.

Archer turned to Talila and spoke. ''How are the Sparrows doing?''

The brown-skinned elf looked at him and replied. ''They love the accommodation you gave them. Novius and Cecelia have been there a lot lately taking a break.''

She took a sip of her drink before continuing. ''They understood why you don't let them wander around and I now understand. Sorry for doubting you, Archer.''

He nodded his head. ''Don't worry about it, Tali. You're mine now, so the past doesn't matter.''

The older girl smiled at him. That's when the redhead Sera spoke as she held in a laugh. ''So you got the two aunts and now the niece? You lewd dragon.''

Archer started laughing followed by the rest, Teuila commented. ''I'm going to go back to tell Mother and Father about joining the College of Magic once we are done eating.''

Ella spoke up when Teuila finished talking. ''I will go see Mother and inform her as well. Do you want to come to Sera?''

Sera nodded with a big smile on her face as Hemera joined in the conversation. ''Well if everyone is going to tell her parents about the college I'll do the same and see how they react.''

''I will return to the lab to continue my studies,'' Hecate commented when everyone was done.

All the girls nodded and smiled at her but continued talking among themselves. Archer glanced at the moon elf and nodded.

In response, she offered a faint smile. He was delighted to see her slowly overcoming her shyness and becoming more sociable.

The group continued eating, and after an hour of eating they were all done. Archer paid for the meal before they left.

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They made their way to the alleyway, while the afternoon sunlight shone from overhead. He opened a portal to the domain.

Archer stepped through followed by the girls, when they all passed through Hecate made her way to the lab after saying bye to him.

The rest looked at him as he cast Gate to the Aquaria Kingdom's palace. Teuila kissed him before stepping through it.

Archer did the same for the other girls apart from Ella and Sera who left the treehouse on foot going to find Sheira.

Hemera set off for the Solari Empire, and Nefertiti retired to her room to rest for a bit. That's when Archer noticed Talila standing alone, looking a bit lost.

He approached her and asked, "Want to hang out with me, Tali?"

She responded with a slight nod and then inquired, "Has Teuila been teaching you how to fight?"

Archer nodded back, replying, "Yep, she has. Why? Are you interested in training me too?"

Talila's face lit up with a smile as she nodded and said, "Absolutely. Can we start now?"

"Sure thing. Let's head outside for an hour or two," Archer agreed, leading the way to the front door.

Archer and Talila ventured to a peaceful clearing near the treehouse. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a dappled pattern on the ground.

Flying beasts chirped in the trees nearby, adding to the peace of the place. Archer wore an excited yet curious expression as he looked at the skilled warrior.

Talila stretched her arms, her toned figure moving gracefully. "Alright, Archer. Let's start with some basic moves."

He nodded, eager to learn from her. "Sure. I'm ready."

They began with footwork and stance, Talila demonstrating precise and controlled movements.

Archer followed her lead, mirroring her actions. As they moved through the motions, her guidance was patient and encouraging.

"Good," she praised, her eyes focused on his form. "Remember, the key is balance and precision. It's not always about strength."

He listened closely, taking in her advice. He knew he was strong, but he understood that being skilled was just as crucial.

They moved on to practicing strikes and blocks. Her movements were fluid and efficient, her every action purposeful.

He tried to match her, his movements were a lot worse than hers but he was getting better as time went on.

After a series of exercises, following that she took a step back, wiping sweat from her forehead. "You're catching on quickly, Archer. You learn quickly.''

Archer smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Tali. Your guidance is really helping."

Talila's lips curved into a small grin. "Let's work on parrying now."

As they continued, he could feel the improvement in his style. He focused on timing and precision, imitating Talila's moves as closely as he could.

She took a step back and nodded with a smile. "You're learning quickly. Your hard work is showing."

His chest swelled with pride. "I'm lucky to have you as a teacher."

Talila's eyes softened. "It's my pleasure to share what I know."

As the training continued, he soon realized he wasn't just learning combat techniques. He was learning from Talila's discipline and her appreciation for the art of combat.

They practiced until he became all sweaty and started to feel tired. Talila finally suggested that they stop for the day.

He sat on a fallen log, taking a moment to catch his breath. She sat beside him, a smile on her face.

"You did really well today," she said sincerely.

Archer chuckled, wiping his forehead. "Thanks. I still have a long way to go, but I'm ready to get better."

The two of them sat there for a little while before he jumped up and cast Cleanse on himself before speaking to her. ''I'm going to check out the College of Magic so I can get a place for us to teleport there tonight.''

Talila nodded her head and told him she wanted to continue training as she jumped up and walked to the center of the clearing.

When she arrived Archer cast Blink and appeared in front of her, she jumped back but was grabbed by him.

He passionately kissed her as he pulled her toward him, they shared a kiss before he let her go and leaned in to whisper into her ear. ''I can't wait to claim you Talila.''

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Talila grinned as he walked off, she got back to training as Archer opened a portal to the same alleyway.

Archer entered the portal and saw the bustling streets ahead. He walked forward, heading west.

While walking he heard a voice called out to him, "Archer!"

He turned and saw Rowana, the blonde witch he had met years ago. Archer instantly became wary as he saw her.

She stopped in front of him but had to look up at him this time, the older woman took her hat off and spoke. ''It's good to see you, boy! You are even more handsome then the last time we meet. What are you doing in the capital?''

Archer looked at the woman with raised eyebrows but stopped bothering about it before answering the woman. ''I've been offered a place in the College of Magic, so me and the girls are attending the ball tonight.''

He then looked at her and paid more attention, when he did he couldn't help but pay attention to her violet eyes.

They reminded him of his own but hers sparkled as she looked at him, she looked the same as before.

Purple robes, a purple witch's hat, and wild blonde hair, Archer didn't see the two men she was with before.

Rowana smiled as she spoke. ''Oh great, I know some people who go there. I'm very close with the headmistress.''

Archer looked at her skeptically which caused her to laugh as she continued. ''You don't believe me? One of these days I will prove you wrong little Archer.''

He laughed at the witch as they walked toward the college, they passed by merchants setting up their stalls to sell to the travelers.

When they were walking he turned to the witch and asked. ''Where are you going?''

Rowana smiled as she turned to him and hooked his arm, ''Well I got to go to the college as well to visit my friend.''

Archer agreed with a nod, and they conversed while making their way toward the western entrance.

Soon after, they both went through the gate. When they got outside the city he could see the college in the distance.

He turned to her and asked. ''So how have you been since we last met?''

The witch smiled as she replied with a cheerful voice. ''Been busy with quests and relaxing in my spare time. But lately, my boss has made me do extra paperwork for an interesting reason.''

Archer got curious and inquired. ''What's the reason?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]