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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 296 There It Is Lad
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Chapter 296 There It Is Lad

[Archbishop Hadwyn - Portovia City -? Novgorod Empire - Verdantia]

The old man stepped off the church's ship that arrived in the Novgorod Empire after having to flee in panic as he knew the boy wasn't good and would kill him given the chance.

He heard that the menace that is the white dragon started destroying his churches and taking the offerings for himself.

While sailing across the sea, Hadwyn got a report that many of their Deacons had been killed in the Avalon Empire, and the main church in Starfall City had been taken down.

Hadwyn was angry as he got into a carriage and was taken to the Church of Light's main headquarters on the Verdantia Continent.

After traveling for days they arrived at the Novgorodian capital Moskovia. The carriage rushed toward the main gate but soon turned right.

The road they were now on led them to the church. After a ten-minute journey, they arrived at a massive version of the church that was in Starfall City.

Hadwyn rushed out of the carriage and made his way inside to inform the pope of the coming danger and to plead not to provoke the crazy boy anymore.

[Duke Leonard Ashguard - Vessia City - Mistwood Duchy] [Hours after Archer's attack on the church]

Leonard was sitting in his study going over the troop numbers and organizing supplies to be delivered to them.

As he was reading a knock resounded from the door causing him to shout. ''Come in.''

The door opened and a tall and slim brown-haired man who looked similar to him walked in. He looked up and spoke. ''Hello, Thorne. How was your journey?''

The younger man sat down and spoke. ''Big brother did you hear about what happened in the capital?''

Leonard shook his head causing Throne's eyes to widen before he shook his head and started telling him. ''Well, rumors say the Church of Light has been attacked all over the south and central Duchies.''

His eyes widened when he heard his brother's words and put the paper down and asked. ''Who is brave enough to attack them?''

Throne smiled and started laughing as he answered. ''Little Archer. He was spotted going into the main church and causing trouble. Also, the merchant claims he robbed them.''

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Leonard was shocked as a thought came to mind. 'Is this boy really the old Archer? What's he been up.''

He looked at his brother and spoke. ''What do you know about the boy?''

Throne smiled when he heard the question before replying. ''Regretting kicking him out? It's a shame I wanted to meet him.''

He went on to explain everything a merchant told him. From all the princesses he is engaged to and how he changed the Southlands forever by uniting the Zenia Empire and Aquaria Kingd]om.

The two of them spoke for a couple of hours until Leonard grew depressed over the regret that he held over banishing the boy.

[Back to Archer]

Archer and Teuila were walking down the road and soon saw the city but he quickly noticed something flying toward them.

'He found me so fast. This uncle of mine is becoming annoying now.' He thought to himself.

He sighed and turned to the blue-haired princess and commented. ''You should head back to the domain Thorin is nearly here.''

Teuila giggled and nodded, giving him a kiss on the cheek before disappearing. Archer walked onto the grass and lay down.

Archer stretched out on the soft grass, his eyes fixed on the sky. Above, a canvas of blue spread wide, adorned with cotton candy clouds drifting leisurely.

The sun's warmth embraced him, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves around him. He lost himself in the dance of the clouds, their shapes morphing into creatures and stories.

Time seemed to stand still as he surrendered to the simple pleasure of watching the sky paint its own tales.

That's when he heard someone land nearby and spoke with a cheerful voice. ''Hello, Thorin. How have you been?''

When the man heard him speak he stopped walking and looked at the boy with a curious look before speaking. ''Why do you look so carefree after attacking the church?''

Archer looked at him as he stood up with a smile as he brushed himself off. ''Cause I honestly don't care. They've been attacking me for years. For what? Because I'm a dragon. Fuck them, wait until I visit more churches and show them not to fuck with me.''

Thorin saw the look of greed in his eyes as he spoke causing him to shake her head. ''Come on boy the emperor wants to see you.''

The two of them made their way back to the city as Archer returned to his humanoid form but left his horns and tail which swayed behind him.

Thorin saw this and shook his head as he asked in a curious voice. ''What is it like having a tail?''

Before Archer replied he used his tail to bop the man's head before going back to sway in a mesmerizing sway as the both of them laughed.

''It feels no different to having arms and legs, I started to hate hiding them cause it felt really weird.'' He answered honestly.

The older man nodded his head as they continued walking until they arrived at the Elysian Elevators which was in the middle of the city surrounded by a fort-like building.

Its presence was impossible to ignore. The machine seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly aura, its design a harmonious blend of artistry and arcane craftsmanship.

Archer's gaze was drawn to the intricate patterns etched into its surface, symbols that glowed softly with enchantment.

He looked at Thorin with curious eyes and asked. ''What is this thing?''

"It's crafted by a mage from the imperial family, a demi-god in skill. He seldom shows himself." Thorin replied, just as the guards halted them.

''General. You and the boy are allowed to pass under the emperor's orders.'' A man who stopped in front of them.

Thorin nodded his head as the two stepped through the elevator's gate and stepped onto it after a little walk.

It started to shoot up but it was a comfortable journey, Thorin turned to him and spoke. ''Don't be rude to the emperor Arch.''

Archer observed him carefully before replying, "I'll offer respect as long as he shows it in return."

The man nodded as they reached the top to be welcomed by loads of the royal guard. Archer looked at them with a smile on his face.

A middle-aged lion man stepped out and spoke. ''General Thorin the emperor has ordered you to make your way to the throne room.''

Thorin smiled at the man as he spoke. ''Yes, I'll take him there now Merrick.''

The guard nodded and left them alone as he started leading Archer to the palace.

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Amidst the beauty of a perfect-looking garden, they followed the winding pathways bordered by an array of blooming flowers.

The air was rich with the sweet scent of flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves, As they walked, Archer's steps were measured, each footfall echoing in harmony with the symphony of nature around them.

His eyes were a study of curiosity, gliding over each flower and shrub as if committing the details to memory.

The garden path stretched ahead, guiding their gaze to a breathtaking sight at the other end.

Against the backdrop of the garden's beauty, the imperial Avalon palace rose with an air of elegance and power.

Archer's steps hesitated, his eyes widening in awe at the palace's grandeur. Its towering spires seemed to reach for the sky.

Thorin's voice, steady and low, pierced the silence. "There it is, lad—the imperial Avalon palace."

He stopped admiring it and continued to follow, when they entered the palace they were greeted by a maid.

She motioned for them to follow her. They followed behind her and Archer noticed the woman looked very serious and would tell anyone off.

That's when a young cat boy sprinted past and as he suspected the maid shouted. ''Stop running Prince Lucian!''

The boy skidded to a stop and shouted. ''Sorry, Macy.''

But he ran off causing the maid to sigh before mumbling about talking to the empress. They continued to walk as Archer admired the hallway.

The walls were decorated with beautiful tapestries portraying scenes of heroic legends and landscapes of mythical lands.

Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow over the polished marble floors.

As they ventured deeper into the palace, the hallway opened up into a grand hall.

The hall was resplendent with high ceilings and towering columns, and at the far end stood a pair of ornately carved double doors.

Archer came to a stop, his gaze drawn to the intricacies of the hall's design. Just as he was about to take in the details, a movement caught his attention.

He looked to his side and spotted a young woman with striking purple hair. Her cat ears, perched atop her head, twitched as she glanced up from the book she was engrossed in.

Their eyes met for a brief moment, and a hint of surprise flickered across her features but she quickly walked away.

Archer was left confused but stopped thinking about it as he wondered what he could get out of the emperor.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]