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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 302 Do I Have To Come
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Chapter 302 Do I Have To Come

Archer looked down at the sleeping dragon girl and smiled. He pulled out of her as he cast Cleanse on the two of them.

He tucked her into bed and left the room to let her rest. As he walked out, he saw Ella emerging from her bedroom.

She looked at him and smiled as she spoke. ''Morning Arch. How are you?''

Approaching her, Archer gave her a tight hug, and she melted into his arms. ''I'm fine El. I'm going to explore the city until the girls wake up. Will you let me know when they are all awake?''

Ella nodded as she stepped back. ''I'll start making breakfast while they sleep.''

Suddenly, Archer kissed her, catching her off guard. She eagerly returned the kiss. They separated not long after and Ella made her way to the bath chambers to get cleaned up.

As she walked away he watched her perky ass and he got excited again. But he shook his head and pulled out some fresh clothes and put them on.

After doing that he cast Gate to Starfall City. When he passed through the portal, he stepped into a quiet alleyway.

Archer walked out of there and didn't see many people. There were some heading to work or going about their business.

But he started exploring the capital. The cobblestone streets were lined with charming shops, their colorful signs swinging in the gentle breeze.

Market stalls were laden with exotic fruits, vibrant fabrics, and intricate trinkets. As he walked, Archer's eyes widened at the sight of towering spires.

Gargoyles peered down from rooftops, and ornate fountains graced the city squares.

The air was filled with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, children laughing, and the distant melodies of street performers.

He wandered through the heart of the city, passing by a grand cathedral with stained-glass windows that depicted legendary heroes and mythical creatures.

The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, and he couldn't resist indulging in a warm loaf.

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His exploration led him to a bustling market square, where a skilled blacksmith pounded away at a glowing metal, creating intricate weapons and armor.

Nearby, a fortune-teller with a colorful tent offered to read the fates of passers-by. A magnificent clock tower, known as the Timekeeper's Spire, loomed over the city.

The resonant tones of the clock's chimes echoed through the streets, serving as a melodic reminder of the passage of time.

With the eastern entrance in sight, Archer headed in that direction. Approaching the gate, he couldn't help but be struck by its imposing presence.

It stood tall and sturdy, built with the perfect craftsmanship. Massive stone walls rose on either side.

The gate itself was a masterpiece of defensive architecture. Enormous wooden doors were reinforced with iron bands.

As Archer got closer, he saw the gate's big chains and pulleys. They were ready to lift or lower the gate quickly.

The wall on each side of the gate looked strong. The stones fit perfectly, making a barrier that could stop anything.

Shaking his head, he continued walking until a delicious smell hit his nose, he instantly started following it,

After a brief walk, he reached a bakery with a selection of bread. Inside, he saw two elderly women.

Enticed by the delicious smell, he walked into the shop. The two women at the counter saw him, and one greeted him kindly. "Young man, how can I help you?"

''I want to buy some bread, a lot of it,'' Archer answered the lady who spoke to him first.

The old baker smiled as she picked up a piece of bread and handed it to him as she spoke in a joyful voice. ''Try some young man. It's lovely bread.''

He grabbed the bread and began eating. When he was done, he asked the woman, "Could I buy all you have, please?"

She nodded her head and went to grab a bigger bag to put the stuff in. The old lady threw all the freshest bread in and handed it over to him as she spoke. ''Three gold please.''

That's when he saw even more bread being sold and went on a buying spree, he bought one hundred gold worth of the stuff which shocked the bakers.

Archer took out the coins and handed them over before leaving the shop. He stored the bread in his Item Box, he kept some to eat as he continued exploring.

When he walked out of the shop, Ella sent him a message saying she had gathered everyone and was waiting for him.

He quickly found an alleyway, Archer opened a portal to the domain and stepped through it. As he entered, he saw all the girls waiting for him.

They all smiled as Hemera was the first to speak. ''Hello Arch, how was the city?''

When he heard her Archer looked at the sun elf and blew her a kiss causing the girl to blush causing him to grin as he gave them some bread to try.

Ella curiously asked in a curious voice. ''Why do you always buy crazy amounts of bread?''

Archer laughed when he heard her but answered. ''I can't help it but I love food, to be honest.''

She nodded as the moon elf Hecate surprisingly. ''So why have you gathered us?''

He looked at her and quickly brought up the reason everyone was there. ''Okay, so the emperor has offered me a spot at the College of Magic. Who wants to join me?''

When they heard him, they all looked thoughtful. Hecate spoke first, saying in a sweet and melodic voice. ''I won't be attending; I prefer to study in my lab as you know my love.''

Archer smiled at her and replied. ''Okay, that's not an issue, it's not like we won't see each other every day.''

Nefertiti was the next to speak. ''I'm already at the Arcane Academy at home so I'll stick to that and visit every day husband.''

He nodded at her, while the rest of the girls wanted to join him. After talking about who's joining him once he told them about the Ball and they got excited.

As they continued talking Nefertiti interrupted as she spoke to the girls with jealousy in her voice. ''You lot better keep an eye on him and keep the girls in the college away from him.''

Each girl nodded, making Archer laugh. The pink-haired girl's possessiveness excited him, but he controlled his impulses to jump her.

They decided to go shopping for dresses, Archer gave them a pouch full of gold but Talila interrupted. ''Do I have to come? I've never worn a dress before.''

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Ella smiled as she reassured the girl. ''We will find a good one for you, there are plenty of shops in Starfall City.''

Talila nodded her head and didn't complain anymore, as they spoke he opened a portal to the same alleyway he left.

The seven entered the portal because Archer dragged Hecate along after she tried to refuse but couldn't say no to him.

They walked onto the main street, and the group began searching for a store that sold dresses.

It didn't take them too long to find one, they approached it and all entered the shop. When they piled in the shopkeeper saw them.

The older woman walked over to the group and spoke with a smile. ''How can I help you, young ladies?''

Elle answered. ''We all need dresses for the College Ball tonight.''

The shopkeeper smiled as she nodded but quickly joked. ''Does the young man also need one? We have just the style for him.''

All the girls giggled and Archer laughed before speaking to them. ''While you lot are looking I'll go find my clothes.''

They all said goodbye to him as he left the shop and went in search of a clothes shop for men.

Archer started walking down the street and soon found a shop at the end of it, he walked into it and looked around.

A warm smile illuminated the face of an elder gentleman as he approached, extending a heartfelt greeting in a jovial tone. "Good morning, young man. How may I be of assistance to you?"

Meeting the kindly shopkeeper's gaze he spoke. "I've received an invitation to the College Ball this evening and require clothes fitting for the occasion."

The shopkeeper's smile deepened, his seasoned eyes appraising Archer with a knowing glance before responding. "I believe I have just the clothes you're seeking, my lad."

With a nod, Archer fell into step behind the shopkeeper as the latter indicated his intention.

Progressing through the shop, they eventually reached a more secluded backroom. Here, the shopkeeper started to shift a few boxes to reveal a hidden trunk.

Opening the trunk, he revealed a sleek black tunic adorned with tasteful violet accents.

Alongside it were expertly crafted pants and boots, carefully chosen to perfectly complement the tunic.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]