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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 299 Wyldheart
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Upon hearing Archer's words, her cheeks turned red, and a smile appeared on her face, though it swiftly vanished as she retorted, "Your sweet words won't easily win me over, dragon."

His grin widened at her response, and he carried on speaking. ''I would like to get to know you more Leira. What do you like to do?''

She looked at him and sighed before answering. ''I like to read. It's a hobby of mine.''

Archer smiled as he spoke. ''Great, I have a library which I've been working on. Do you want to see it?''

The cat girl looked at him with narrowed eyes before giving him a small nod. He opened a portal and motioned for her to step through.

Leira slowly approached it and saw a massive library through the violet portal. She was surprised but walked through it.

When the two of them entered the portal, the cat girl looked around in amazement as she inquired. ''Where did you get all these books?''

Archer laughed as he answered. ''I've been buying them from shops all over the place. Most cities I've visited on my journey.''

She walked over to a shelf and looked at the selection of books. Leira turned to him and asked in a curious voice as she held a book. ''There's alchemy books here. Who brews potions?''

He smiled. ''That would be Hecate. She loves all that and works on it in her lab with her maid Eione.''

Leira nodded her head as her tail was excitedly swaying. Her ears were twitching but she sighed before speaking. ''I have to go Mother told me to return soon.''

Archer grasped the situation and beckoned her towards the portal leading back to the balcony.

They stepped into it together as Leira shared her thoughts. ''I'm interested in getting to know you better. Maybe we could let the adults assume we're engaged for now; that way, they might give us some space. But how about we begin by building a friendship?''

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''Sounds good to me, it looks like we will be attending the College of Magic together so we have time.'' He commented.

Leira continued. ''And if we don't like each other we can call it off. Agreed?''

''That's fine with me,'' Archer answered with a smile.

The two of them continued talking for a while as he told her of his adventures and fights he had. 

She was amazed that such a young boy was thrust into such a life. Leira looked at him and asked. ''So I guess you met the girls on your journey north?''

He nodded. ''Yes, but I went back to Vessia City to get Ella but the rest I met on my journey.''

As they spoke the emperor and empress walked onto the balcony and saw the two sitting there talking.

The view made them happy but before he could speak Archer interrupted. ''Osoric you can announce our engagement but just in name only. We would like to get to know each other first. The two of us agreed to start as friends.''

When the adult heard him they understood but the emperor was going to speak but was interrupted again. ''If you want to complain I can call it off, I won't be marrying a stranger. Leira is a lovely girl so I don't see an issue, so don't force it.''

Osoric heard this and became angry as he snapped back. ''Why do you think you're better than me? You don't show me respect and demand whatever you like.''

Archer started laughing but soon calmed down as he stood up, he looked down at the city and spoke. ''I'm a white dragon. There is none other like me and empires would scramble to get me to become an ally and here you are trying to force me into a relationship.''

He stopped talking as he saw a large flying beast above he continued speaking. ''I could easily leave this empire behind and go somewhere else but I'm willing to help.

Archer stopped looking at the beasts and continued talking. ''It's as you said I'm the Avalonian guardian. Don't go ruin that over some stupid manners.''

The emperor nodded his head. ''I understand. I won't force you to do anything against your will but I expect the same in return that you won't try to extort or betray the empire.''

Archer looked at the man with a grin. ''There are enough bandits and rotting nobles to fill my horde. I won't be taking anything off the innocent.''

Osoric nodded his head in understanding as Chloe said. ''Well, the sun starting to set it's time to relax and have dinner.''

They all left the balcony and made their way back to the throne room. When they entered most people were gone apart from Thorin.

The emperor looked at him as he spoke. ''You no longer need to chase the boy. We came to an agreement and he will aid the empire in times of need.''

He nodded with a smile as he bowed, Archer said bye to the family and made his way out of the throne hall.

When they made it out and walked through the hallways Thorin turned to him and demanded. ''Why would you treat the emperor like that boy?''

Archer grinned at him. "No worries, he's realized that he can't control me like he once thought he could."

Thorin sighed as the two left the palace, when they did he cast Gate to open a portal to the city square.

Archer stepped through followed by the older man. When they exited the portal the square was busy.

He turned to his uncle and spoke as he looked at his uncle as he spoke. ''It was good meeting you but I'm going to see my girls.''

''Okay but take this so we can communicate. I still want to get to know you boy, you're my blood after all.'' Thorin said as he handed him an artifact.

Archer smiled and opened a portal to the domain, he stepped through after saying bye to the man who entertained him for the last days of his journey.

[Osoric Avalon's POV]

When the boy left he sighed to himself causing Chloe to laugh. ''The boy is stubborn he is nothing like the rumors used to say about him.''

The emperor nodded his head and had to agree with his wife. But she asked him a question. ''Will he keep his word?''

Osoric nodded his head as he answered. ''Yes as long as the gold flows into his greedy claws.''

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The two of them laughed as they saw their daughter walk into the throne room, Chloe asked for her to follow them.

They made their way to a room where they could relax before going to bed. When they entered Ospric spoke. ''Leira, how was your talk with the boy?''

When the girl sat down she started to speak. ''He is a pleasant boy and seems playful but his anything but that. There's something in his eyes like a wild beast is living under the surface.''

She took a sip of the drink a maid placed in front of her before continuing. ''It's like something holding it back but it's there. Apart from that he is lovely and also loves reading.''

[The Avalon Empire - Just after Archer met Leira]

The news spread all across the empire as quickly as it could. People found out that their third princess was engaged to the white dragon.

Noble families were scrambling to try to gain the favor of the boy but they couldn't find him so decided to wait for him at the College of Magic.

In the capital a group of four old men were holding a meeting, they were the the fathers of Larka, Jenna, Sia, and Leonard.

A tall slim man with green hair and yellow eyes spoke to the man with a big white beard. ''Albert what will you do? Will you bless the engagement?

The bigger man laughed as he answered. ''Yes I will, who am I to stop the girl? She has adored him for years Magnus.''

As the two spoke another man with green eyes and brown hair who was the Father of Leonard spoke. ''You are okay with your daughter marrying your grandson old man?''

Albert turned to the man. ''Why wouldn't I be? She's a dragon-kin like her Mother and his somehow an actual dragon Draven. He wouldn't care if I tried to stop him now he has the emperor on his side.''

That was when Eldric Grayleaf spoke up. ''We will just have to introduce ourselves when the time comes and hope he doesn't judge us on his family's actions.''

Sia's Father replied. ''I would like to meet him, I've only seen him once when he was a few weeks old. It's a shame he got banished but looks like he benefited from it.''

All the men nodded but Magnus asked. ''What was his family name again?''

Albert answered with a sigh. ''Wyldheart. Archer Wyldheart.''

Their talk went on for hours until they decided to attend the College Ball to introduce themselves to their grandson.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]