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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 295 Troublesome Boy
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Chapter 295 Troublesome Boy

As the girls launched their assaults, Archer joined in by casting Element Bolts made from violet-colored fire.

He aimed and released them, watching as the bolts streaked through the air toward the remaining knights.

While a few of the knights managed to block the incoming attacks with their shields, others were caught off guard.

The fiery projectiles pierced through their defenses, searing into their armor and flesh. The intense heat and flames caused screams of pain to fill the air as the bolts found their marks.

Amidst the chaos, a sudden beam of sunlight burst forth, slamming down upon another group of incoming knights.

Archer turned his attention and saw Hemera, a smile gracing her lips as she continued to unleash her powerful spells.

He noticed that she was having fun casting all different types of sun spells, she moved around the battlefield using flames to move quickly.

Hemera's radiant energy from her magic engulfed the knights, causing them to falter and stumble under its brilliance.

As the combined onslaught of attacks continued, the knights' numbers dwindled rapidly. The girls' magic and Archer's attacks left little room for their opponents to counter.

One by one, the knights fell, their armor charred and battered from the relentless barrage.

However, the battle was far from over. In the midst of the chaos, an older man managed to break through the onslaught.

With surprising speed, he lunged forward and landed a powerful punch squarely on Archer's chest.

The force of the blow sent him hurtling backward, his body crashing into the side of the church with a resounding thud.

Archer stood up and shook his as he spat out some blood. After doing that he looked up to see the man was in bulky-looking armor and was holding a mace alongside a shield.

He scanned him quickly as excitement bubbled up inside him.


[Church Defender]

[Rank: Arch Maguc]

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As he saw the man's information a knowing smile curled his lips. Swift as a thought, Archer cast Blink and appeared behind Leofric.

His sharp claws stretched out like a predator's teeth as he slashed at the man. Leofric barely had a chance to react.

But it was a fake attack as he quickly cast Eldritch Blast at the man with a big smile on his face.

A blast of eerie, dark energy shot forth from Archer's hand, hurtling directly into the knight.

The spell crashed into Leofric's armor with such force that it tore it apart and sent him flying backward.

Archer grew even more excited as he reveled in the raw thrill of facing a formidable opponent.

He became distracted as Leofric appeared and sliced him on his scaleless chest,? A searing pain ignited across his chest as the blade found its mark.

Not letting him get the better, Archer lashed out with his tail and claws. The man defended as best as he could but he received so many injuries.

Leofric started slowly down as he managed to swipe the man's legs sending him crashing to the ground.

His anguished grunt was eclipsed only by the sound of the dying humans. But Archer didn't let him rest as his tail pierced the man's thigh.

The injured man screamed out in pain but was shut up as a fist collided with his face. Leofric was knocked unconscious.

With a swift gesture, Archer cast the injured man aside as if he were rubbish, discarded and forgotten.

The knight's body met the ground with a resounding crash. His battle with the commander had peaked, the tension in the air like a storm about to unleash.

Leofric refused to yield as he pushed himself up from the ground, his armor battered and scorched from the ferocity of their exchange.

With a pain-filled scream, he lunged at Archer once more, his sword gleaming with a desperate resolve.

Archer witnessed this and his smile grew wider. He drew in a deep breath, then released a mighty roar, unleashing a torrent of fire from his mouth.

A burst of scorching flames erupted from his mouth, a wave of fire that surged forward like a destructive force.

The air around him glowed with fiery intensity, and the ground shook as if the earth was reacting to the unleashed energy.

Violet flames surrounded Leofric, a blaze that devoured everything in its path—armor, flesh, and bone.

Terrified, the remaining knights attempted to flee, but their efforts were in vain.

Archer cast Element Bolts of fire, sending them hurtling like guided missiles toward the fleeing men.

The bolts found their targets unerringly, piercing through their bodies and causing them to collapse.

Amid the fallen bodies, Archer spared one knight's life. He approached the crawling figure with purpose.

He grabbed a hold of the man's broken leg and pulled him back, his violet eyes glowed as he spoke. ''Where's the Archbishop or the Bishops? Inside the church?''

The knight quickly nodded his head as he spoke. ''Once you started attacking the churches they fled to the central continent days ago.''

Upon hearing this, Archer's response was swift and decisive as he dispatched the knight with a final Eldritch Blast.

With the deed complete, he turned towards the girls, his face adorned with a broad smile.

''Happy with your revenge now?'' He asked them.

They all nodded and Ella spoke. ''We will head back to the domain but Teuila is staying with you until you leave.''

Archer nodded and turned away from them to cast Stone Warden to summon the little stone loot goblins.

He ordered them to go loot the church and inform him when they found the vault. Once he was done with that each girl apart from Teuila kissed him before returning.

The courtyard went quiet as the two made their way to the benches, when he sat down she grabbed him and kissed him passionately.

Archer was shocked at first but returned it. Not long after they separated and started to wait for the Stone Men.

An hour later, they came back bearing chests brimming with gold and gems. He quickly stored it all in his Item Box.

But before leaving he looked at the church and started getting angry when he remembered how injured Ella was.

He turned to Teuila and spoke with a massive grin. ''Step back princess this will be good.''

Archer pointed his hand at the church and cast Azur Cannon. The air around him crackled with an intensity that threatened to tear reality itself.

Archer's eyes blazed as a surge of mana flowed through him as he guided the beam toward the church.

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The beam pierced through the air, leaving a trail of iridescent brilliance in its wake. The moment the Azur Cannon connected with the church's walls, a cataclysmic explosion of energy erupted.

The impact unleashed an awe-inspiring shockwave that radiated outward, shaking the ground and rattling nearby structures.

Deafening thunder roared in the wake of the explosion, drowning out all other sounds.

In an instant, the church, once an imposing building within the capital, was consumed by the relentless force of the Azur Cannon.

Stone and wood broke apart, turning into fragments and debris that were swallowed by the fierce explosion.

Once Archer was done with the spell he cast Gate to the road outside the city and the two of them stepped through.

The sun was high in the sky as they walked toward the city like nothing happened.

[Thorin's POV]

He was flying on his carpet as he saw Starfall in the distance but could see smoke coming from the western part of the city.

When he saw that he mumbled to himself. ''Don't tell me the little shit attacked the church.''

Thorin accelerated, soaring above the city until he spotted a burnt ruin. It was the biggest church in Pluoria.

Surveying the area, he noticed fallen knights and signs of a fierce battle in the courtyard. But couldn't see the little shit anywhere.

He didn't know what to do so he descended to the ground and joined the royal guards who blocked off the scene.

When they saw him approach they bowed their heads, and Thorin quickly spoke. ''What happened here?''

The soldier explained that witnesses saw a white-haired boy enter the church then not long after explosions and screams could be heard.

They also told him that the priests and nuns told them there was a group of young women also attacking the knights.

When Thorin heard all this he sighed as he thought to himself as he walked away. 'I understand his problem with the church but they will go mad over this.'

He pulled out the communication artifact and contacted the emperor. ''Osoric. The boy attacked the Church of Light and destroyed it and I'm guessing he robbed them as well.''

After a couple of moments, he heard a voice. ''That was him! Bring the troublesome boy to the palace. He's been spotted approaching the city from the south, go get him. I've waited long enough.''

Thorin acknowledged the order and took off south to capture his nephew.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]